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Political Thread: The Sequel

We're a week and a few days away from the DNC in Chicago and it's looking more and more like it will be 4 days of positivity from the Harris/Walz campaign. They've made a conscious choice to go this route instead of the doom and gloom of Biden's failed effort. It does appear that Biden will get a proper sendoff at the convention which I think is a good idea. Let the old man have his moment and he doesn't need to mention Trump at all. Just talk about the highlights.

Some have said the RNC and Trump campaign have floundered since Harris took over the ticket and while I think that's true, I don't think it's the main reason they're struggling with messaging. What they did not anticipate is the sudden shift of the D ticket to one of positivity. Not so much positivity that winning is a guarantee, but positivity in a forward looking sense. 2016 was all about Hillary "breaking the glass ceiling" but if you've noticed that's been absent from this campaign and for good reason. Harris is purposely not making it all about her race or gender, the Rs are doing all that for her.
Well the majority of the public want the freedom to abort. Whoever’s side is pro abortion will win. Even the rich and republicans are coming out and telling us abortions for me but not for theee. I know there’s fights and other issues but abortion is the number one issue for women to decide this election for us. Blame the Supreme Court or should I say Trump.
Tells ya all you need to know, when the freedom to murder unborn children is the deciding factor. We are doomed
Tells ya all you need to know, when the freedom to murder unborn children is the deciding factor. We are doomed
Na we’ll be fine.

Related to this though is a very curious thing. Harris in particular is making a very convincing case for flipping the “big government” script on the Rs. Listen to her speech from Eau Claire Wisconsin. Framing state Rs as big government for “telling people what to do” is good campaign messaging. It isn’t a long winded statement and actually hits home pretty hard in states where R legislatures are passing these abortion bans.

Watch this space. This ain’t the same Kamala from the previous primary cycle.
So we have a felon, slut, couch ------, and tampon delivery boy running for president / VP. Love politics. Good times.
A felon because laws not followed to convict
A man slut because we are human and evil is always right around the corner

On the other hand we have child groomers mentality ill ppl who don't understand common knowledge and refuse the see reality. And i'll say in their own words love the smell of burning during riots. Who are advocating the over throw of a elected official. Who also are saying your free speech shouldn't be protected.

O which side will I ever choose. LoL
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Oh I'm already warning people don't be surprised if she wins. She ain't Biden
Good for them. If its truthfully 50.0001%+ that want socialism on steroids and Government policing their speech etc. Have at it. It want change my reason and purpose on earth, while Im still down here, regardless of who wins.

I just hope folks realize what they are forever forefitting. There will be no turning back.

Just look at the household finances. We can put all the social agenda, Wok wish list,infatuation with having Abortion on demand to the side.
Do you seriously think your gonna pay less for Groceries,Transportation, and Housing? Its not gonna get more affordable folks. Your wages have plateued. The gap between your bring home income and the weekly cost,just for those 3 items listed above is gonna grow wider apart, be harder to afford.
Then theres this. Guess what expires in 2025. Trump tax cuts. Not only on you individually, but the business you work for, if its a private business not government. Business's Will have to pay 20% higher taxes to the feds. What do you think those business are gonna do? Let me help you They will lay some folks off, be handicapped and not be able to pay employees still on the payroll higher wages. Plus they will raise prices of their goods, that you purchase, so they can offset lost revenue.
A lot of Folks have no clue how hard and challenging it is to keep cash flow on hand to run a business. From the insurance, payroll taxes,Employee health premiums, employee wages,overhead and cost of raw materials to make goods. Its usually 3 months after you send off your finished goods , before you get your money back. E- commerce with end customer excluded.
Anyway, as has been stated, Venezuela is a prine example of whats unfolding here in America. Its non sustainable folks. But I guess as long as we have abortion on demand and keep the Dukes of Hazard off Tv, dont mention anything about Jesus. Thats the new Generation's American Dream.
What do you think is going to happen with the 35 TRILLION dollar defeict we owe? The interest alone is more than our annual defense budget.
I can tell you the plan and why you never hear it discussed. Cause its truly should be the most important issue. They dont care if it crashes. Cause when it does, they will gain even more power and control over you,me,all of us via Digital Currency ran from a centralized fed controlled bank. That pretty green paper with presidential faces on it will be as worthless and desired as used Toliet papper.
They are promoting Fear and Division to gain power. If you identify as a Alphabet soup person, minority,christian, rural voter. It doesnt matter They are using you to gain power and will Dump you and your causes the moment they dont need a vote from you any longer. Current prime example is the slap in the face of women over title IV from the left and working class man from the GOP Establishment up in DC with all the Global pacs,treaties etc..
Ill keep on voicing,warning folks till the election in November. Hope Mark Robinson,Trump pull it off. Netheir one is perfect, no one is. But they arent part of the political Establishment. Buyer be ware, what you are signing up for.
Good for them. If its truthfully 50.0001%+ that want socialism on steroids and Government policing their speech etc. Have at it. It want change my reason and purpose on earth, while Im still down here, regardless of who wins.

