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Political Thread: The Sequel

Not keep creating a world worse than the previous generation had it. Cost of living to income across the board is worse with harder work put in. You can't look at a few cherry picked examples of young people and say it's everyone either. Facts are facts, it's more difficult to be financially independent and stable today than it was 20 to 40 years ago.
Absolutely, but roll back to 1910 and it might be similar. I remember touring the Biltmore and hearing how the servants worked inside the mansion. 6 days, 10 to 12 hours, Sunday off, very little luxury time and pay was just a pittance, but the jobs were highly sought and coveted. It was so much better than the alternatives. I thought, man we have it really nice now.
Walz is almost too masculine for me. All the hunting and guns and ----. I understand he getting a lot of rust belt state hunters and army guys but he not my dream candidate.
Maybe he will protect the 2nd. I think that would be a win for the dems and gop. but fact it as Putin said once they get into office it's status quo because of the western oligarchs.
Absolutely, but roll back to 1910 and it might be similar. I remember touring the Biltmore and hearing how the servants worked inside the mansion. 6 days, 10 to 12 hours, Sunday off, very little luxury time and pay was just a pittance, but the jobs were highly sought and coveted. It was so much better than the alternatives. I thought, man we have it really nice now.
This was at a time where corporations were still more unchecked like today is. Workers here in the US have it bad compared to the rest of the world. Just remember we are the only nation without mandated PTO, and ours is the lowest allowed in the modern world. We're slightly worse than China believe it or not. Anyone that appeases these policies and lets the low reward for high input is who the voter will not go for.
You need a vested interest in the country to vote. Right now, you have an uninterested population of mostly young people voting in freebies for themselves from the assets of those that have worked for them all their lives. It is not a fair system.
It's fine the way it is now. Gatekeeping is the opposite of fair. I don't like the way some young people vote, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to.
This was at a time where corporations were still more unchecked like today is. Workers here in the US have it bad compared to the rest of the world. Just remember we are the only nation without mandated PTO, and ours is the lowest allowed in the modern world. We're slightly worse than China believe it or not. Anyone that appeases these policies and lets the low reward for high input is who the voter will not go for.
I agree. Corporations are and have moved back in to much more control over people's lives. These are the men in black suits referred to in the earlier posts. When you mean the rest of the world, you are referring to the westernized nations, right?
From a former GOP Congressman and Air Force veteran

I am furious about this attack.

If you’ve ever served in the United States military, why in God’s name would you run for office? Because what you have done — yes, you have done what 99% of the country won’t do — but now it has become acceptable to parse through your military records, look for anytime you said something in a public comment that might be a little bit inaccurate, or take a completely normal thing they happens in a military career, explain it as something differently to people who don’t understand, for instance, how military retirement works, and make it look like you abandoned your unit.

Walz retires at 24 years in the military. Let me be clear about one thing, he could have retired at 20 with a pension. He stayed for 24. That was four years after 9/11 and two years after the start of the Iraq war, so I retired from the Guard as well. I rented at 20 years. He stayed four more years.

Eventually, he makes the decision to retire. Now, it just so happens that a month later his unit gets called to say ‘You’re going to deploy.’ But he had made the decision to retire prior to that. …

If he had known they were deploying and then made the decision to retire, there is still nothing cowardice or unethical about that. Once you pass 20 years of service, you have every right to retire at the moment you decide to retire, and if it happens to be a bad moment and the military is like, ‘Sorry, you will leave this unit unmanned if you retire.’ They do what’s called a stop loss, which thousands of people got, which says you cannot retire until this mission is complete. So it is an unhinged and wrong, sick attack against a man that did 24 years of service.
I agree. Corporations are and have moved back in to much more control over people's lives. These are the men in black suits referred to in the earlier posts. When you mean the rest of the world, you are referring to the westernized nations, right?
From what I see, it is literally the entire world. We are dead last on required PTO as ours is 0. Iran has the most average PTO, at 53 days a year. Europe is average about a month (30+ days). That's one thing that I wish we as a nation could change, more fair PTO and better maternity leave laws + mandated PTO. Lobbyists have kept ours at 0.
From what I see, it is literally the entire world. We are dead last on required PTO as ours is 0. Iran has the most average PTO, at 53 days a year. Europe is average about a month (30+ days). That's one thing that I wish we as a nation could change, more fair PTO and better maternity leave laws + mandated PTO. Lobbyists have kept ours at 0.
My wife has Polish coworkers who are required by law to take at least a two week vacation yearly. If unions didnt get us weekends, you can bet your ass this country wouldnt have them either.
From what I see, it is literally the entire world. We are dead last on required PTO as ours is 0. Iran has the most average PTO, at 53 days a year. Europe is average about a month (30+ days). That's one thing that I wish we as a nation could change, more fair PTO and better maternity leave laws + mandated PTO. Lobbyists have kept ours at 0.
States have different conditions. Maternity leave in GA is six weeks and paternity is four, I think. Any company offering less than 14 days of PTO per year is going to have a hard time recruiting good talent.