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Political Thread: The Sequel

losing to Biden was embarrassing enough. losing to a woman and a guy who promoted the gay straight alliance will destroy him. His career. His life. His soul WASHINGTON, Aug 8 (Reuters) - Democrat Kamala Harris leads Republican Donald Trump42% to 37% in the race for the Nov. 5 U.S. presidential election, according to an Ipsos poll published on Thursday.
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We should go where the science leads us....what if there are actual situations where people are born mismatched gender versus sex. Studies show that people who identify a trans have brain profiles and structures that match the gender the identify as even though their sex is different. So maybe it's not just some mental illness...the fact is that people who identify as trans and receive therapy both mental and physical treatment have a much lower chance of suicide etc.
If you went where the science leads you then you’d understand a male is a male.
John Kelly is a schmuck and weak.
This man is a five star general and served our country, honorably, for four decades. He is a patriot of the absolute highest order. I don’t know what you’ve done with your life but I doubt it’s nearly as impressive as him.

Put down your Qool Aid. You run this patriot down while trump wouldn’t waste his bus boys piss to put your fire out if you were writhing on the sidewalk.
I didn’t ask that. How did you feel when he said it? I don’t like it when anyone puts down our military personnel unless there is a darn good valid reason as to why

Kerry is a asshat just like Trump. Trump just told his truth, if you got wounded or dead then you sucked at being a soldier and we're a loser in his eyes. Same with amputees Trump sees that as failure and doesn't want some loser standing next to him for a photo.
This man is a five star general and served our country, honorably, for four decades. He is a patriot of the absolute highest order. I don’t know what you’ve done with your life but I doubt it’s nearly as impressive as him.

Put down your Qool Aid. You run this patriot down while trump wouldn’t waste his bus boys piss to put your fire out if you were writhing on the sidewalk.
I know the difference between honorable and compromised. How do you feel about General Michael Flynn and what was done to him? Maybe you should pick up some Qool Aid and not just depend on satire and mocking bird media. Corruption is everywhere including the military and all 3 letter agencies.
Man the debate on here today has been outrageous and somewhat over the top. I will just say this. This is how the Bolsheviks won and communism took over in Europe and So. East Asia. Pitting one group against the other and each group demanding justice over the other. As this gradually took place the Bolsheviks gained more and more power thus communism became a driving force. This environment of division is primarily being driven by the Dems. Orange Bad Man is also part of this too in that he is capitalising on the division the Dems are driving into the heart of our country. DEI, common core, BLM etc. are inherently divisive and racist by nature yet many including some on here can’t or won’t see that. Look to Venezuela as a current use case. That is for sure where this is headed.

The divisive politics the Dems are playing is not new and many on here are falling for it hook line and sinker.
Man the debate on here today has been outrageous and somewhat over the top. I will just say this. This is how the Bolsheviks won and communism took over in Europe and So. East Asia. Pitting one group against the other and each group demanding justice over the other. As this gradually took place the Bolsheviks gained more and more power thus communism became a driving force. This environment of division is primarily being driven by the Dems. Orange Bad Man is also part of this too in that he is capitalising on the division the Dems are driving into the heart of our country. DEI, common core, BLM etc. are inherently divisive and racist by nature yet many including some on here can’t or won’t see that. Look to Venezuela as a current use case. That is for sure where this is headed.

The divisive politics the Dems are playing is not new and many on here are falling for it hook line and sinker.
For sure that could be where this ends up but we're not going to allow that to happen. By the time this is over there's going to be way bigger fish to fry than men obsessing over abortion, tampons in boys bathrooms and fake news zingers. Almost all will come together enough.
Well let's see if you can admit that maybe there is a possibility that trans people are actually mismatched brain to body as far as gender and sex go....and that in fact sometimes the best thing to do is help them change their sex to the best our science can.

That mismatch you are talking about is, in large part, what mental illness is. Depression, anxiety, phobias; are all often mismatches between what level of emotion is expected for a given situation in life and what level of emotion is being produced by the individual. In mental health, we don't try to match that individual's expereince to their level of emotion, we try to help them find healthy ways of managing/releasing, and reframing those emotions to make them more manageable and a closer match to reality. We don't treat illnesses like schizophrenia or paranoia by trying to "affirm" that what those individuals think and feel is correct, we try to minimize the impact of the "mismatch" b/w what they think and feel and what is reality. If we are working with a person with an eating disorder, who might have body dysmorphia; we don't concede that the person truly is obese because that is what they believe about themself (especially if they are dangerously underweight and malnourished), we try to address the lack of insight and deal with the underlying issues. "Confirming" an underweight person with an eating disorder and helping them continue to lose weight, because that is how they see themselves, would be dangerous and unethical. Trying to help a person change their sex may be politically correct and score DEI points, but in my opinion, is dangerous and unethical in the same way.
That mismatch you are talking about is, in large part, what mental illness is. Depression, anxiety, phobias; are all often mismatches between what level of emotion is expected for a given situation in life and what level of emotion is being produced by the individual. In mental health, we don't try to match that individual's expereince to their level of emotion, we try to help them find healthy ways of managing/releasing, and reframing those emotions to make them more manageable and a closer match to reality. We don't treat illnesses like schizophrenia or paranoia by trying to "affirm" that what those individuals think and feel is correct, we try to minimize the impact of the "mismatch" b/w what they think and feel and what is reality. If we are working with a person with an eating disorder, who might have body dysmorphia; we don't concede that the person truly is obese because that is what they believe about themself (especially if they are dangerously underweight and malnourished), we try to address the lack of insight and deal with the underlying issues. "Confirming" an underweight person with an eating disorder and helping them continue to lose weight, because that is how they see themselves, would be dangerous and unethical. Trying to help a person change their sex may be politically correct and score DEI points, but in my opinion, is dangerous and unethical in the same way.

If you are literally born with a brain that is wired female in a male body or vice versa then its not a emotional issue or a mental illness. If this is something that is happening then helping them change on whatever level they feel they need would be dealing with the underlying issue. Science and research into the brains of trans people is going to help us understand why these people are the way the are but the science into this has been limited to small samples and though very conclusive a lot more study needs to be done.