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Political Thread: The Sequel

Or maybe they are just reacting to how so many on the right view them as dirty rapist and murderers who don't pay taxes and destroy their surroundings?

That's not propaganda that's reality to how they are seen by maga......which started what oh about 5-10 years ago?
if I see and hear about them raping ppl well yea makes them a dirty rapist... you seem very one sides unable to see both sides the propaganda is being used one everyone to stir up the hate even more the fact your labeling maga says a lot..
Inglourious Basterds Bingo GIF

That might not be the case for some of the posters I know here but I truly believe that is at the crux of the issue. I mean, it has happened over and over and over in this country. The klan was a response to white folks losing political power during reconstruction. The Tulsa massacre and Wilmington insurrection happened because black folks gained a toehold of power in those cities. When whiteness is not centered, some folks just cant deal.
Exactly. My family immigrated to the US (legally) and growing up we were told countless times that we were stealing jobs and should go back to our own country. Meanwhile my buddy was a white kid from South Africa, with an accent and everything, and he heard none of that. If people can't see how race plays a part in this, they're lying to themselves.

Today, the harassment has shifted towards the undocumented but the problem is a large portion of Americans simply dislike immigrants. They are the scapegoat. If we shut down the border today, by tomorrow morning legal immigrants would be blamed for our problems.
if I see and hear about them raping ppl well yea makes them a dirty rapist... you seem very one sides unable to see both sides the propaganda is being used one everyone to stir up the hate even more the fact your labeling maga says a lot..
Speaking of rapist raping people I wonder ifnit bothers you that trump was found liable for it?

Yes I'm labeling maga because I personally experienced the racist hate the maga crowd showed to my brown skinned stepson.
No. Just the maga christian nationalist version you so desire
Are you referring to project 2025, or is there a new talking point from CNN this week? Seems like project 2025 has run its course and has lost its luster. I’ll stand by for the next one.
Are you referring to project 2025, or is there a new talking point from CNN this week? Seems like project 2025 has run its course and has lost its luster. I’ll stand by for the next one.
No the general movement towards christian nationalism.
Please elaborate, provide details of the Christian Nationalist movement. Examples too please.
There are countless political groups with that as their explicit aim, and they have influence in the Republican party and in office. Also see the enactment of religious based laws all over the country.
Please elaborate, provide details of the Christian Nationalist movement. Examples too please.
10 commandments in the classrooms, christian counselors in schools, bans on abortion, threatening to arrest anyone who helps a woman freely travel to other states for the procedure wheres it legal, boebert saying the church needs to tell the government what to do.......the list is long
Speaking of rapist raping people I wonder ifnit bothers you that trump was found liable for it?

Yes I'm labeling maga because I personally experienced the racist hate the maga crowd showed to my brown skinned stepson.
who cares about the left or the right... would i vote for trump over camel yea! that would be more beneficial to me and my family and country
do I worship the ground he walks on no you have to stop the nonsense of left and right what needs to happen is ppl to stand and rise up before its to late like UK. But we are seriously in short supply of men and the systems knows this.. men use to fight wars now they make memes

and your crazy if you dont think everyone walking this green earth has a racist or bias towards something
10 commandments in the classrooms, christian counselors in schools, bans on abortion, threatening to arrest anyone who helps a woman freely travel to other states for the procedure wheres it legal, boebert saying the church needs to tell the government what to do.......the list is long
i say this with kindness your the reason we cant have nice things!
you always need to be willing to change your views when presented with facts that may oppose your beliefs

are you talking about killing a life? we cant even agree on the simplest ideas i don't think we should be talking about abortion
lets all get on the same pg with the simple tasks before we hammer out such intense things
10 commandments in the classrooms, christian counselors in schools, bans on abortion, threatening to arrest anyone who helps a woman freely travel to other states for the procedure wheres it legal, boebert saying the church needs to tell the government what to do.......the list is long
I said provide examples. I know about the Ten Commandments, that’s negligible and less harmful than teaching five year olds sexual ideology. Provide examples of woman being arrested for abortion. Bans on abortion whereas voters in a state support that is democratic whether you agree or not. Provide real examples, councilors in schools? Where? Provide examples.

None of what you provided are real examples, nor is that anything remotely like a Christian nationalist movement, not even close.
There are countless political groups with that as their explicit aim, and they have influence in the Republican party and in office. Also see the enactment of religious based laws all over the country.
Please provide examples from all over the country. Thanks
Exactly. My family immigrated to the US (legally) and growing up we were told countless times that we were stealing jobs and should go back to our own country. Meanwhile my buddy was a white kid from South Africa, with an accent and everything, and he heard none of that. If people can't see how race plays a part in this, they're lying to themselves.

Today, the harassment has shifted towards the undocumented but the problem is a large portion of Americans simply dislike immigrants. They are the scapegoat. If we shut down the border today, by tomorrow morning legal immigrants would be blamed for our problems.
MOST don't dislike immigrants so much as they just want to know who is coming into our country. It's not that complicated. Would it be nice to give everyone the benefit of the doubt sure but that isn't reality. It would be wonderful if we didnt live in a world that actually needs borders but we still live on a planet with a lot of hateful people unfortunately. If criminals walked around with a sign that said "Stay away I'm a F Up" it would make this process much easier but that isn't the case. It also doesn't help when Vets like myself see people who broke the law to come here get the red carpet laid out while my brothers and sisters in arms are struggling to survive.