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Political Thread: The Sequel

Man the debate on here today has been outrageous and somewhat over the top. I will just say this. This is how the Bolsheviks won and communism took over in Europe and So. East Asia. Pitting one group against the other and each group demanding justice over the other. As this gradually took place the Bolsheviks gained more and more power thus communism became a driving force. This environment of division is primarily being driven by the Dems. Orange Bad Man is also part of this too in that he is capitalising on the division the Dems are driving into the heart of our country. DEI, common core, BLM etc. are inherently divisive and racist by nature yet many including some on here can’t or won’t see that. Look to Venezuela as a current use case. That is for sure where this is headed.

The divisive politics the Dems are playing is not new and many on here are falling for it hook line and sinker.
Maybe you’re right, but it seems to me that’s exactly what they want is to become like them. Tell me what they are doing to try and not be? I’m hoping you can tell me otherwise in all honesty.
Maybe you’re right, but it seems to me that’s exactly what they want is to become like them. Tell me what they are doing to try and not be? I’m hoping you can tell me otherwise in all honesty.
I don’t have a magic pill answer for that question. What I do know is the Dems way only leads to more bad times.
I'm just going to be honest, if I wasn't reading in here and at other spots at times on politics, I'd think about trans issues maybe 1-2% of the time.

It's just not an issue that moves me.

And I'm probably not alone, but in the rare cases where it'd come up as a topic like where I work (and not with me pushing my dad where I'm comfortable, I have and he thinks kids shouldn't be allowed to have puberty blockers but he just doesn't give two rips about it as an issue ultimately), I'd have to just sit on my hands and nod, similar to like how a couple of family members of mine in rural/small town NW GA play it both ways if they say anything about politics.

I've really only maybe seen one person who I believe was fairly obviously trans, and this was...ironically in NW GA last year but I think it was because there was a pride event in Chattanooga.
I'm just going to be honest, if I wasn't reading in here and at other spots at times on politics, I'd think about trans issues maybe 1-2% of the time.

It's just not an issue that moves me.

And I'm probably not alone, but in the rare cases where it'd come up as a topic like where I work (and not with me pushing my dad where I'm comfortable, I have and he thinks kids shouldn't be allowed to have puberty blockers but he just doesn't give two rips about it as an issue ultimately), I'd have to just sit on my hands and nod, similar to like how a couple of family members of mine in rural/small town NW GA play it both ways if they say anything about politics.

I've really only maybe seen one person who I believe was fairly obviously trans, and this was...ironically in NW GA last year but I think it was because there was a pride event in Chattanooga.
If it’s so nominal then why does the DNC make it such a big part of their platform and people like Shaggy on here say it’s the new normal?
All this mumbo jumbo is from the removal of Christianity from society.
I think Islam might be better for you, you should become a Muslim Shawn. Other options on the list include : satanism , Buddhism , Old Norse Paganism

United States of America is a secular non religious nation… if you want a Christian theocracy Uganda is waiting for you
Being in Oklahoma it’s probably hard to find someone who supports Kamala. I believe every county in Oklahoma voted for Trump in 2020.

Oh no I've seen plenty of Biden Harris signs here. Tulsa itself is actually quite liberal compared to the rest of the state(remember Democrats usually do better in the cities)

Biden got over 40 percent here
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Harris will probably win, mostly because this country is half crazy at this point and half the people in it are absolutely clueless and/or want socialism. It's bizarre
Well the majority of the public want the freedom to abort. Whoever’s side is pro abortion will win. Even the rich and republicans are coming out and telling us abortions for me but not for theee. I know there’s fights and other issues but abortion is the number one issue for women to decide this election for us. Blame the Supreme Court or should I say Trump.
Well the majority of the public want the freedom to abort. Whoever’s side is pro abortion will win. Even the rich and republicans are coming out and telling us abortions for me but not for theee. I know there’s fights and other issues but abortion is the number one issue for women to decide this election for us. Blame the Supreme Court or should I say Trump.

Yeah tbh that's what hurt the Republicans in 2022. I mean they are lucky they even still have a House majority and it very well may hurt them again
An interesting observation from the 2020 election is the margin of victory on a county basis. Using SC as an example below its expected to see big D margins in Columbia/Charleston but the margins of victory in places like Greenville County is a bit of a head scratcher until you look at population growth and who exactly has been buying up all these thousands of new homes. The same is true for Horry County and Berkeley/Dorchester. These counties have seen a huge influx of Conservatives via internal migration from other parts of the country. On average these transplants are less religious but more politically conservative than the native Republicans (or at least vote that way) and we see that reflected in the huge margins of victory for Trump in 2020 in those places. Outside the high growth counties, the split is much more even, and the smaller dots indicate smaller margins of victory for Ds or Rs.

What I hope to see and what I think we'll see this cycle and going forward is a renewed effort by the Ds to listen to rural voters and try to re-capture some of what's been lost since 2012. The Walz VP pick was not for that reason but certainly is a part of it. There are a lot of rural R voters that aren't particularly happy with Trump especially in the agriculture sector. It's a bit of an open question whether or not those that aren't aging out of the electorate will turn out for a R ticket in 2028. Walz needs to get out to these rural counties and be visible even if it doesn't pay dividends this election. Obama had success with this in his Senate and Presidential runs because he saw that rural voters by and large don't know and don't care what goes on in the big metros.

Yeah tbh that's what hurt the Republicans in 2022. I mean they are lucky they even still have a House majority and it very well may hurt them again
The R majority could have and probably should have fallen apart this spring if not for Speaker Johnson. He doesn't get enough credit even from the R side for holding it together.