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Political Thread: The Sequel

I grow my own strain in the greenhouse but my wife's family raises beef and all this rain and humidity I can go out at night and fill up a bucket from the cow dung!
This stuff has been out about 10 years. I saw it probably close to that long ago. It was banned from being put out in public but a NY judge just made it ok to do so. So..in a normal world, who would one think would be in trouble? The perpetrators or the journalist? This isn't satire. The journalist is who Kamala came after and is still facing a prison sentence. Everybody can argue on if a woman has a right to have an abortion and at what times of gestation should she have the right while all along it is a gazillion dollar industry that cares nothing about a women's rights. Has nothing to do with that all. These people are sick. It's time to talk about the big picture and our children.
That's right a heartbeat at 6 weeks doesn't mean anything.
The whole discussion about when life begins is so strange to me. It is so obvious. If we found a bacterium or microbe on the moon the only thing people would say is "life found on the moon, we're not alone" Many of the same people promoting abortion would use it to say "see there's other life out there, no need for God, etc." No one would care that the life may not be sentient or that it can't talk. In any other situation, we always say something like, "if there's any chance a person is alive then we should do all we can." If a pregnant woman is attacked and the baby dies we can rightfully charge that person with murder.

Most pregnant mother's already see the child they are carrying as their baby and we have a whole centers for prenatal care. I have known many mothers to have miscarriages and have seen the sadness of losing their child and knowing that they will never get to know them. We have known a baby in the womb is a life since the beginning of time. As soon as 2 living cells come together in the uterus there is a living growing life that should be given the value it deserves. As I and RC have said before in this thread; the only way to justify abortion (in a supporter's mind) is to deny it's human value. That is what questions like "when does life begin or when is it viable" are designed to do; to remove a baby's humanity. It is unbelievable to me.
The whole discussion about when life begins is so strange to me. It is so obvious. If we found a bacterium or microbe on the moon the only thing people would say is "life found on the moon, we're not alone" Many of the same people promoting abortion would use it to say "see there's other life out there, no need for God, etc." No one would care that the life may not be sentient or that it can't talk. In any other situation, we always say something like, "if there's any chance a person is alive then we should do all we can." If a pregnant woman is attacked and the baby dies we can rightfully charge that person with murder.

Most pregnant mother's already see the child they are carrying as their baby and we have a whole centers for prenatal care. I have known many mothers to have miscarriages and have seen the sadness of losing their child and knowing that they will never get to know them. We have known a baby in the womb is a life since the beginning of time. As soon as 2 living cells come together in the uterus there is a living growing life that should be given the value it deserves. As I and RC have said before in this thread; the only way to justify abortion (in a supporter's mind) is to deny it's human value. That is what questions like "when does life begin or when is it viable" are designed to do; to remove a baby's humanity. It is unbelievable to me.
As a spiritual gnostic it comes down to consciousness for me. When does the conscious soul enter the body. I don't have that answer yet in my ever evolving spiritual journey hence my line in the sand. A also believe in reincarnation and karma so I have to factor that in as well. Our bodies are just a meat suit, a very complicated, highly evolved meat suit with a quantum computer between our ears but our soul is created by the highest. I don't think a soul comes into this life with a plan to be aborted but like I said, it's a tough topic......
Gosh. Everything is a mess. As a woman I have never seen so many men if any, being so worried about abortion rights for women or "women's health". I've been pondering this for a few days. Certainly not the best either of saying what I'm trying to say. In my experience men really didn't pay any attention to the woman side of things. Natural. So why all of a sudden are men so worried about it? Is it because, as stated, it's the only thing the left has to run on? Or is it to protect themselves? I am in no way implying that men don't care about their wives or daughter. This seems to be another issue. An agenda. I mean back in the day the only thing boys/men cared about was NOT getting a phone call after an oopsie. Past that, nothing ever said. Does that make sense? Just to note, if the left (extremist type) wants to keep pushing the abortion it's going to go to another level of what is to be exposed about it. The industry of it all, money and sickening stuff.
I can only speak for myself. I’m almost 40 so prime millennial generation. I saw how men (baby boomer age) treated women and told myself I’d never be that way. My grandparents were unbelievably kind to one another and others. Traditional yes, but always respectful. Don’t mistake me for condemning an entire generation because I’m not. I can only point to all the negative interactions I’ve noticed over the years from men that just happened to be my fathers age towards women of all ages.