I just hope folks realize what they are forever forefitting. There will be no turning back.

Just look at the household finances. We can put all the social agenda, Wok wish list,infatuation with having Abortion on demand to the side.
Do you seriously think your gonna pay less for Groceries,Transportation, and Housing? Its not gonna get more affordable folks. Your wages have plateued. The gap between your bring home income and the weekly cost,just for those 3 items listed above is gonna grow wider apart, be harder to afford.
Then theres this. Guess what expires in 2025. Trump tax cuts. Not only on you individually, but the business you work for, if its a private business not government. Business's Will have to pay 20% higher taxes to the feds. What do you think those business are gonna do? Let me help you They will lay some folks off, be handicapped and not be able to pay employees still on the payroll higher wages. Plus they will raise prices of their goods, that you purchase, so they can offset lost revenue.
A lot of Folks have no clue how hard and challenging it is to keep cash flow on hand to run a business. From the insurance, payroll taxes,Employee health premiums, employee wages,overhead and cost of raw materials to make goods. Its usually 3 months after you send off your finished goods , before you get your money back. E- commerce with end customer excluded.
Anyway, as has been stated, Venezuela is a prine example of whats unfolding here in America. Its non sustainable folks. But I guess as long as we have abortion on demand and keep the Dukes of Hazard off Tv, dont mention anything about Jesus. Thats the new Generation's American Dream.
What do you think is going to happen with the 35 TRILLION dollar defeict we owe? The interest alone is more than our annual defense budget.
I can tell you the plan and why you never hear it discussed. Cause its truly should be the most important issue. They dont care if it crashes. Cause when it does, they will gain even more power and control over you,me,all of us via Digital Currency ran from a centralized fed controlled bank. That pretty green paper with presidential faces on it will be as worthless and desired as used Toliet papper.
They are promoting Fear and Division to gain power. If you identify as a Alphabet soup person, minority,christian, rural voter. It doesnt matter They are using you to gain power and will Dump you and your causes the moment they dont need a vote from you any longer. Current prime example is the slap in the face of women over title IV from the left and working class man from the GOP Establishment up in DC with all the Global pacs,treaties etc..
Ill keep on voicing,warning folks till the election in November. Hope Mark Robinson,Trump pull it off. Netheir one is perfect, no one is. But they arent part of the political Establishment. Buyer be ware, what you are signing up for.
Your right man ppl only see the party lines
When their own interests and the countries interests should be #1 and #2
Hey folks put your damn phones down and go outside take a breath

Beat that dead horse
Na we’ll be fine.

Related to this though is a very curious thing. Harris in particular is making a very convincing case for flipping the “big government” script on the Rs. Listen to her speech from Eau Claire Wisconsin. Framing state Rs as big government for “telling people what to do” is good campaign messaging. It isn’t a long winded statement and actually hits home pretty hard in states where R legislatures are passing these abortion bans.

