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Political Thread: The Sequel

No.me telling you guys to keep your morality to.yourselves isn't me pushing my morality on anyone. I've never tried to have laws passed forcing my morality on anyone. I might advocate for things to be made legal so people have the right to choose for themselves what they wish to do but that's not pushing my morality. That's me pushing freedom
Blah Blah Blah…….you sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown. Fact is you want everyone to choose the way you want them to choose. That’s not freedom.
Blah Blah Blah…….you sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown. Fact is you want everyone to choose the way you want them to choose. That’s not freedom.
Not sure where you get this idea from. I could not care less what choices people make as long as they all have the freedom to make it and it is not predatory behavior
It's the best data we have. When creating policy you don't get to use imaginary figures.

I feel like there's some confusion about what "military on the border" actually means. For decades we've had small numbers of uniformed military personnel on the border in various quantities performing duties with tools that civilian law enforcement may not have. This is common around the world and isn't particularly controversial. What some in this country advocate for is full militarization of the border with Mexico. Active duty, armor, fortifications you name it. This was brought up in HR2. The cost of this in Dollars and cost in an economic sense would be felt by every single person here. "Nearshoring" is the trend of the day with China seen as in increasingly unreliable partner and India being, well, India. Northern Mexico is seeing a huge amount of construction for factories to produce everything you can imagine. All of this is being constructed with the assumption it will not be in danger of becoming a conflict zone. Go back to what I said earlier about Mexico's reaction to having large numbers of American soldiers on their border. They would be well within their rights to also place their military up there for deterrence purposes. There doesn't need to be any open hostility between the two nations at all to throw a wrench in the economic development that's occuring on both sides of the border.

There's a sense among the Rs I've noticed that America can throw its weight around and tell everyone else what to do. Sure we could in a military sense but in very short order it would cost us economically. The world has changed and some haven't left the old Cold War mindset behind. The last thing we need as a country is for Latin America and South America to turn more towards China. It's now a viable option and we have to accept that. Ending the ridiculous number of asylum seekers and other border crossers depends on there being incentive for them to stay home and incentive for those here to go back home. It would cost us far less money to assist those nations in getting their economies in order than it would to try and stop them all coming indefinitely. We'd also ensure the Americas continue to be a conflict free hemisphere or as close to it as possible.
Have you been to the border? I mean actually down there where people are crossing? If you haven't have you talked to anybody from border patrol who has to deal with this invasion from all over the world. I have done both and it IS A NATIONAL EMERGENCY. There are dangerous people from all over the world crossing through that border that shouldn't be. No we can't stop them all but we sure as hell can stop encouraging it and lying about it being secure. We are 35 trillion in debt and can't take care of our own damn people. We can send billions upon billions upon billions to protect Ukraine but refuse to build a wall to protect our on country.

You know what our most powerful weapon was when I was in Iraq? It was concrete WALLS
Georgia wouldn’t be able to sustain itself without Atlanta and Savannah tax dollars. It would be a near third world country. Don’t even get me started on healthcare. Am I gonna go to Baxley or Americus for a heart or kidney transplant?

I am all for rural America pulling away if they want. Just know you lose your social security, EBT, Medicare/Medicaid and healthcare facilities.
all in keep your social programs and ill keep my tax money a flat tax on income is what we need stop paying ppl to watch tv.. stop sending billions to ukraine iran and the rest of the world.. stop trying to police the plant and worry about our own issues at home.

