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Political Thread: The Sequel

Prayers up! They had a terrorist attack this morning. 4 folks stabbed out walking around. Elderly. 2 died already , in their 70s.

The thing that makes me scratch my head is Kemp does all the right things. All maybe a strong word but things in general. Like how he handled the "covid crap". Tax breaks too etc. Like GaWx said, he is not horrible. I don't like the stuff about foreign connections, dominion and certainly the fighting Trump, helping hurt Trump and ignoring the people that wants him to be MAGA. It is very strange that he and Raffensperger fight against looking into election stuff or anything like that. The more they fight it, the more it looks suspicious. Why not be transparent regardless of outcome? I hope there is good in the end of all this. I really do.
There's a clear line he wants to separate himself from and I don't blame him. MAGA is in his and a lot of Georgians a more extreme group than they want to associate with and that would've given people like Abrams an easy win and would next election instead of a more stable Republican. If he's able to run the state well I don't think Trump should be making enemies with those he needs the most. Make it more obvious that he can win 24 instead of hard press 20 was a lie. It'll just happen again.
There's a clear line he wants to separate himself from and I don't blame him. MAGA is in his and a lot of Georgians a more extreme group than they want to associate with and that would've given people like Abrams an easy win and would next election instead of a more stable Republican. If he's able to run the state well I don't think Trump should be making enemies with those he needs the most. Make it more obvious that he can win 24 instead of hard press 20 was a lie. It'll just happen again.
I can see your thinking on this but I do believe there is some sinister stuff that went on in GA and all around the country. It would be great to just look at this as politics as usual but it's not. I think it's exposure and truth time. Mike Lindell and others have been working on GA. What they have done to Trump, Rudy, Sidney and others is outrageous. Trump may have ways that people don't like but he's not dishonest. He will fight if he's in the right. People didn't call Kemp China Brian for nothing probably. He can fire back at Trump all he wants but most of us know cheating and unusual stuff went on. If not prove it Brian and Brad. We shall see who they are loyal to in the end. Making America Great Again is never too extreme. We shall see.
I beg to differ. That's exactly what he needed to do. Kemp got roasted today too on fb. People are sick of his sh*t. He wouldn't even be Gov if not for Trump. There is something cooky going on with him and I have given him the benefit of the doubt, but I do believe he's about to be exposed for sure. I think it has something to do with he is more worried about who he is indebted to than doing what people want and supporting the Republican nominee. Trump did absolutely roast him tonight. Over and over and over. Even over the top for him. Dammmm.
Kemp is a hard line Republican. It is well known he attended several meetings with Paul Ryan and company. Hard line republicans don’t want the Orange Bads Man either. Maybe as much as the Dems.
Kemp is a hard line Republican. It is well known he attended several meetings with Paul Ryan and company. Hard line republicans don’t want the Orange Bads Man either. Maybe as much as the Dems.
The ol boys like this are even more dangerous. That is why Georgians have been fooled. 🍿

This could have been Trump's pick for VP.

Instead he chose a guy who is inexperienced and has a bipolar history of not knowing if he even likes Trump or not.

I blame it on Don Jr.
I think we all know how this election will go if it's very close regardless of who wins. There will be turmoil for weeks. It will take Democrats losing for anything to be done about it in the media because they don't bother until it affects them negatively. 2 chaotic elections in a row and maybe something gets done to clean it up. If republicans get screwed again and do nothing they deserve it......After Trump I have zero confidence in where this country is headed. All great civilizations crumble at some point and we are headed that way in rapid fashion.
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This could have been Trump's pick for VP.

Instead he chose a guy who is inexperienced and has a bipolar history of not knowing if he even likes Trump or not.

I blame it on Don Jr.
I like her but didn't she dislike Trump too? I wouldn't discount her having a major role in his cabinet which is suited to her strengths
I think we all know how this election will go if it's very close regardless of who wins. There will be turmoil for weeks. It will take Democrats losing for anything to be done about it in the media because they don't bother until it affects them negatively. 2 chaotic elections in a row and maybe something gets done to clean it up. If republicans get screwed again and do nothing they deserve it......After Trump I have zero confidence in where this country is headed. All great civilizations crumble at some point and we are headed that way in rapid fashion.
Yalls perceived chaos doesn't mean it was real chaos. This will be the 2nd cleanest election in history after what trumps own people said was the cleanest in 2020
View attachment 149368

This could have been Trump's pick for VP.

Instead he chose a guy who is inexperienced and has a bipolar history of not knowing if he even likes Trump or not.

I blame it on Don Jr.
If he had picked her, Harris would have had no chance. As it is, Harris wins and may just have all of Congress as well. If we are lucky the Republicans take the Senate, but don't count on it.