Watch this space. This ain’t the same Kamala from the previous primary cycle.
It's the same Kamala, words might change, actions don't.
A felon because laws not followed to convect
A man slut because we are human and evil is always right around the corner

On the other hand we have child groomers mentality ill ppl who don't understand common knowledge and refuse the see reality. And i'll say in their own words love the smell of burning during riots. Who are advocating the over throw of a elected official. Who also are saying your free speech shouldn't be protected.

O which side will I ever choose. LoL
I hope English isn’t your first language
It's not I've said this many times and fully admit..I'm not very smart. Tons of common sense but writing skills lacking

At least I know my flaws

Did you pay for education?
You are smart. Common sense is worth more than any paid education. Picking on peoples writing skills is a go to for the left. They like to pick. Ignore
Well my bad then
Could careless man
That's the point of free speech and ideas.
Feelings shouldn't be hurt so easily. We all have weaknesses and strengths.
Believe me I'm really trying extra hard teaching my kids to navigate the world we are moving toward.
Do the best you can give 100% when it's not enough give 120%
An interesting observation from the 2020 election is the margin of victory on a county basis. Using SC as an example below its expected to see big D margins in Columbia/Charleston but the margins of victory in places like Greenville County is a bit of a head scratcher until you look at population growth and who exactly has been buying up all these thousands of new homes. The same is true for Horry County and Berkeley/Dorchester. These counties have seen a huge influx of Conservatives via internal migration from other parts of the country. On average these transplants are less religious but more politically conservative than the native Republicans (or at least vote that way) and we see that reflected in the huge margins of victory for Trump in 2020 in those places. Outside the high growth counties, the split is much more even, and the smaller dots indicate smaller margins of victory for Ds or Rs.

What I hope to see and what I think we'll see this cycle and going forward is a renewed effort by the Ds to listen to rural voters and try to re-capture some of what's been lost since 2012. The Walz VP pick was not for that reason but certainly is a part of it. There are a lot of rural R voters that aren't particularly happy with Trump especially in the agriculture sector. It's a bit of an open question whether or not those that aren't aging out of the electorate will turn out for a R ticket in 2028. Walz needs to get out to these rural counties and be visible even if it doesn't pay dividends this election. Obama had success with this in his Senate and Presidential runs because he saw that rural voters by and large don't know and don't care what goes on in the big metros.

View attachment 149769
Don't Agree with the synopsis but I like the information.
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Good for them. If its truthfully 50.0001%+ that want socialism on steroids and Government policing their speech etc. Have at it. It want change my reason and purpose on earth, while Im still down here, regardless of who wins.

I just hope folks realize what they are forever forefitting. There will be no turning back.

Just look at the household finances. We can put all the social agenda, Wok wish list,infatuation with having Abortion on demand to the side.
Do you seriously think your gonna pay less for Groceries,Transportation, and Housing? Its not gonna get more affordable folks. Your wages have plateued. The gap between your bring home income and the weekly cost,just for those 3 items listed above is gonna grow wider apart, be harder to afford.
Then theres this. Guess what expires in 2025. Trump tax cuts. Not only on you individually, but the business you work for, if its a private business not government. Business's Will have to pay 20% higher taxes to the feds. What do you think those business are gonna do? Let me help you They will lay some folks off, be handicapped and not be able to pay employees still on the payroll higher wages. Plus they will raise prices of their goods, that you purchase, so they can offset lost revenue.
A lot of Folks have no clue how hard and challenging it is to keep cash flow on hand to run a business. From the insurance, payroll taxes,Employee health premiums, employee wages,overhead and cost of raw materials to make goods. Its usually 3 months after you send off your finished goods , before you get your money back. E- commerce with end customer excluded.
Anyway, as has been stated, Venezuela is a prine example of whats unfolding here in America. Its non sustainable folks. But I guess as long as we have abortion on demand and keep the Dukes of Hazard off Tv, dont mention anything about Jesus. Thats the new Generation's American Dream.
What do you think is going to happen with the 35 TRILLION dollar defeict we owe? The interest alone is more than our annual defense budget.
I can tell you the plan and why you never hear it discussed. Cause its truly should be the most important issue. They dont care if it crashes. Cause when it does, they will gain even more power and control over you,me,all of us via Digital Currency ran from a centralized fed controlled bank. That pretty green paper with presidential faces on it will be as worthless and desired as used Toliet papper.
They are promoting Fear and Division to gain power. If you identify as a Alphabet soup person, minority,christian, rural voter. It doesnt matter They are using you to gain power and will Dump you and your causes the moment they dont need a vote from you any longer. Current prime example is the slap in the face of women over title IV from the left and working class man from the GOP Establishment up in DC with all the Global pacs,treaties etc..
Ill keep on voicing,warning folks till the election in November. Hope Mark Robinson,Trump pull it off. Netheir one is perfect, no one is. But they arent part of the political Establishment. Buyer be ware, what you are signing up for.
Let me present an alternate view. We had Trump in office for 4 years as an “outsider.” He wasn’t in all reality but that isn’t what we’re discussing. By all accounts the man made no effort to learn how our government functions, why it does what it does or even the role of his own branch of government. His original batch of cabinet level appointments were a mix of insiders and outsiders. He appointed one outsider as our Secretary of State who turned out to be so ill-suited for the role it created so much diplomatic friction even Mike Pompeo (who was suited for the role) couldn’t straighten it out.

