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Political Thread: The Sequel

I don't know where this notion that religion has never been part of our country's political and social policies came from. The entire historical structure of our society is built on a Judeo Christian framework. It's the attempts by the minority to extract and eradicate that framework that is at issue. We're not trying to replace the engine. We're trying to keep the engine running that you're attempting to break, because it's the engine that's allowed us to prosper for 250 years.

And there is a much, MUCH greater divide in the country today than 20 years ago. You can't even talk politics or beliefs with your own family now. This isn't isolated either. It's everywhere. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. And it's going to get a whole lot worse if the left has its way.
They are attempting to rewrite history, and sadly its working quite well with some of the posts I'm reading in this thread. I'm sure you see it too.
Well your side has been in charge for almost 4 years and it's gotten a thousand times worse.

Don’t forget that Trump early in 2024 told Republicans to not vote for the bipartisan border bill to deal with illegal immigration. This was a bill with most of the provisions that the right wing wanted and yet Trump for political reasons didn’t want it passed so he could continue to hold the terrible border situation as a political advantage. Those who really care about it should have been in favor of it.
Never any self accountability for the maga crowd. If there's no civility then it must be the lefts fault. Nevermind the maga crowd that threatens to kill every one that goes against them from the government.

Hang mike pence, kill Kinzingers 10mo old

You just just post whatever garbage pops in your head. This is infantile nonsense.
Immigration has become the new political watch word, like abortion used to be, if the politicians of either side solve the problem then what do they have to rile up their base. If they solve the problem, what do they run on? Isn't that why they couldn't pass the bipartisan bill in an election year?
The main issue is both sides of the establishment want massive immigration. They bow to their lobbyist and corporations who want cheap labor, low IQ populace dependent on government, and to some extent, an issue to blame on the other side.
Don’t forget that Trump early in 2024 told Republicans to not vote for the bipartisan border bill to deal with illegal immigration. This was a bill with most of the provisions that the right wing wanted and yet Trump for political reasons didn’t want it passed so he could continue to hold the terrible border situation as a political advantage. Those who really care about it should have been in favor of it.
Congress will use any excuse to pass a bill that prints money for garbage. We have the tools in the toolbox to shut that crap down without printing money, and we would like to see it executed, and not more excuses.
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Congress will use any excuse to pass a bill that prints money for garbage. We have the tools in the toolbox to shut that crap down without printing money, and we would like to see it executed, and not more panty waisted excuses.
Trump vetoed his 4 pillars legislation where he was given everything he asked for except removL of daca protection
The issue is the Federal Court system. Biden does have the power in theory but it would be immediately challenged and probably stayed in court. That’s why legislation is needed.
He can shut it down right this second if he desired but as we well know he and his deadbeat, do nothing administration think it's already secure. Either way it's not going to happen without a change in actual policy ( new administration ) so until that happens we just get more problems we can't afford
Georgia wouldn’t be able to sustain itself without Atlanta and Savannah tax dollars. It would be a near third world country. Don’t even get me started on healthcare. Am I gonna go to Baxley or Americus for a heart or kidney transplant?

I am all for rural America pulling away if they want. Just know you lose your social security, EBT, Medicare/Medicaid and healthcare facilities.
If you want the city of Atlanta and Savannah in exchange for everything else (we get the suburbs, too) then yes, I'll make that trade!
Never any self accountability for the maga crowd. If there's no civility then it must be the lefts fault. Nevermind the maga crowd that threatens to kill every one that goes against them from the government.

Hang mike pence, kill Kinzingers 10mo old
Shaggy, you don't be disingenuous. There are some right wing extremists. Nobody is saying there aren't. But they are much fewer than the left wing ones. You can tell because they're not the ones burning our cities to the ground, sneaking up on innocent people, bashing them over the head, or trying to assassinate the other side's candidate. Let's live in reality just a little bit here, ok?
Shaggy, you don't be disingenuous. There are some right wing extremists. Nobody is saying there aren't. But they are much fewer than the left wing ones. You can tell because they're not the ones burning our cities to the ground, sneaking up on innocent people, bashing them over the head, or trying to assassinate the other side's candidate. Let's live in reality just a little bit here, ok?
I do. Do you? 10s of thousands of threats against public officials, jurors in his trials, judges families and so on. You can say the left is worse but they are all the same. Didn't hear you mention Whitmores kidnapping plot!!
I do. Do you? 10s of thousands of threats against public officials, jurors in his trials, judges families and so on. You can say the left is worse but they are all the same. Didn't hear you mention Whitmores kidnapping plot!!
Meanwhile, on the left, 10s of billions of threats against government officials, public safety officers, innocent middle class Americans, helpless children, and fluffy kittens. Didn't hear you talk about the fluffy kittens!!
Don’t forget that Trump early in 2024 told Republicans to not vote for the bipartisan border bill to deal with illegal immigration. This was a bill with most of the provisions that the right wing wanted and yet Trump for political reasons didn’t want it passed so he could continue to hold the terrible border situation as a political advantage. Those who really care about it should have been in favor of it.
It was all a facade to make it look like Democrats were the ones trying to get along. From all accounts it was a horrible bill. Some Republican supported it, but it definitely didn't cut down the amount of immigrants that would come across the border on a daily basis but by a little bit. Pretty much it was just a token bill to make people think they were doing something.
If you want the city of Atlanta and Savannah in exchange for everything else (we get the suburbs, too) then yes, I'll make that trade!
We will take savannah in a heart beat. You can keep your obesity ridden trailer park McDonald munching 99% occluded artery having Walmart loving suburbs . Savannah is beautiful . A culture that mocks its centers of commerce , learning, trade , and beauty is a decaying one … @GaWx change your name to NCWx bro we taking you