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Political Thread: The Sequel

Wonder how many votes this will get ole Kamala? Name one thing Kamala has done as VP? Heck even as a senator. Then ask yourself , are you better off than under Trump admin? Case closed! Minus the long voting in Philly,Atl,Det,Milwaukee and Phoenix election night.

It's a joke that anyone would think Trump would have to rape a dog face pony. Women literally would PAY HIM to give them attention and give him anything he wants. Shallow with no critical thinking at this point. The left is really great at mind controlling and using the weak to do their dirty work. They are also great at accusing people of what they themselves have done. This is not a game.
Why don't you ask Tara Reade? Biden would know a thing or two about that, but hey, at least she was legal this time.

Am I doing this right?
Getting close.. you need to type in CAPS a little more and quote a few Bubba News sources
Yawn yawn locker room talk
Nah man, you gotta think like a bonafide victim. Trump said it, so it must be true. I must have missed all those AP news headlines prior to 2016 where Trump was a racist homophobic rapist. Let me unbrainwash myself and go back and ingest some of that material. Maybe one of the Bubba News sources will shed some light on this for me.

Joe Biden's daughter wrote in her diary how daddy showered with her at an inappropriate age, but see that isn't true because, well just because.
I'm sure the people acting like they're too good for locker room talk have never said anything of the such when they had the opportunity. Must be nice to be perfect.
I find it funny this is an issue for some. There are women I know I have full freedom with, and the ones I don’t. Doesn’t matter to any degree.
I find it funny this is an issue for some. There are women I know I have full freedom with, and the ones I don’t. Doesn’t matter to any degree.
I just find it bizarre altogether. It's amazing what hatred will make somebody think and do when they don't like somebody. No wonder people don't have anything to do with religion with attitudes like that.
I'm sure the people acting like they're too good for locker room talk have never said anything of the such when they had the opportunity. Must be nice to be perfect.
Its like I've said a hundred times in here and elsewhere. Anyone who things that the majority of these politicians are doing blow off hookers backsides on the regular don't live in reality. The corruption is rampant on both sides, and they both cover, which is why you focus on the policies, and only the policies. However, people are stupid and feed into the character propaganda day in and day out.
Nah man, you gotta think like a bonafide victim. Trump said it, so it must be true. I must have missed all those AP news headlines prior to 2016 where Trump was a racist homophobic rapist. Let me unbrainwash myself and go back and ingest some of that material. Maybe one of the Bubba News sources will shed some light on this for me.

Joe Biden's daughter wrote in her diary how daddy showered with her at an inappropriate age, but see that isn't true because, well just because.
And that’s way beyond locker room talk.
Its like I've said a hundred times in here and elsewhere. Anyone who things that the majority of these politicians are doing blow off hookers backsides on the regular don't live in reality. The corruption is rampant on both sides, and they both cover, which is why you focus on the policies, and only the policies. However, people are stupid and feed into the character propaganda day in and day out.
Yeah the scheme works quite well.
Its like I've said a hundred times in here and elsewhere. Anyone who things that the majority of these politicians are doing blow off hookers backsides on the regular don't live in reality. The corruption is rampant on both sides, and they both cover, which is why you focus on the policies, and only the policies. However, people are stupid and feed into the character propaganda day in and day out.
Yeah it's why they use our money for secret hush funds. Think Stormy Daniels and there again they accuse Trump of what they themselves do. We know their playbook. These people are sick. DC is sickning.