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Political Thread: The Sequel

So they're admitting the last 4 years ( that she was VP) have sucked. Weird but probably will work because so many of the electorate are low information voters. Believe a headline but never dig into the facts. There will be no policy change with this ticket, except even more liberal extremism.
The power of positive thinking sounds corny but is a real thing. I’ve been curious to see how they switch on a campaign with this little amount of time to Election Day. Pretty much assuming you won’t hear a bunch about policy until night 4 of the DNC then a bunch after along with interviews.

I heard someone mention it’s a “vibes” election and it hits the nail on the head. These political campaigns ebb and flow so quickly during a normal cycle we’re essentially seeing that turned up to 11 with her entering so late. Young people are just so tired of the negative politics. Tired of politicians being so old. Whether it lasts to the election is anyone’s guess but for now at least it’s the first bit of hope many have had since Obama was in office.
The power of positive thinking sounds corny but is a real thing. I’ve been curious to see how they switch on a campaign with this little amount of time to Election Day. Pretty much assuming you won’t hear a bunch about policy until night 4 of the DNC then a bunch after along with interviews.

I heard someone mention it’s a “vibes” election and it hits the nail on the head. These political campaigns ebb and flow so quickly during a normal cycle we’re essentially seeing that turned up to 11 with her entering so late. Young people are just so tired of the negative politics. Tired of politicians being so old. Whether it lasts to the election is anyone’s guess but for now at least it’s the first bit of hope many have had since Obama was in office.
First of all it really wasn't a short amount of time, they've known for months Biden would be forced out and Harris implemented. It was the plan
Second, it's scary that vibes are what young voters use to make voting decisions haha. They don't care about policies but who will hurt their feelings the least. Heckuva way to decide free world leader but it's where we find ourselves
First of all it really wasn't a short amount of time, they've known for months Biden would be forced out and Harris implemented. It was the plan
Second, it's scary that vibes are what young voters use to make voting decisions haha. They don't care about policies but who will hurt their feelings the least. Heckuva way to decide free world leader but it's where we find ourselves
That wasn’t the case at all based off all the complaining within the DNC over Biden’s lazy campaign. I don’t know all the details but certainly can see the scrambling that’s going on. None of this was planned in advance. The DNC is still in the process of being flipped upside down from what it was scheduled to be.

When young people turn out for elections that’s what makes them turn out. Broadly they don’t care about what older voters care about because they’re at such a different stage of life. The only time I remember some consistency is when I worked President Obama’s campaign in 2012. Ending the war in Iraq was a big deal and boosted both the young and old vote.
New buzz phrase for the gop must be "vested interest" because they have to try and normalize the crazy stuff Vance is pushing.
Why would it be trumpers that are flat earthers and not liberals?
Just seen some videos and articles where there seems to be several that do... Such as


And how easily several were duped into believing conspiracies like the election was stolen and the Jan 6 was a peaceful demonstration by patriots.

I forgot there was a separate thread on conspiracies... I'll take the question over there
Just seen some videos and articles where there seems to be several that do... Such as


And how easily several were duped into believing conspiracies like the election was stolen and the Jan 6 was a peaceful demonstration by patriots.

I forgot there was a separate thread on conspiracies... I'll take the question over there

Gotcha. So pretty much like the conspiracies accusing Trump of working with Russia and that whole circus that went on for years.
That wasn’t the case at all based off all the complaining within the DNC over Biden’s lazy campaign. I don’t know all the details but certainly can see the scrambling that’s going on. None of this was planned in advance. The DNC is still in the process of being flipped upside down from what it was scheduled to be.

When young people turn out for elections that’s what makes them turn out. Broadly they don’t care about what older voters care about because they’re at such a different stage of life. The only time I remember some consistency is when I worked President Obama’s campaign in 2012. Ending the war in Iraq was a big deal and boosted both the young and old vote.
Young people turn out to vote because of why?? They don't care about policies? They don't won't their feelings hurt? Tried to decipher that last paragraph but you lost me. Of course ending a war seems to be a good thing to consolidate around but earlier I thought it was a vibes election, no wonder low information young voters are easy to sway. They must be so confused, so vote for the vibing hip candidate??
Just seen some videos and articles where there seems to be several that do... Such as


And how easily several were duped into believing conspiracies like the election was stolen and the Jan 6 was a peaceful demonstration by patriots.

I forgot there was a separate thread on conspiracies... I'll take the question over there

Good grief 😔
Well... that thread (the conspiracy thread) is locked... so here's my question to any flat earthers be it Repub/Dem/Kennedy/Libertarian... whatever..
If you believe the earth is flat... what does your map of the earth look like?
Well... that thread (the conspiracy thread) is locked... so here's my question to any flat earthers be it Repub/Dem/Kennedy/Libertarian... whatever..
If you believe the earth is flat... what does your map of the earth look like?
I will never post in this thread again if there is a flat earther on here that is voting for Trump
Hey how many of you MAGA Trumpers on here are also flat-earthers? I know there has to be at least a couple or maybe more. Let me know because I have a serious question for you that I’ve always wondered about from your perspective
I wish the earth were flat, it would only prove the existence of God.
For me, it wasn't really clear at all that Biden was going to end up dropping out until I was hearing about donors withholding funds (and even then, I was uncertain because it is a crazy thing to occur). It was really just Republicans saying so.

I'll give credit and say there's a catch here, Republicans got this one completely right...and at this point with what I'm seeing, may end up seriously paying for being right here.

I'm still not convinced that Harris wins, but she has the momentum, and it feels like the base case right now has shifted to close election in November, when last month, it was pretty much "Trump has it in the bag."
Well... that thread (the conspiracy thread) is locked... so here's my question to any flat earthers be it Repub/Dem/Kennedy/Libertarian... whatever..
If you believe the earth is flat... what does your map of the earth look like?
Nobody here believes that mess and you know it