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Political Thread: The Sequel

Gosh. Everything is a mess. As a woman I have never seen so many men if any, being so worried about abortion rights for women or "women's health". I've been pondering this for a few days. Certainly not the best either of saying what I'm trying to say. In my experience men really didn't pay any attention to the woman side of things. Natural. So why all of a sudden are men so worried about it? Is it because, as stated, it's the only thing the left has to run on? Or is it to protect themselves? I am in no way implying that men don't care about their wives or daughter. This seems to be another issue. An agenda. I mean back in the day the only thing boys/men cared about was NOT getting a phone call after an oopsie. Past that, nothing ever said. Does that make sense? Just to note, if the left (extremist type) wants to keep pushing the abortion it's going to go to another level of what is to be exposed about it. The industry of it all, money and sickening stuff.
Having a wife and daughters has made me realize what I thought I knew did not fit neatly into how the world actually is. You think otherwise and that’s fine. I don’t judge you.

The emotional back and forth of the abortion debate tends to make us forget that real people bear the consequences of whichever direction we choose. Outlawing it simply shifts the burden to a different set of people but doesn’t reduce it. The subject of women’s healthcare has been eye opening for me these last 15+ years. What restrictive and punitive abortion laws do is subject them to what amounts to second class care of all kinds until proven not pregnant. In some cases second class care on the possibility they may become pregnant. These are real issues not imaginary.

I don’t want my doctor or anyone’s doctor needing to consult the legal department to determine if an emergency situation meets the criteria of “emergency enough” to prioritize care of a woman over her unborn child when she’s made her choice.
This is gobbledegook. Of course it's emotional. I strongly agree with you there. But the difficulty of emotional decisions is part of life. Dealing with consequences is part of life. If we have a problem with the medical system, then let's fix the medical system. You don't just start killing everything in site because things are too emotional or too hard. I mean, what is there to even debate about?
Gosh. Everything is a mess. As a woman I have never seen so many men if any, being so worried about abortion rights for women or "women's health". I've been pondering this for a few days. Certainly not the best either of saying what I'm trying to say. In my experience men really didn't pay any attention to the woman side of things. Natural. So why all of a sudden are men so worried about it? Is it because, as stated, it's the only thing the left has to run on? Or is it to protect themselves? I am in no way implying that men don't care about their wives or daughter. This seems to be another issue. An agenda. I mean back in the day the only thing boys/men cared about was NOT getting a phone call after an oopsie. Past that, nothing ever said. Does that make sense? Just to note, if the left (extremist type) wants to keep pushing the abortion it's going to go to another level of what is to be exposed about it. The industry of it all, money and sickening stuff.
For some people, it's always been an issue because it's about life and the value we, as a society, place on life. If we life in a world where God exists, then abortion is an absolute moral wrong. If God does not exist, then nothing matters. I think the issue of abortion has risen to the forefront because of the political environment over the last several years. And now everybody and their brother has an opinion, and who knows what drives all of those various opinions.

