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Political Thread: The Sequel

States have different conditions. Maternity leave in GA is six weeks and paternity is four, I think. Any company offering less than 14 days of PTO per year is going to have a hard time recruiting good talent.
That’s really something that ought to be a national standard I think. Put everyone on the same playing field.
What are you going to do when they come after Obergefell decision? Thats not being a smart ass, I am legit asking.
They won't touch that. The black panther and LBGTQ community are so intertwined since stonewall, I just can't see that happening. Hopefully I'm not wrong.
I'm not ashamed to be Gay.
I'm not implying that you are ashamed. I'm just wondering why it's important for you to let everyone know about this very personal and private part of your personality. I've seen Christians use this tactic, too. It's like, "I'm not ashamed to be a follower of Christ. If you are interested about it, come talk to me." It's a method of recruitment. Is it the same with homosexuals? Is it a message to other homosexuals, that might be ashamed, to reach out and make a new connection? If you had not informed us, the readers, that you like homosexual sex, we would have assumed you were likely to be straight, since most people are. Does it bother homosexuals if they are assumed to be straight in public? I have friends that I know engage in, and whom I strongly suspect most likely engage in,
homosexual sex. I don't treat them any differently because the topic is never discussed.

Just curious and you don't have to respond if this is too personal, I don't mean for it to be about you, individually. I've seen this behavior from other homosexuals online posting about things not pertaining to human sexuality, necessarily.

Oh, so now I thought about this in a different way. If I were to walk in to a bar known to be frequented by homosexuals, order a Founders Scotch Ale and watch the World Cup, everyone in there would assume I was gay, right? I wonder if I would go ahead and announce that I'm a straight dude with a thirst for a beer and this looked like a good place to partake and rest a minute. This would preclude the occupants from asking certain things from me, I suspect. Maybe this is why homosexuals announce their preferences? That way people don't ask about how your wife and kids are doing?

Maybe I would need to order a Bud Light instead...
Please refresh yourself with the form rules
Yeah, I saw the "hate speech" rule and thought that will be the one to take this thread down for sure! There is just speech, hate speech is not a thing. There is unprotected 1st amendment speech, though, like slander, libel, meaningful direct threats to life or property, etc.