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Political Thread: The Sequel

I'm going to make a serious post about the transgender situation. We are told that gender and sex are not the same thing, gender is a social construct, etc. I find this to be nonsense, but said to justify the position.

The social construct is that men where pants and like the color blue, and woman wear dresses and like the color pink. I say this on very basic terms. I honestly have no issue if a male wants to wear a pink dress, I may not be friends with you, but I mean no harm. Where the issue comes is manipulating body parts and hormones to achieve something that is supposedly fluid. If physical body parts are irrelevant, why the need for transitional surgeries? I'll tell you. The medical industry, big pharma, stand to make billions of dollars with this movement. As we all know, its money that drives everything. If I walk into a hospital and say that I identify with one arm, please remove one, I will be cast aside as someone mentally ill, as I should be. There is no extended profit from them removing an arm. The long term medications required to maintain something that is so against the norms of human development is nothing but profit in the eyes of big pharma. So if you buy into all of this, you should feel manipulated.
I'm going to make a serious post about the transgender situation. We are told that gender and sex are not the same thing, gender is a social construct, etc. I find this to be nonsense, but said to justify the position.

The social construct is that men where pants and like the color blue, and woman wear dresses and like the color pink. I say this on very basic terms. I honestly have no issue if a male wants to wear a pink dress, I may not be friends with you, but I mean no harm. Where the issue comes is manipulating body parts and hormones to achieve something that is supposedly fluid. If physical body parts are irrelevant, why the need for transitional surgeries? I'll tell you. The medical industry, big pharma, stand to make billions of dollars with this movement. As we all know, its money that drives everything. If I walk into a hospital and say that I identify with one arm, please remove one, I will be cast aside as someone mentally ill, as I should be. There is no extended profit from them removing an arm. The long term medications required to maintain something that is so against the norms of human development is nothing but profit in the eyes of big pharma. So if you buy into all of this, you should feel manipulated.
Come on now. This can't possibly be true. Join the Kamal and Wally train and support those who want to be unique!

I'm going to make a serious post about the transgender situation. We are told that gender and sex are not the same thing, gender is a social construct, etc. I find this to be nonsense, but said to justify the position.

The social construct is that men where pants and like the color blue, and woman wear dresses and like the color pink. I say this on very basic terms. I honestly have no issue if a male wants to wear a pink dress, I may not be friends with you, but I mean no harm. Where the issue comes is manipulating body parts and hormones to achieve something that is supposedly fluid. If physical body parts are irrelevant, why the need for transitional surgeries? I'll tell you. The medical industry, big pharma, stand to make billions of dollars with this movement. As we all know, its money that drives everything. If I walk into a hospital and say that I identify with one arm, please remove one, I will be cast aside as someone mentally ill, as I should be. There is no extended profit from them removing an arm. The long term medications required to maintain something that is so against the norms of human development is nothing but profit in the eyes of big pharma. So if you buy into all of this, you should feel manipulated.
Good post. Actually what you are describing with the limbs is a real disorder; Body Integrity Dysphoria; sometimes call transableism. It has been around awhile but is actaully gaining steam for the same reasons that "transgenderism" is. Doctors and healthcare workers, in general, are supposed to adhere to the "do no harm" commitment, but unfotunately; like so many other areas; political ideology and warped thinking have clouded judgement and people are administering harmful and even irreversable drugs and surgeries to individuls, even including amputating healthy appendages.
I'm going to make a serious post about the transgender situation. We are told that gender and sex are not the same thing, gender is a social construct, etc. I find this to be nonsense, but said to justify the position.

The social construct is that men where pants and like the color blue, and woman wear dresses and like the color pink. I say this on very basic terms. I honestly have no issue if a male wants to wear a pink dress, I may not be friends with you, but I mean no harm. Where the issue comes is manipulating body parts and hormones to achieve something that is supposedly fluid. If physical body parts are irrelevant, why the need for transitional surgeries? I'll tell you. The medical industry, big pharma, stand to make billions of dollars with this movement. As we all know, its money that drives everything. If I walk into a hospital and say that I identify with one arm, please remove one, I will be cast aside as someone mentally ill, as I should be. There is no extended profit from them removing an arm. The long term medications required to maintain something that is so against the norms of human development is nothing but profit in the eyes of big pharma. So if you buy into all of this, you should feel manipulated.
We should go where the science leads us....what if there are actual situations where people are born mismatched gender versus sex. Studies show that people who identify a trans have brain profiles and structures that match the gender the identify as even though their sex is different. So maybe it's not just some mental illness...the fact is that people who identify as trans and receive therapy both mental and physical treatment have a much lower chance of suicide etc.
We should go where the science leads us....what if there are actual situations where people are born mismatched gender versus sex. Studies show that people who identify a trans have brain profiles and structures that match the gender the identify as even though their sex is different. So maybe it's not just some mental illness...the fact is that people who identify as trans and receive therapy both mental and physical treatment have a much lower chance of suicide etc.

