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Political Thread: The Sequel

All of this has been talked about a long time ago. Guess it's time to bring it to the front. Ignore the "election fraud deniers". Who purchased it?

Garland Favorito @VoterGa, Co-founder of Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia, provides a detailed list of reasons why the Dominion voting system should not be trusted and should be banned from use in Georgia.“1. The Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 system accumulates votes in a QR code that's designed to be unverifiable to the voter and the system should have never been purchased in the first place.2. The US District Court found that the Dominion Democracy 5.5 system violates two Georgia laws for voter verifiability.3. Dominion is a Canadian based company that acquired its voting system intellectual property Smartmatic and Devon and it has no background in voting system manufacturing.4. The system was rejected by Texas for security reasons before it was purchased in the state of Georgia.5. The Dominion QR code accumulation was banned and replaced in Colorado. They said it can't use it there. 6. Tennessee recommended discontinuance of the system in Williamson County and it was replaced because of a QR code error that causes votes not to be tabulated. That's the same system that we use here.7. An Seb complaint documented that the same QR code area was found in 65 of 67 counties surveyed in 2022.8. While we're in a state of emergency Dr. Alex Haldeman security analysis concluded that their quote is no practical method of pre-election or parallel testing that can rule out malware based fraud.9. Affidavits and expert reports show that components of the system flip votes in both Michigan and Georgia counties in the 2020 election10. because there is a sworn affidavit from Joe Alton that states that the Dominion vice president of systems and security said that he “would make effing sure Donald Trump would not win the 2020 election.”11. the system declared the wrong winners in George's May 24th, 2022 District 2 Commission primary and it was only discovered because the candidate got no votes in the precinct where she and her family lived and voted. 12. A state election board expert testimony and a complaint and a forensic study all indicate that Bolton County electronically altered the elect voting system results in the 2020 general election before they certified the results.13. The reports have documented that Dominion is owned by Staple Street Capital which has adverse foreign nationals on its board which has adverse foreign nationals on its board.14. Documents produced by Sheriff Dar Leaf up in the Michigan show that the Dominion uses Serbian. Foreign at foreign nationals as programmers for the system that they're running here in Georgia.15. We know from documents in a court case that produced by Sheriff Dar Leaf that Dominion allowed a Chinese foreign national to access the Michigan system during the 2020 election.m16. Forensic reports have shown that Dominion system components including the database the Sequel Studio management tool in which ports and firewalls are all set up in many ways to be accessed remotely.17. court depositions and affidavits indicate that Dominion widely accessed the county voting system scanner in Georgia in the 2021 US Senate runoff race.18. Expert declaration state that the Dominion encryption keys are in plain text in the voting system database. Expert declaration state that the user IDs and passwords are the same in the Dominion systems that are used in Georgia, Arizona, Colorado and Michigan.20. Dr. Alex Halderman security analysis said that there is no way to retrofit security into a system that was never designed for it.21. John Poulos the chief executive officer of Dominion is now subject to a criminal complaint alleging that he testified falsely about the system in the Michigan legislative committee.”
Gotta hold hands guys. The race is over. Unite. Some of you need to take a course in LGBTQ+ history. And Black Lives Matter. Maybe require it in schools and church.
I think the lesson of lgbtqbllsht has already been learned.... it is a disaster for the human race. And the lesson of BLM is how many ways can I steal your money!!
Because they are trans....it's not rocket science.
This whole point illustrates why that is not valid. Those individuals are still female and do not need to be in the men's room. Males don't need tampons. Despite how those individuals "feel" or "identify," they are still biologically male or female. Biology and DNA defines what gender a person is, not feelings and identifications. People have always known that. Feeling or identifiying as an animal, a being from another planet, a differerent race, or a millionaire does not make one so. You have been so blinded by the pressure to present yourself as enlightened, inclusive, open-minded (or whatever the buzzword of the month is) that you have completely abandoned commonsense, reality, and science.