Many of us were influenced by teachers, officials etc of the generation between us and our parents so perhaps there’s some truth there that these things skip a generation.
The whole discussion about when life begins is so strange to me. It is so obvious. If we found a bacterium or microbe on the moon the only thing people would say is "life found on the moon, we're not alone" Many of the same people promoting abortion would use it to say "see there's other life out there, no need for God, etc." No one would care that the life may not be sentient or that it can't talk. In any other situation, we always say something like, "if there's any chance a person is alive then we should do all we can." If a pregnant woman is attacked and the baby dies we can rightfully charge that person with murder.

Most pregnant mother's already see the child they are carrying as their baby and we have a whole centers for prenatal care. I have known many mothers to have miscarriages and have seen the sadness of losing their child and knowing that they will never get to know them. We have known a baby in the womb is a life since the beginning of time. As soon as 2 living cells come together in the uterus there is a living growing life that should be given the value it deserves. As I and RC have said before in this thread; the only way to justify abortion (in a supporter's mind) is to deny it's human value. That is what questions like "when does life begin or when is it viable" are designed to do; to remove a baby's humanity. It is unbelievable to me.
I would like to add a point about valuing life. When my wife was pregnant with our first that initial 18 week-ish period was seemingly touch and go every week for this or that. The child growing was already loved and valued tremendously by us both. We also had to have frank conversations on “if” things went downhill for my wife’s health. It’s a terrible conversation to have but at no point did either of us give a second thought to not prioritizing her (wife’s) health. In the end things turned out okay.
Had an interesting conversation with a veternarian friend who I went to college with and who is my dogs vet. I mentioned that I had seen all kinds of posts on the neighborhood forum about animals being abandoned, and online posts from shelters about being at capacity and praying for people to adopt the animals. She said she has never seen it this bad. People are giving up or abandoning their pets because they have to make a choice feed their family or feed their pets. This to me is a sign that times are indeed bad.
Had an interesting conversation with a veternarian friend who I went to college with and who is my dogs vet. I mentioned that I had seen all kinds of posts on the neighborhood forum about animals being abandoned, and online posts from shelters about being at capacity and praying for people to adopt the animals. She said she has never seen it this bad. People are giving up or abandoning their pets because they have to make a choice feed their family or feed their pets. This to me is a sign that times are indeed bad.
I’ve heard that too and just have a hard time believing it. It honestly sounds more like COVID pets people have gotten tired of.
I’ve heard that too and just have a hard time believing it. It honestly sounds more like COVID pets people have gotten tired of.
I’m not sure the reason why they got them would matter as to the reason why they’re giving them up.
Had an interesting conversation with a veternarian friend who I went to college with and who is my dogs vet. I mentioned that I had seen all kinds of posts on the neighborhood forum about animals being abandoned, and online posts from shelters about being at capacity and praying for people to adopt the animals. She said she has never seen it this bad. People are giving up or abandoning their pets because they have to make a choice feed their family or feed their pets. This to me is a sign that times are indeed bad.
There is a LOT of that going on where I live and it tears me up inside. Most of the people who are abandoning these animals had no business with one to begin with. I could never do that, not in a million years
Had an interesting conversation with a veternarian friend who I went to college with and who is my dogs vet. I mentioned that I had seen all kinds of posts on the neighborhood forum about animals being abandoned, and online posts from shelters about being at capacity and praying for people to adopt the animals. She said she has never seen it this bad. People are giving up or abandoning their pets because they have to make a choice feed their family or feed their pets. This to me is a sign that times are indeed bad.
Its nothing new in Alabama, been an epidemic of abandoned "pets" for decades, but it has little to do with the economy. Its ignorant people not getting their pets spayed or neutered.