All this mumbo jumbo is from the removal of Christianity from society.
We should go where the science leads us....what if there are actual situations where people are born mismatched gender versus sex. Studies show that people who identify a trans have brain profiles and structures that match the gender the identify as even though their sex is different. So maybe it's not just some mental illness...the fact is that people who identify as trans and receive therapy both mental and physical treatment have a much lower chance of suicide etc.
Studies used to show that leaches were the best medicine for blood disease. One day studies will show that gullible people who believed all this gender fluidity nonsense were duped.
We should go where the science leads us....what if there are actual situations where people are born mismatched gender versus sex. Studies show that people who identify a trans have brain profiles and structures that match the gender the identify as even though their sex is different. So maybe it's not just some mental illness...the fact is that people who identify as trans and receive therapy both mental and physical treatment have a much lower chance of suicide etc.
Which studies?
I'm going to make a serious post about the transgender situation. We are told that gender and sex are not the same thing, gender is a social construct, etc. I find this to be nonsense, but said to justify the position.

The social construct is that men where pants and like the color blue, and woman wear dresses and like the color pink. I say this on very basic terms. I honestly have no issue if a male wants to wear a pink dress, I may not be friends with you, but I mean no harm. Where the issue comes is manipulating body parts and hormones to achieve something that is supposedly fluid. If physical body parts are irrelevant, why the need for transitional surgeries? I'll tell you. The medical industry, big pharma, stand to make billions of dollars with this movement. As we all know, its money that drives everything. If I walk into a hospital and say that I identify with one arm, please remove one, I will be cast aside as someone mentally ill, as I should be. There is no extended profit from them removing an arm. The long term medications required to maintain something that is so against the norms of human development is nothing but profit in the eyes of big pharma. So if you buy into all of this, you should feel manipulated.
I understand more about some transgender people as I believe in reincarnation and some of these folks just aren't comfortable in their bodies having been a different gender in a different life. I know some of not most scoff at this which is fine but it makes logical sense to me. With that being said when a soul is given this life it's meant to be lived as such so I can't get on board with changing that when a child is involved and should not be allowed to make such a decision. I don't understand it fully but an adult can do whatever they desire if it makes them feel normal. I have met some people in my life that I could tell 100% were not in the right body and most were youth. I often wonder what % of transgender people are as I described versus just mentally ill. This is what makes people uncomfortable and transgender advocates should understand why it makes people uncomfortable
I understand more about some transgender people as I believe in reincarnation and some of these folks just aren't comfortable in their bodies having been a different gender in a different life. I know some of not most scoff at this which is fine but it makes logical sense to me. With that being said when a soul is given this life it's meant to be lived as such so I can't get on board with changing that when a child is involved and should not be allowed to make such a decision. I don't understand it fully but an adult can do whatever they desire if it makes them feel normal. I have met some people in my life that I could tell 100% were not in the right body and most were youth. I often wonder what % of transgender people are as I described versus just mentally ill. This is what makes people uncomfortable and transgender advocates should understand why it makes people uncomfortable
Bad parenting
Sure Jan.
Well let's see if you can admit that maybe there is a possibility that trans people are actually mismatched brain to body as far as gender and sex go....and that in fact sometimes the best thing to do is help them change their sex to the best our science can.

I am a male....and I don't care if they put tampons in men's room it literally has zero effect or impact on my life.
Mean tweets that had zero effect on your life but orange man bad, must remove at all cost.... same people, tampons in boys rooms have zero impact on my life don't see an issue. Make it make sense
Well let's see if you can admit that maybe there is a possibility that trans people are actually mismatched brain to body as far as gender and sex go....and that in fact sometimes the best thing to do is help them change their sex to the best our science can.

I will take the time to read this and do further research and reply back after trivia tonight.