we cant even decipher what a male or female are how the hell are we suppose to know whats right for Ukraine or Russia
you solve the gender issues and the alphabet groomers and then we can talk rest of the world
all in keep your social programs and ill keep my tax money a flat tax on income is what we need stop paying ppl to watch tv.. stop sending billions to ukraine iran and the rest of the world.. stop trying to police the plant and worry about our own issues at home.
I see you mentioned Ukraine and Iran but what isreal and the trillions we have sent them over the decades?
Not sure where you get this idea from. I could not care less what choices people make as long as they all have the freedom to make it and it is not predatory behavior
Right.... It's definitely not predatory to get minors to not tell their parents about their sex gender reassignment stuff. It's definitely not predatory to suck a baby out of a woman at 8 months, It's definitely not predatory to keep people stuck on government money and they can't improve their lives.
I see you mentioned Ukraine and Iran but what isreal and the trillions we have sent them over the decades?
I said and the rest of the world that includes them as well right? as long as you count them as ppl
I most certainly do.. but we have lots of issues atm we need to fix before meddling
the prison planet is being built while we stand by and watch it.. tag cameras ,facial recon, credit cards ,social, vehicle tracking all in the name of safety.. when in reality they are the ones we need protection from
the prison planet is being built while we stand by and watch it.. tag cameras ,facial recon, credit cards ,social, vehicle tracking all in the name of safety.. when in reality they are the ones we need protection from
I need 4 solid years and I'm an expat. If Trump can't win this election it's a signal to me to bump my plans up whether I am ready to or not
Have you been to the border? I mean actually down there where people are crossing? If you haven't have you talked to anybody from border patrol who has to deal with this invasion from all over the world. I have done both and it IS A NATIONAL EMERGENCY. There are dangerous people from all over the world crossing through that border that shouldn't be. No we can't stop them all but we sure as hell can stop encouraging it and lying about it being secure. We are 35 trillion in debt and can't take care of our own damn people. We can send billions upon billions upon billions to protect Ukraine but refuse to build a wall to protect our on country.

You know what our most powerful weapon was when I was in Iraq? It was concrete WALLS
No strategy to stem the issue means we can pretend America exists in a vacuum. We have to involve other nations in the solution.
I need 4 solid years and I'm an expat. If Trump can't win this election it's a signal to me to bump my plans up whether I am ready to or not
I was planning on one more big cycle before the end.. as time has progresses I seriously doubt we get that.. we bought our house back at the old crash value made it 4x what we paid was hoping to make out like a bandit in another 10 yr cycle and get far away.
its funny you can see the writing on the wall but its hard to believe.. middle east will be kicking off soon look at the notams going up
war for resources
The country can't afford another radical Obama term and that's exactly what the current one is and any Kamala admin. would be.
Why do you assume you speak for the country? By numbers your opinion is the minority. Governing requires compromise. We’re at our best when both sides understand this.
No strategy to stem the issue means we can pretend America exists in a vacuum. We have to involve other nations in the solution.
What solution is opening up our border to anybody who wants to come here a good solution? Nobody is arguing we don't need immigration but we can sure as hell build a wall, control our border and find a way to get the best and brightest here in a process where we can vett them properly. We are being overrun right now. If something bad happens (and it will) and someone you care about is at the end of that something bad you will change your attitude. The only people winning in this situation are the illegals not American citizens
Why do you assume you speak for the country? By numbers your opinion is the minority. Governing requires compromise. We’re at our best when both sides understand this.
Because I am allowed an opinion. Or is that no longer valid either? I fought to protect your right to have one as well. If this evil is allowed to continue you won't have my opinion to have to worry about. That's the beauty of living in what used to be the bastion of freedom. The door swings both ways and I have no qualms about moving on. Most don't have the luxury to do that and I hate it for them but I'm not gonna stand for it and I am done fighting for problems that I didn't create. What is happening in America right now today is the furthest from compromise that I have ever seen
Why do you assume you speak for the country? By numbers your opinion is the minority. Governing requires compromise. We’re at our best when both sides understand this.
its the fighting age males and inmates we dont need no country has ever had a swinging door policy and lasted but im sure its different this time
you want immigration have families apply for it families!!!! but I'm going to bet that wouldn't be the best way to create chaos would it
might be the reason they encourage single males from prisons and social rejects to enter at a faster rate than the respectable families
What solution is opening up our border to anybody who wants to come here a good solution? Nobody is arguing we don't need immigration but we can sure as hell build a wall, control our border and find a way to get the best and brightest here in a process where we can vett them properly. We are being overrun right now. If something bad happens (and it will) and someone you care about is at the end of that something bad you will change your attitude. The only people winning in this situation are the illegals not American citizens
Where we disagree is using hyperbole to describe the situation. We aren’t being overrun. That’s nonsense.

Involving other nations in our immigration strategy means we partner with them to help solve the issues that send their citizens here in the first place. It doesn’t mean cutting them a blank check. Foreign aid is soft power and if we cede that to isolationism tendencies the Chinese will be in our backyard quickly. Most every proposal I’ve seen from the R side doesn’t address this at all and comically the R House attempted to strip a provision from the recent immigration bill that would expand pre-employment verification of eligibility.