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Political Thread: The Sequel

That's propaganda
Working in construction I probably deal with more Latinos than most. They have definitely veered more right in recent years from my conversations with them. Most are Catholic or Seventh Day Adventist and won't support the social wokeness even though they are more liberal on the economic side.
I said provide examples. I know about the Ten Commandments, that’s negligible and less harmful than teaching five year olds sexual ideology. Provide examples of woman being arrested for abortion. Bans on abortion whereas voters in a state support that is democratic whether you agree or not. Provide real examples, councilors in schools? Where? Provide examples.

None of what you provided are real examples, nor is that anything remotely like a Christian nationalist movement, not even close.
There are clear examples for every one of those I listed. Simple Google searches will help with your education on those matters.

For the record there is no mention of teaching sex Ed but there is about separation of church and state. So are you saying the constitution doesn't matter because you're okay with the 10 commandments in schools?
Working in construction I probably deal with more Latinos than most. They have definitely veered more right in recent years from my conversations with them. Most are Catholic or Seventh Day Adventist and won't support the social wokeness even though they are more liberal on the economic side.
You keep saying stuff like that and pretty soon, the libs in here are going to be against immigration 😅
There are clear examples for every one of those I listed. Simple Google searches will help with your education on those matters.

For the record there is no mention of teaching sex Ed but there is about separation of church and state. So are you saying the constitution doesn't matter because you're okay with the 10 commandments in schools?
I want to drop you off in iran for a week or 2 see if we can clear your thinking
There are clear examples for every one of those I listed. Simple Google searches will help with your education on those matters.

For the record there is no mention of teaching sex Ed but there is about separation of church and state. So are you saying the constitution doesn't matter because you're okay with the 10 commandments in schools?
The 10 commandments are the basic laws of humanity, they are rather religiously agnostic, or should be.

Google searches? You have to do better than this. Can you imagine your lawyer in court saying: “Just do some google searches your honor, just believe me.” That really is the lefts platform in a nutshell. “Just believe us.”
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I hate my state right now but this I've known for four years. Duh. The real problem is Fulton and Dekalb counties. We should probably give those two counties to California.
Georgia wouldn’t be able to sustain itself without Atlanta and Savannah tax dollars. It would be a near third world country. Don’t even get me started on healthcare. Am I gonna go to Baxley or Americus for a heart or kidney transplant?

I am all for rural America pulling away if they want. Just know you lose your social security, EBT, Medicare/Medicaid and healthcare facilities.
There are clear examples for every one of those I listed. Simple Google searches will help with your education on those matters.

For the record there is no mention of teaching sex Ed but there is about separation of church and state. So are you saying the constitution doesn't matter because you're okay with the 10 commandments in schools?
Shaggy, you are up to your old tricks I see. You continue to project your version of a moral society on to others. Fact is many don't believe the way you belive and that bothers you. I try to stay out of these types of debates on here but am gonnna comment this time. Fact is my moral compass was shaped differently from yours and others and I try not to project that on to others except to say be kind and treat others as you would like to be treated. Yes I am conservative, yes I am a christian and yes I am what you would probably call a nationalist. But not for the reasons you would and have thrown out here. I simply want our leadership to put us first and that has not happened in a very very long time. So please going forward try not to project your version of morality like we should all just jump in line do the google searches and magicly belive as you do. Its not gonna happen.
Shaggy, you are up to your old tricks I see. You continue to project your version of a moral society on to others. Fact is many don't believe the way you belive and that bothers you. I try to stay out of these types of debates on here but am gonnna comment this time. Fact is my moral compass was shaped differently from yours and others and I try not to project that on to others except to say be kind and treat others as you would like to be treated. Yes I am conservative, yes I am a christian and yes I am what you would probably call a nationalist. But not for the reasons you would and have thrown out here. I simply want our leadership to put us first and that has not happened in a very very long time. So please going forward try not to project your version of morality like we should all just jump in line do the google searches and magicly belive as you do. Its not gonna happen.
I don't project my version of morality at all ever period. That's what conservatives are doing. My morality is just fine and fully intact. I certainly don't push my morality onto others.....it's quite the opposite actually
I don't project my version of morality at all ever period. That's what conservatives are doing. My morality is just fine and fully intact. I certainly don't push my morality onto others.....it's quite the opposite actually
You do and you have done it today you just won’t admit it. That is who you are.
You cannot say with a straight face that you actually believe that data. Its absolute garbage, and there is literally now way to quantify what we have in this country currently but estimate. You know it as well as I do.

The military on borders around the world seems to work just fine. I'm going to need you to explain that a little further, especially with the wall that was being constructed under the prior administration. You call our border with a government controlled by cartels peaceful? Even RFK went down there and said the damn thing needs to be closed. I could care less if its legal or not, but to say that there is potentially legal issues with protecting our own border is patently garbage. We make the damn rules.

Peaceful border with one of our best trade partners? Who cares? Free trade with Mexico is half the reason higher wages and jobs have left this country in the first place.

We are just going to have to agree to disagree. You clearly like the direction the country is currently going, that's fine. Say you're for socialism, open borders, low wages, endless wars.

It's the best data we have. When creating policy you don't get to use imaginary figures.

I feel like there's some confusion about what "military on the border" actually means. For decades we've had small numbers of uniformed military personnel on the border in various quantities performing duties with tools that civilian law enforcement may not have. This is common around the world and isn't particularly controversial. What some in this country advocate for is full militarization of the border with Mexico. Active duty, armor, fortifications you name it. This was brought up in HR2. The cost of this in Dollars and cost in an economic sense would be felt by every single person here. "Nearshoring" is the trend of the day with China seen as in increasingly unreliable partner and India being, well, India. Northern Mexico is seeing a huge amount of construction for factories to produce everything you can imagine. All of this is being constructed with the assumption it will not be in danger of becoming a conflict zone. Go back to what I said earlier about Mexico's reaction to having large numbers of American soldiers on their border. They would be well within their rights to also place their military up there for deterrence purposes. There doesn't need to be any open hostility between the two nations at all to throw a wrench in the economic development that's occuring on both sides of the border.

There's a sense among the Rs I've noticed that America can throw its weight around and tell everyone else what to do. Sure we could in a military sense but in very short order it would cost us economically. The world has changed and some haven't left the old Cold War mindset behind. The last thing we need as a country is for Latin America and South America to turn more towards China. It's now a viable option and we have to accept that. Ending the ridiculous number of asylum seekers and other border crossers depends on there being incentive for them to stay home and incentive for those here to go back home. It would cost us far less money to assist those nations in getting their economies in order than it would to try and stop them all coming indefinitely. We'd also ensure the Americas continue to be a conflict free hemisphere or as close to it as possible.

Leave border enforcement to civilian authorities. Pay them more, hire more, build more wall etc. Doesn't matter to me, just don't expect that to change anything if employers aren't held accountable for hiring them in the first place.
You do and you have done it today you just won’t admit it. That is who you are.
No.me telling you guys to keep your morality to.yourselves isn't me pushing my morality on anyone. I've never tried to have laws passed forcing my morality on anyone. I might advocate for things to be made legal so people have the right to choose for themselves what they wish to do but that's not pushing my morality. That's me pushing freedom