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Political Thread: The Sequel

Gas prices have been essentially flat since 2015 plus or minus 10-20 cents. Summer 2020 prices are irrelevant to the conversation for obvious reasons.

I don’t know that beating the “coming recession” drum is a winning message for the Rs. Inflation has been a problem but has gotten better and we’re still seeing wage growth. Individuals on a fixed income are a separate issue that doesn’t have an easy answer.

The overall economy is in a far better place than it’s been arguably since the financial crisis. Rates should have started rising during the T years but we all know why they didn’t. There’s an argument to be made had rates risen normally pre-Covid we could have done more to mitigate the economic issues without printing so much money. Water under the bridge now though. I’m not in favor of lowering rates until we see real lasting soft spots in the economy. Right now there are none I can find.
Gas prices have been essentially flat since 2015 plus or minus 10-20 cents. Summer 2020 prices are irrelevant to the conversation for obvious reasons.

I don’t know that beating the “coming recession” drum is a winning message for the Rs. Inflation has been a problem but has gotten better and we’re still seeing wage growth. Individuals on a fixed income are a separate issue that doesn’t have an easy answer.

The overall economy is in a far better place than it’s been arguably since the financial crisis. Rates should have started rising during the T years but we all know why they didn’t. There’s an argument to be made had rates risen normally pre-Covid we could have done more to mitigate the economic issues without printing so much money. Water under the bridge now though. I’m not in favor of lowering rates until we see real lasting soft spots in the economy. Right now there are none I can find.
Economy so great unemployment is at its highest since COVID. 🤡
Gas prices have been essentially flat since 2015 plus or minus 10-20 cents. Summer 2020 prices are irrelevant to the conversation for obvious reasons.

I don’t know that beating the “coming recession” drum is a winning message for the Rs. Inflation has been a problem but has gotten better and we’re still seeing wage growth. Individuals on a fixed income are a separate issue that doesn’t have an easy answer.

The overall economy is in a far better place than it’s been arguably since the financial crisis. Rates should have started rising during the T years but we all know why they didn’t. There’s an argument to be made had rates risen normally pre-Covid we could have done more to mitigate the economic issues without printing so much money. Water under the bridge now though. I’m not in favor of lowering rates until we see real lasting soft spots in the economy. Right now there are none I can find.

For those who don’t realize it, US crude oil production in 2023 was not only a record high for any year in the U.S., it was a record high for any year in any country!

Gas prices have been essentially flat since 2015 plus or minus 10-20 cents. Summer 2020 prices are irrelevant to the conversation for obvious reasons.

I don’t know that beating the “coming recession” drum is a winning message for the Rs. Inflation has been a problem but has gotten better and we’re still seeing wage growth. Individuals on a fixed income are a separate issue that doesn’t have an easy answer.

The overall economy is in a far better place than it’s been arguably since the financial crisis. Rates should have started rising during the T years but we all know why they didn’t. There’s an argument to be made had rates risen normally pre-Covid we could have done more to mitigate the economic issues without printing so much money. Water under the bridge now though. I’m not in favor of lowering rates until we see real lasting soft spots in the economy. Right now there are none I can find.
The damage has already been done but I'm sure people who are now tens of thousands of dollars in debt are happy to hear that 3.50 gas is "flat" aweful. I'm sure these same people who have been told "it's getting better" for 3+ years are happy as a lark to hear it one more time. Perhaps all these tent cities I see all over America are just an illusion. Their lives are obviously much better than before Bidenomics. Inflation is an illusion, the open border is just an illusion, the drug epidemic, crime rates, global conflicts, all just a figment of people's imagination. What could or should have been done is great to talk about but it's not reality. Reality is we have a business man facing off against a progressive, radical activist who obviously knows nothing about people's "real problems"
The damage has already been done but I'm sure people who are now tens of thousands of dollars in debt are happy to hear that 3.50 gas is "flat" aweful. I'm sure these same people who have been told "it's getting better" for 3+ years are happy as a lark to hear it one more time. Perhaps all these tent cities I see all over America are just an illusion. Their lives are obviously much better than before Bidenomics. Inflation is an illusion, the open border is just an illusion, the drug epidemic, crime rates, global conflicts, all just a figment of people's imagination. What could or should have been done is great to talk about but it's not reality. Reality is we have a business man facing off against a progressive, radical activist who obviously knows nothing about people's "real problems"

The 24 hour news cycle is one main reason having informed discussion is so difficult. For many posters on this board y’all essentially reply with cable news chyrons and no facts. Use your brains folks.
Nah just fake christians
The democrats and all the progressive politicians are afraid of real Christians. The Truth is what destroys the deception of the concept of a world wide utopia attained outside of submitting to the designer and creator JESUS MESIAH. I don't push for our government to become a theocracy, because there is no human able to lead it. I do wish that we would prolong our days and look at the real facts of what good government looks like. Consider the society we had when people were more constitutional conservatives 65 years ago and what it's like now. Men were men women were women and we didn't have any trouble identifying the sexes. People had pride in working for what they owned, and didn't want a government handout. The Church wanted to take care of the needy and blasted young men that relied on their parents to take care of them. Cursing in front of women was disrespectful, and would get you a bloody nose. Most men fought out their differences with their mouths and their fist instead of guns. Homosexuality was known for what it is, I don't even have to say, you know already. Racism, was known as judging a person by the color of their skin, not only certain colors. Everybody spoke English, you didn't have to have an interpreter to borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbor. Your kids could play outside all day long and come home for supper, and you didn't even have to check on them. There were plenty of problems, but they were caused by those not submitting to the Word of God. Now we promote rebellion to the Lord even denying His existence with our mainstream politics. And voila, America today!
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But is it bad enough to make it worthwhile for the U.S. to reduce fracking and lose our record high production and lead to higher energy prices? No easy answer.
Part of why finding and investing in alternate fuels would be ideal. Lower dependency on oil means less need to frack. With more efficient or cheaper fuel sources I'm sure we could replace the need to frack.

The 24 hour news cycle is one main reason having informed discussion is so difficult. For many posters on this board y’all essentially reply with cable news chyrons and no facts. Use your brains folks.
Do you think everyday people out there are happy about gas prices? I ask because when I go to fill up I don't hear people saying "Gee I'm glad gas prices are flat" at 3.59. In fact I don't hear people cheering when they go the grocery store and their bill as twice what it used to be. Maybe you live in a different part of the world than some us but all I hear is unhappy people. I can't speak for these folks but I think they need a little more than "it's getting better" when it clearly is not
Ban fracking =/= ban petroleum. Half to more than half of this list has alternatives that don't require petroleum at any point. Decreasing dependency on oil isn't a bad thing and would drive its price down too.
You're right maybe we need to spend another 8 billion on 16 charging stations.
I guess the question is, do you like the occasional jab at the other side, or do you like migrants from all over the world, flooding into our country unabated, our cities being destroyed, and our public safety officers under assault by our government, just to name a few things.
Example of our law enforcement officers under attack by a certain political movement
