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Political Thread: The Sequel

I think one of the biggest manipulations on the people was to make it uncool to talk religion and politics. It took our power and foundation away and makes us vulnerable to the enemy. When the people are not in control of the basics, engaged and united it makes us well....about where we are now.
I have no clue what a conservative actually is anymore. I have softened some of my social views but I lean way more libertarian than in the past. I spent 2 decades at war so I'm sick of it, I want to see more progress in our freedom to seek alternative treatments with plant medicines/psychedelics and I want my country to come first for a change. I'm tired of law breakers being pandered to while my brothers and sisters in arms are still taking their own life in record numbers and living in horrific conditions
I have no clue what a conservative actually is anymore. I have softened some of my social views but I lean way more libertarian than in the past. I spent 2 decades at war so I'm sick of it, I want to see more progress in our freedom to seek alternative treatments with plant medicines/psychedelics and I want my country to come first for a change. I'm tired of law breakers being pandered to while my brothers and sisters in arms are still taking their own life in record numbers and living in horrific conditions
Join me and vote RFK
I have no clue what a conservative actually is anymore. I have softened some of my social views but I lean way more libertarian than in the past. I spent 2 decades at war so I'm sick of it, I want to see more progress in our freedom to seek alternative treatments with plant medicines/psychedelics and I want my country to come first for a change. I'm tired of law breakers being pandered to while my brothers and sisters in arms are still taking their own life in record numbers and living in horrific conditions
Serious question here.......who do you guys think gets the last punch in this isreal and Iran situation. It's like yall are surprised when Iran gets punched that they want to punch back.
Serious question here.......who do you guys think gets the last punch in this isreal and Iran situation. It's like yall are surprised when Iran gets punched that they want to punch back.
Probably us because we have some weird desire to be involved and throw lives away to ramp back up the economy. Wouldn't surprise me if our involvement is only to play a show while we sell Israel weaponry and directly fight Iran because we can't stop blowing the ME up.

That's if we get too involved, but it it was one or the other it will be sooner or later before Israel gets blown to glass with they way they both sides talk. It's clear they both have chosen war. I fully expect Iran to threaten us more too.
Probably us because we have some weird desire to be involved and throw lives away to ramp back up the economy. Wouldn't surprise me if our involvement is only to play a show while we sell Israel weaponry and directly fight Iran because we can't stop blowing the ME up.

That's if we get too involved, but it it was one or the other it will be sooner or later before Israel gets blown to glass with they way they both sides talk. It's clear they both have chosen war. I fully expect Iran to threaten us more too.
Israel is not going to get blown to glass, I assure you. Outside of that, what you wrote is most likely correct.
Serious question here.......who do you guys think gets the last punch in this isreal and Iran situation. It's like yall are surprised when Iran gets punched that they want to punch back.
It's not ever going to end as long as the world exists. What I can't figure out is why Iran says anything at all, if they're really going to do something other than for show. I'm not military expert, but you don't usually telegraph what you're going to do, unless it's part of the choreography.
Serious question here.......who do you guys think gets the last punch in this isreal and Iran situation. It's like yall are surprised when Iran gets punched that they want to punch back.
I feel like Iran has the capability to compete with anyone, but are very very reserved because Israel has nukes.
Probably us because we have some weird desire to be involved and throw lives away to ramp back up the economy. Wouldn't surprise me if our involvement is only to play a show while we sell Israel weaponry and directly fight Iran because we can't stop blowing the ME up.

That's if we get too involved, but it it was one or the other it will be sooner or later before Israel gets blown to glass with they way they both sides talk. It's clear they both have chosen war. I fully expect Iran to threaten us more too.
As long as the likes of Raytheon and Northrop Grumman can make some money, we will be involved in anything.
With this forum I feel like if we were all in a room we’d all get along even with this thread. Sure there is petty shots and name calling but I think most leave it in here.
This is absolutely true. There is nobody in here who I wouldn't drink a beer with.
As long as the likes of Raytheon and Northrop Grumman can make some money, we will be involved in anything.
These weapons producers are the worst people on the planet. If they put their engineering and scientific process into actually helping mankind we would be so much further along as a society
The guy in this pic hasnt been seen in weeks. Word on street, he had a stroke. Doesnt stop the commies from runing their mouth though.