In my opinion having political outsiders run the show was a failure. That doesn’t mean I support the majority of our elected leaders, only that I’ve seen and can envision again a scenario that’s actually worse.

Many of our elected officials don’t represent us because our elections process is broken. Not our system of government. Whether it’s closed primaries leading to far right or far left candidates being chosen or Congressional reapportionment being 50 years overdue there are lots of things to point at. Electing one man won’t fix it but he (or she depending on your view) can certainly make it worse. If we push our leaders to fix these problems I believe we’ll all feel better represented and see a more efficient and capable government than what we have now.
Let me present an alternate view. We had Trump in office for 4 years as an “outsider.” He wasn’t in all reality but that isn’t what we’re discussing. By all accounts the man made no effort to learn how our government functions, why it does what it does or even the role of his own branch of government. His original batch of cabinet level appointments were a mix of insiders and outsiders. He appointed one outsider as our Secretary of State who turned out to be so ill-suited for the role it created so much diplomatic friction even Mike Pompeo (who was suited for the role) couldn’t straighten it out.

In my opinion having political outsiders run the show was a failure. That doesn’t mean I support the majority of our elected leaders, only that I’ve seen and can envision again a scenario that’s actually worse.

Many of our elected officials don’t represent us because our elections process is broken. Not our system of government. Whether it’s closed primaries leading to far right or far left candidates being chosen or Congressional reapportionment being 50 years overdue there are lots of things to point at. Electing one man won’t fix it but he (or she depending on your view) can certainly make it worse. If we push our leaders to fix these problems I believe we’ll all feel better represented and see a more efficient and capable government than what we have now.
Can anyone really understand how deep the rabbit hole goes?
Anyways let this person take a turn right?

Your right one person can't do it! At this point the nation would have to stand... and that's not going to happen
Can anyone really understand how deep the rabbit hole goes?
Anyways let this person take a turn right?

The best thing we can all do is vary where we get our news from. In general though social media trolls are an all around bad source.

Traditional media has its issues but you’re going to get a picture of both sides that way. Tread carefully with these characters that don’t have an affiliation to AP, Reuters, AFP and our big vetted networks. You’ll find quite a few “social media” personalities on the far left and far right have some fairly dubious ties to foreign actors.
If you are literally born with a brain that is wired female in a male body or vice versa then its not a emotional issue or a mental illness. If this is something that is happening then helping them change on whatever level they feel they need would be dealing with the underlying issue. Science and research into the brains of trans people is going to help us understand why these people are the way the are but the science into this has been limited to small samples and though very conclusive a lot more study needs to be done.


What about the chemicals in our water ? All the corporations in bed with government? The erosion of our rights? Increased security state? The national debt? All the wars we seem to think we belong in? There are so many issues and y’all seem to fantasize about genitals and civil war too much .