I reject the idea that it's a women's rights issue. It is a societal issue. It is a moral issue. It is something we are going to have to stand before God and address. That's my belief and I know that puts me in at odds with others. And while I absolutely respect the right of others to have an opinion, I will disagree. That's where I'm coming from anyway.
Gosh. Everything is a mess. As a woman I have never seen so many men if any, being so worried about abortion rights for women or "women's health". I've been pondering this for a few days. Certainly not the best either of saying what I'm trying to say. In my experience men really didn't pay any attention to the woman side of things. Natural. So why all of a sudden are men so worried about it? Is it because, as stated, it's the only thing the left has to run on? Or is it to protect themselves? I am in no way implying that men don't care about their wives or daughter. This seems to be another issue. An agenda. I mean back in the day the only thing boys/men cared about was NOT getting a phone call after an oopsie. Past that, nothing ever said. Does that make sense? Just to note, if the left (extremist type) wants to keep pushing the abortion it's going to go to another level of what is to be exposed about it. The industry of it all, money and sickening stuff.
I have said this many times....Everyone has a line in the sand when it comes to subjects like this. I have a daughter as well and had to think long and hard about what I would feel if she were raped so I found my line in the sand. I would prefer 8 weeks but could probably live at 12 weeks. If we were smart we would make birth control free and put in a clause that no taxpayer money is to be used for any abortion. Unfortunately I don't trust the extremist ends of the uni party to compromise on this in the current climate
Gosh. Everything is a mess. As a woman I have never seen so many men if any, being so worried about abortion rights for women or "women's health". I've been pondering this for a few days. Certainly not the best either of saying what I'm trying to say. In my experience men really didn't pay any attention to the woman side of things. Natural. So why all of a sudden are men so worried about it? Is it because, as stated, it's the only thing the left has to run on? Or is it to protect themselves? I am in no way implying that men don't care about their wives or daughter. This seems to be another issue. An agenda. I mean back in the day the only thing boys/men cared about was NOT getting a phone call after an oopsie. Past that, nothing ever said. Does that make sense? Just to note, if the left (extremist type) wants to keep pushing the abortion it's going to go to another level of what is to be exposed about it. The industry of it all, money and sickening stuff.
Oh this is an easy one. Duh I could care less about abortion it’s a slippery slope. The next is banning more websites not just p hub.Taking away American rights gotta stop.Next will be banning weight loss drugs. Or cosmetic surgery for men that have a bad nose etc. it’s the land of the free…not just for the rich who can go out of the country to get their abortion. Women do not belong in the kitchen. They belong in front of church as preachers. They should be allowed to drive. I could go on
Oh this is an easy one. Duh I could care less about abortion it’s a slippery slope. The next is banning more websites not just p hub.Taking away American rights gotta stop.Next will be banning weight loss drugs. Or cosmetic surgery for men that have a bad nose etc. it’s the land of the free…not just for the rich who can go out of the country to get their abortion. Women do not belong in the kitchen. They belong in front of church as preachers. They should be allowed to drive. I could go on
It’s silly to compare abortion to weight loss drugs and cosmetic surgery. Abortion involves the life of an innocent unborn baby.
Next you will say you are ok with Kamala being forced to sit in the back of the bus
You're not even trying. That's a ridiculous thing to say. How in the world are people ever going to communicate and be just regular people trying to live regular lives when the basis of a conversation is something so out there? Are you really being serious?
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Oh this is an easy one. Duh I could care less about abortion it’s a slippery slope. The next is banning more websites not just p hub.Taking away American rights gotta stop.Next will be banning weight loss drugs. Or cosmetic surgery for men that have a bad nose etc. it’s the land of the free…not just for the rich who can go out of the country to get their abortion. Women do not belong in the kitchen. They belong in front of church as preachers. They should be allowed to drive. I could go on
Nodobys to baninng you waitless drug,, dub! You phubs is trash it why you typing all mushed up you cannot to typ when you watch ING phubs

Yo can having all the cosmic surgeon you wanting it don't to not
We not to caring what you to looking on phubs

Don't every to making any dam since
Nodobys to baninng you waitless drug,, dub! You phubs is trash it why you typing all mushed up you cannot to typ when you watch ING phubs

Yo can having all the cosmic surgeon you wanting it don't to not
We not to caring what you to looking on phubs

Don't every to making any dam since
Yes exactly. We need more women in secret service, governorship, congress, etc. Exct Virginia Foxx got to go!
Nodobys to baninng you waitless drug,, dub! You phubs is trash it why you typing all mushed up you cannot to typ when you watch ING phubs

Yo can having all the cosmic surgeon you wanting it don't to not
We not to caring what you to looking on phubs

Don't every to making any dam since
I don't know what the hell this means, but it's the post of the day!
When’s the last time we had an average, ordinary American in office this high? Idk I like this guy . A teacher, middle class, does how to videos, idk y’all this man seems dope… I mean what’s the alternative ? A Wall Street dope like Vance? A corrupt billionaire? If we could have a different pres on the ticket with walz it would be amazing. His net worth is less than the average Americans… republicans y’all can’t call yourself the party of the people when your two presidential candidates are deep state Wall Street ass holes… walz is the real deal
