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Political Thread: The Sequel

Once again out of context and you hop on it. The story came out yesterday that WOAT was not thrilled with the Waltz pick and that he wished he had not bowed out. That is what Orange Bad Man was addressing.
It was idiotic for Trump to post that. I actually had friends who were certain Trump was going to be reinstated as President even after Biden was inaugurated. I dont doubt Trump believed that to.
I don't think there is a lot of understanding in forums like this about economics or the business cycle. The government through its fiscal and monetary policies and it's collusion with various industries has, over time, completely warped thr economy.

All that aside, you can talk about low wage jobs, crime rates, illegal voting, and poor innocent people fleeing bad countries hoping for a better life until the cows come home. But the only thing that matters is YOU DO NOT HAVE A COUNTRY WOTHOUT BORDERS.

Whatever benefits unfettered immigration brings is vastly offset by the many negative impacts this will have over time. And when you see politicians allow this, while talking out of the other side of their mouth about wanting a better life for all Americans, then you know their actual intent is the destruction of the country.
There is a border. People are crossing it and claiming asylum.

I realize this is your default view, but it’s just silly to think that the intent of politicians is to destroy the country.
There is a border. People are crossing it and claiming asylum.

I realize this is your default view, but it’s just silly to think that the intent of politicians is to destroy the country.
I know. It is silly when you allow emotion and ideology to overrule common sense and objective thinking.

If we apply the logic that prevails on your side, then we should not really even try and protect the border at all. Just open it up completely to the entire world. Because the way you guys look at it, there is no possible rational argument you can make against that idea that is not in direct opposition to your worldview.

Just let them all in.

Of course, I oppose that idea because I think it's bad for the country. It takes about 2 IQ points to realize that. But if you need proof, just look around the world.

Unfettered migration is a horrible idea and destroys a nation, if it is vast enough. Everyone with half a brain knows this. So why is it being allowed? Everyone either half a brain knows the answer to that too.
It was idiotic for Trump to post that. I actually had friends who were certain Trump was going to be reinstated as President even after Biden was inaugurated. I dont doubt Trump believed that to.
It may have been idiotic to you and hey I get that but fact is story was in the media and that is what he was addressing. End of story.
I know. It is silly when you allow emotion and ideology to overrule common sense and objective thinking.

If we apply the logic that prevails on your side, then we should not really even try and protect the border at all. Just open it up completely to the entire world. Because the way you guys look at it, there is no possible rational argument you can make against that idea that is not in direct opposition to your worldview.

Just let them all in.

Of course, I oppose that idea because I think it's bad for the country. It takes about 2 IQ points to realize that. But if you need proof, just look around the world.

Unfettered migration is a horrible idea and destroys a nation, if it is vast enough. Everyone with half a brain knows this. So why is it being allowed? Everyone either half a brain knows the answer to that too.
I wouldn’t call it completely unfettered. There are still deportations happening and court dates set (arguably too long in future).

Maybe I don’t have half a brain but I am just not seeing the country being destroyed by people who largely come here to work or start businesses and are not committing crimes (mostly).

I think you guys are just a bit concerned about the country becoming less white and equate that to the country being destroyed.
Walz will appease the left end of the Dem party but does little to perk the interest of centrists and independents. Trump and the Repubs are breathing a sigh of relief with this pick. I know Eric Holder has been vetting these candidates for days and there must be something in Sharpiro's closet that would be detrimental if brought out. I personally think Mark Kelly would have been a good choice at the top of the ticket but not sure if VP would be the best place for him. Winners today are the lefty Dems and Magas
Hearing Shapiro was hesitant to give up the governors job if they won. Kelly would have alienated many moderates or indies with his gun stance. Walz was a safe pick. No real enemies trying to destroy him and unknown enough that there's no bad press around him
I wouldn’t call it completely unfettered. There are still deportations happening and court dates set (arguably too long in future).

Maybe I don’t have half a brain but I am just not seeing the country being destroyed by people who largely come here to work or start businesses and are not committing crimes (mostly).

I think you guys are just a bit concerned about the country becoming less white and equate that to the country being destroyed.
Inglourious Basterds Bingo GIF

That might not be the case for some of the posters I know here but I truly believe that is at the crux of the issue. I mean, it has happened over and over and over in this country. The klan was a response to white folks losing political power during reconstruction. The Tulsa massacre and Wilmington insurrection happened because black folks gained a toehold of power in those cities. When whiteness is not centered, some folks just cant deal.
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I wouldn’t call it completely unfettered. There are still deportations happening and court dates set (arguably too long in future).

Maybe I don’t have half a brain but I am just not seeing the country being destroyed by people who largely come here to work or start businesses and are not committing crimes (mostly).

I think you guys are just a bit concerned about the country becoming less white and equate that to the country being destroyed.
Always make it about race when logic breaks down. Excellent rebuttal. Nobody here has mentioned race being an issue, and I doubt anyone cares about it. This isn't 1850 like you guys like to pretend.

There are millions of people here illegally it's bad on any number of levels. It's indisputable.
Always make it about race when logic breaks down. Excellent rebuttal. Nobody here has mentioned race being an issue, and I doubt anyone cares about it. This isn't 1850 like you guys like to pretend.

There are millions of people here illegally it's bad on any number of levels. It's indisputable.
😂 You are going to honestly say that has nothing to do with it?
I don't think there is a lot of understanding in forums like this about economics or the business cycle. The government through its fiscal and monetary policies and it's collusion with various industries has, over time, completely warped the economy.

All that aside, you can talk about low wage jobs, crime rates, illegal voting, and poor innocent people fleeing bad countries hoping for a better life until the cows come home. But the only thing that matters is YOU DO NOT HAVE A COUNTRY WOTHOUT BORDERS.

Whatever benefits unfettered immigration brings is vastly offset by the many negative impacts this will have over time. And when you see politicians allow this, while talking out of the other side of their mouth about wanting a better life for all Americans, then you know their actual intent is the destruction of the country.
They hate America.
It's Wild the race card gets pulled out here by the usual people that pull it. I actually really like the Latin people that I know that have immigrated here. I think they have many of the values that us traditional Americans have lost. But liking them culturally and allowing them to prosper in this country without paying taxes or supporting the propped up goverment the way that I am forced to are separate things. Allowing entry into this country for political gain for one side is also a separate thing. Also for national security for every 100 decent people who just wants to come make a life here you get someone with other intentions that slips through, that's unacceptable. These borders were fought for with blood. If we don't respect our own borders then why would any other country respect them? We appear weaker internationally than at any time in my life.
I hope one of these bad guys coming across the border moves and next door to you while abusing and ruining your property & family. When you're a victim of crime complaining on the media begging for money to pay for a family funeral, then maybe you'll realize the error of your ways.

Classic Democrat tactics to take a chart and try to twist it into being another administration's fault. They starting pouring in as soon as they knew Biden was coming into office, an opportunity they know wouldn't be around long. They didn't come under Trump in these record numbers, because there was no catch and release. Chart doesn't even count the getaways.
You are such a good Christian man… tell us about your church