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Political Thread: The Sequel

Trump needs to win AZ,NV and GA . And win Omaha. He will win rest of Nebraska,. Then if kamala wins MI,PA,Wisc. Congress will put Trump over the top . Just win Baby!

This is a taylored made Stat,Math scenerio, only GAWX can calculate, check an verify me on.
Trump needs to win AZ,NV and GA . And win Omaha. He will win rest of Nebraska,. Ten if kamala wins MI,PA,Wisc. Congress will put Trump over the top . Just win Baby!

This is a taylored made Stat,Math scenerio, only GAWX can calculate, check a verify me on.
I’m not sure Trump will win Lincoln, Nebraska
Ok so what defines what a good economy is? People spending money they don't really have on crap they don't really need?
Baseline is at a minimum being able to pay utlities, rent/mortgage, gas and buy groceries. Not even getting into saving a small chunk for future emergencies,repairs etc.
So using this standard over half America is now struggling under Bidenomics. The American Dream gets talked about in past tense instead of the future tense now.
Ok so what defines what a good economy is? People spending money they don't really have on crap they don't really need?
You’re asking a question of morality. In that sense the legalization of sports gambling has been a disaster and we would do well as a nation to legislate it back into the shadows.

As far as debt goes, I like to look at the overall picture. The trend line shown has never fully “recovered” from pre-2008 levels. In that sense we’re less indebted as a nation even when considering inflated prices of everything. Softness in the labor market is apparent but what isn’t clear is whether or not it means a slide into recession.

There’s a strange doomer mentality among most of GenX and the Boomers around the economy crashing. For my entire life there’s been a looming economic crash coming from the far right side of our political spectrum. Whether it’s leftover issues from growing up during the cold war or something else I don’t know. Recessions don’t come like a bolt from the blue. There are signals on top of signals. Yes there are one or two out there right now but nothing indicating anything like a “crash.” We’ve had several episodes like this over the last decade plus which have not led to recession. Time will tell if the next 6 months are different but I’m personally encouraged by all the sectors that are doing okay.
I think you have to break down the economy into micro and macro these days. On a macro scale the economy is strong with unemployment down and the market good before a few days ago. However, on a micro scale we feel the pinch of everything much more and it is not strong. A visit to the grocery store enforces that every week.
You’re asking a question of morality. In that sense the legalization of sports gambling has been a disaster and we would do well as a nation to legislate it back into the shadows.

As far as debt goes, I like to look at the overall picture. The trend line shown has never fully “recovered” from pre-2008 levels. In that sense we’re less indebted as a nation even when considering inflated prices of everything. Softness in the labor market is apparent but what isn’t clear is whether or not it means a slide into recession.

There’s a strange doomer mentality among most of GenX and the Boomers around the economy crashing. For my entire life there’s been a looming economic crash coming from the far right side of our political spectrum. Whether it’s leftover issues from growing up during the cold war or something else I don’t know. Recessions don’t come like a bolt from the blue. There are signals on top of signals. Yes there are one or two out there right now but nothing indicating anything like a “crash.” We’ve had several episodes like this over the last decade plus which have not led to recession. Time will tell if the next 6 months are different but I’m personally encouraged by all the sectors that are doing okay.
Ok lets redefine it then. The economy stinks! Is that better? I don't know very many people who are jumping up and down giddy with what is going on across the country. Some regions aren't as affected as others but overall the economy is not good period. If you aren't concerned that's great news but for the majority of people out there times are tough and there is no denying it