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Political Thread: The Sequel

It’s important to be a leader for the losing side and the winning side. Trump never did that. Like this forum, both sides need to be heard. Not posts deleted favoring one side over the other. It’s ok tho. Old fart weird ass not gonna win at the rate this is going.
Add some value and the post will hang out
I guess the question is, do you like the occasional jab at the other side, or do you like migrants from all over the world, flooding into our country unabated, our cities being destroyed, and our public safety officers under assault by our government, just to name a few things.

The problem is that you and others keep minimizing Trump’s negativity as “occasional jabs”, meanie Tweets, etc. He can still be strong on illegal immigration/cities being destroyed, which I agree has been a problem under Biden, and other issues without being so darn inflammatory. Follow the Reagan model of leadership instead. RR was a very strong leader without being so intentionally divisive. He treated Americans with different views as strong opposition but not as enemies.
this is just dog whistling for the anti vax crowd....

I actually thought Operation Warp Speed was one of Trump’s greatest accomplishments, if not THE greatest. I’m not afraid to give credit to Trump where credit is due.
The problem is that you and others keep minimizing Trump’s negativity as “occasional jabs”, meanie Tweets, etc. He can still be strong on illegal immigration/cities being destroyed, which I agree has been a problem under Biden, and other issues without being so darn inflammatory. Follow the Reagan model of leadership instead. RR was a very strong leader without being so intentionally divisive. He treated Americans with different views as strong opposition but not as enemies.
Just ask yourself. Why is Lil Marco Rubio by his side? Why is Ted Cruz by his side? Just two examples. Wouldn't you think if there wasn't something else going on and chess being played, these two would never speak to him again? You are a very smart guy that takes the time to think. I always appreciate your time and consistency in the weather threads over the years (even though I don't understand most of it). Even if Ted and Marco really hate Trumps behavior, maybe they just love their country more but there is a reason he does and says the things he does. Most of his jabs are to expose evil and corruption and he is eventually always right. Just look at what all has happened and what is being brought to light now. He came in the DC machine lion's den. Although he is a fighter by nature he didn't start this BS. He will finish it though despite the calculated misinformation campaign.
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AI not being profitable moment, they all threw tons of money in hopes to replace jobs they're getting hit with reality just now after beginning to throw people out slowly to save money and it's backfiring. The economy is slowing too as it should have been awhile ago. Let the crash begin because we need some correction in prices.
AI not being profitable moment, they all threw tons of money in hopes to replace jobs they're getting hit with reality just now after beginning to throw people out slowly to save money and it's backfiring. The economy is slowing too as it should have been awhile ago. Let the crash begin because we need some correction in prices.
Agreed. China is experiencing deflation and it's so bad they stopped reporting the youth unemployment rate. Expecting the contagion to last.
All you have to do is listen to the left and they tell you what they do. They accuse you of what they are doing. This tactic is exactly how (they) created the Dosier. The Russia hoax and 50 mil of our money and they LOST! Thanks Mueller. Nothing there. Goodbye Andy McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Corn Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper and the rest of you corrupt hacks.
Agreed. China is experiencing deflation and it's so bad they stopped reporting the youth unemployment rate. Expecting the contagion to last.
China's also deflating fast because consumers are rapidly not spending so much on their crap that it's piling up and they can't sell it, not to mention companies like temu bleeding money removing their profitable middlemen and shipping their cheap garbage products for dirt prices. They're digging their own hole.
Anyone want to talk about the recession we are in and the real numbers surrounding our economy? It wasn't that long ago that this country voted based on their families financial well being. But the media has clouded everything. Will people just be homeless and still vote based on abortion or trans rights? That's the part that makes me lose hope at times. That people are so blinded by some shiny object that they forget what actually matters. It separates the free and independent thinkers, from sheep. Humans aren't animals, when you feel someone trying to herd you it's in many of our nature to push back. If I was running for president that would be my message. How hard is it to fill up your car? How hard is it to pay for those groceries, especially the healthier ones your family needs not the wood chips they want us to eat?
Just ask yourself. Why is Lil Marco Rubio by his side? Why is Ted Cruz by his side? Just two examples. Wouldn't you think if there wasn't something else going on and chess being played, these two would never speak to him again? You are a very smart guy that takes the time to think. I always appreciate your time and consistency in the weather threads over the years (even though I don't understand most of it). Even if Ted and Marco really hate Trumps behavior, maybe they just love their country more but there is a reason he does and says the things he does. Most of his jabs are to expose evil and corruption and he is eventually always right. Just look at what all has happened and what is being brought to light now. He came in the DC machine lion's den. Although he is a fighter by nature he didn't start this BS. He will finish it though despite the calculated misinformation campaign.
If you put the nicest human you could possibly find and put that person in the white house there would still be extreme division in this country PERIOD. Our ideologies are just that far apart. I'm a soldier. I want a fighter in that position because we live in a time on this planet that is the most dangerous we have faced since WW2 and 9/11. Give me a great economy and protect OUR borders. Unfortunately emotions get the best of a lot of people