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Political Thread: The Sequel

I hope you're trolling. Awful ideas
He is not off base. My sister has a Doctorate in Chemistry. However she lacks street smarts and wisdom. High IQ individual but not wise in the ways of the world. Does not make her a bad person she just requires direction occasionally.
He is not off base. My sister has a Doctorate in Chemistry. However she lacks street smarts and wisdom. High IQ individual but not wise in the ways of the world. Does not make her a bad person she just requires direction occasionally.
I'm talking about the voting reqs. Only rich and old people can vote? Democracy amiright

You guys should do some research on things before you post them.....first this was in the UK, they are released but the investigation is ongoing and they could still face charges, they were beaten as they lay on the ground by officers that are now suspended...

Education doesn't increase IQ, it only unlocks it. Exercise has been shown to prevent its decline as you age, by the way. You will always have a minority of high IQ people, but that doesn't make them wise. You can be a high IQ fool, so I don't think restricting voting based on IQ will work. Something like land ownership, raise the age to 35 and/or military service would work.
Screw up the nation's freedoms pushing people to sign up against their will or go do life-threatening activities with wars, collusion to prevent land ownership due to price increases, and significantly decrease the freedoms of everyone over 18 and under 35, further making the next generations dependent on their parents is a recipe for disaster. We shouldn't be making the issue worse.
I'm Gay and I'm voting for Trump. The whole tampon bathroom thing is outrageous.
Why tell people you're gay? Why does it matter? I'm reclaiming the word meaning of "happy" and not a slang term for homosexual. Why do homosexuals insist on telling people, especially online, about their sexual preferences? This isn't a dating site. Heterosexuals don't go around saying that they're straight.
He is not off base. My sister has a Doctorate in Chemistry. However she lacks street smarts and wisdom. High IQ individual but not wise in the ways of the world. Does not make her a bad person she just requires direction occasionally.
People are intelligent in different ways, which is why an IQ test would never work as it assesses a limited scope of intelligence. Cultural differences could also make perceived intelligence seem lower or higher.
Sure....I mean are you not trying to do the same thing, you want abortions outlawed based on when you interpret life to begin right?
Oh my here we go again. I want states to have that right so no matter when we think life begins we can assimilate with like minded people.
Screw up the nation's freedoms pushing people to sign up against their will or go do life-threatening activities with wars, collusion to prevent land ownership due to price increases, and significantly decrease the freedoms of everyone over 18 and under 35, further making the next generations dependent on their parents is a recipe for disaster. We shouldn't be making the issue worse.
How do we get people to stop voting for tyrannical Marxists who promise an ever expanding freedom to do whatever you want paid for by your dad's taxes?
I hope you're trolling. Awful ideas
You need a vested interest in the country to vote. Right now, you have an uninterested population of mostly young people voting in freebies for themselves from the assets of those that have worked for them all their lives. It is not a fair system.
Why tell people you're gay? Why does it matter? I'm reclaiming the word meaning of "happy" and not a slang term for homosexual. Why do homosexuals insist on telling people, especially online, about their sexual preferences? This isn't a dating site. Heterosexuals don't go around saying that they're straight.
You are gay
You need a vested interest in the country to vote. Right now, you have an uninterested population of mostly young people voting in freebies for themselves from the assets of those that have worked for them all their lives. It is not a fair system.
Hold up. Does this include red state moochers? If your state doesnt put in at least as much as it takes, you dont get to vote.

I am so excited we're about to disenfranchise flyover america.
How do we get people to stop voting for tyrannical Marxists who promise an ever expanding freedom to do whatever you want paid for by your dad's taxes?
Not keep creating a world worse than the previous generation had it. Cost of living to income across the board is worse with harder work put in. You can't look at a few cherry picked examples of young people and say it's everyone either. Facts are facts, it's more difficult to be financially independent and stable today than it was 20 to 40 years ago.
You need a vested interest in the country to vote. Right now, you have an uninterested population of mostly young people voting in freebies for themselves from the assets of those that have worked for them all their lives. It is not a fair system.
In a way I understand as my money is subject to what someone else wants to do with it. Certainly don’t live my life that way, I decide where my money goes. We do need public service among other things. But yes, I wish all here had a vested interest. Some people just live and take from others. Wonder who they vote for…
Walz is almost too masculine for me. All the hunting and guns and ----. I understand he getting a lot of rust belt state hunters and army guys but he not my dream candidate.