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Political Thread: The Sequel

If we want this thread open till election day, let's be a little more careful about how we talk about some of these topics and how we talk to each other, please.
You have it backwards. It’s the way Trump reacts to others and to positive events like the prisoner release that I’m talking about rather than how others react to Trump. Trump is the one often throwing the first stone/insult/being a Negative Nancy.
I guess the question is, do you like the occasional jab at the other side, or do you like migrants from all over the world, flooding into our country unabated, our cities being destroyed, and our public safety officers under assault by our government, just to name a few things.
The idea of Jesus is great, help the poor feed the hungry cloth the naked heal the sick don’t be boastful don’t be prideful be forgiving stand for what’s right sacrifice for good be fair be modest etc … all great things …. American Jesus on the other hand is some twisted stuff… to republicans American Jesus is a gun toting f150 lifted pickup driving man who hates gays commies and is hell bent on the end of the world coming… to dems Jesus is a commie pot smoking hippie.. both appropriated him, tho Democrat Jesus does sound chiller ngl. I think libertarian Jesus might be cooler tho
The idea of Jesus is all the right has left. They go and they worship Jesus but most have abandoned following Jesus. There is a massive difference in the 2
Well written critique from Steve Deace on the Trump family and messaging

Steve Deace

I desperately desire Donald Trump to win this election 95 days from now (and early voting in the uber-important state of PA starts in just 45 days). So with that as a back drop I offer this:The Trumps (not their advisers, consultants, etc but the family itself) need to look at where things are right now post-convention and ask the following questions:1) Are we confident in our current trajectory post-convention and post-Biden swap?2) Are we confident we are on message post-convention and post-Biden swap?3) Are we confident that we can really beat the Democrats in a personality-based campaign, or do we need to now pivot to a more issue-based campaign to draw real contrasts with Kamala and the Democrats?4) Do we really understand it doesn't matter if you gain 3-5 points of black men (who represent a sliver of the electorate, and mostly live in places like Mississippi we can't lose and places like Maryland we can't win), but we lose independents by 3-5 points nationwide again or can't turn out two points more of married women nationwide than we did in 2020? 5) Do we understand that yes, the polling is anywhere from sugar-high to a psyop (like Kamala winning Michigan by 13). And that eventually she will have to show herself and will likely confirm, once again, she is a moron and always has been. But between now and that debate that is still at least a month away they are going to turn her into a mythological figure (and are). Do we have the messaging team and messaging to pop that bubble? Because it's quite possible voting (ballot harvesting) in PA is going to start even before she faceplants in a debate (assuming/hoping she does). 6) Have we lost the plot on the attempted assassination? Have we actually taken advantage of the sympathy rightly earned from that incredible moment, and recast the former president as a more sympathetic/inspiring figure that would cause previous skeptics to reconsider voting for him? If not, do we have the team capable of that? 7) Do we understand that when this all said and done, the outcome of this election is likely going to be determined by what is or isn't happening right now? And it must be the family because this is really their enterprise. They have way more at stake than any staff does, given what the Democrats have already done to them and would still like to. This is their tab, legacy, etc. Not any advisers. Advisers come and go, and are mostly loyal to an outcome more than their clients anyway. When this is all said and done, it's the family that remains. If I was them, given what is happening right now on multiple fronts, these are the conversations I would be having right now.
If we want this thread open till election day, let's be a little more careful about how we talk about some of these topics and how we talk to each other, please.
Why not just police things a little more. More people post in here even when a hurricane might threaten NC.
TDS 🚨 The man can't even say anything reasonable without lefties complaining. TDS 🚨
To be fair, it has long been a karenspiracy about vaccines and autism, so it can easily sound like that. I'd be more inclined to lean towards the food industry additives and general exposure to toxins than vaccines due to exposure over time having more impacts on bodies than a single small instance. I'm fine with targeting uncontrolled industries that seem to get passes on everything but I personally disagree with this stigma that vaccines cause autism. The exception is the covid vaccine that kept going where they milked the govt for money on an "emergency basis" beyond the first one or two shots when it was still a reasonable threat.
To be fair, it has long been a karenspiracy about vaccines and autism, so it can easily sound like that. I'd be more inclined to lean towards the food industry additives and general exposure to toxins than vaccines due to exposure over time having more impacts on bodies than a single small instance. I'm fine with targeting uncontrolled industries that seem to get passes on everything but I personally disagree with this stigma that vaccines cause autism. The exception is the covid vaccine that kept going where they milked the govt for money on an "emergency basis" beyond the first one or two shots when it was still a reasonable threat.
The pesky little thing is that many of these karenspiracies ultimately turn out to be karenfacts, given enough time. Certainly not all of them, but saying stuff like that is exactly what big companies and corporations and government agencies count on so that we just dismiss it and go on our merry way. I'm also inclined to believe that general vaccines don't cause autism. But if you watch the video, he does talk about food too.

The bigger point, whether you like Trump or hate him or question his motives or whatever, is that it's a very important conversation and something that desperately needs to be honestly evaluated. You certainly haven't had any attention paid to it the last 4 years. And it's a huge and growing problem.
Here you go

“The land of Israel is central to the Jewish faith and is mentioned throughout the Bible. In the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, God promises the land of Israel to Abraham, the first Jew, and then reaffirms the promise to Abraham’s son Isaac and grandson Jacob.”

“, it states the Jewish people’s right to self-determination, which it restricts to the Jewish people in Israel.”

This short one is fascinating, a full blown American man taking the home of this woman lol

Unrelated but wtf

Regarding American/Israeli Jews’ opinions about Israel’s war policy, I assume you realize there’s been wide variation/they’ve been far from monolithic. For example, consider the large number of peaceful Jewish protestors in D.C. when Netanyahu was there. There’s also been massive amounts of protesting by Jews in Tel Aviv.

The strongest Netanyahu supporting Israeli and American Jews have tended to be cons. But there are many more lib than con Jews in the US, which has meant lots of strong Bibi opposition like from Bernie. The pressure on Netanyahu from far right parties in his coalition has lead to him being extremely aggressive.

Are you in favor of the existence of a Jewish state as a safe haven for Jews? Don’t forget that >20% of Israelis are Arabs and that they live peacefully with their Jewish neighbors.
It's important to you know understand the importance of diplomacy in the context of working together to create a strong you know leader who you know has an understanding of diplomacy, understanding that we you know need to be vigilant of the importance of diplomacy unburdened by what has been you know by diplomacy = It's important to have a strong leader who understands the importance of diplomacy. Lol ok
It's important to you know understand the importance of diplomacy in the context of working together to create a strong you know leader who you know has an understanding of diplomacy, understanding that we you know need to be vigilant of the importance of diplomacy unburdened by what has been you know by diplomacy = It's important to have a strong leader who understands the importance of diplomacy. Lol ok
At least they didn't bring up Hannibal lecter
It's important to you know understand the importance of diplomacy in the context of working together to create a strong you know leader who you know has an understanding of diplomacy, understanding that we you know need to be vigilant of the importance of diplomacy unburdened by what has been you know by diplomacy = It's important to have a strong leader who understands the importance of diplomacy. Lol ok
It’s important to be a leader for the losing side and the winning side. Trump never did that. Like this forum, both sides need to be heard. Not posts deleted favoring one side over the other. It’s ok tho. Old fart weird ass not gonna win at the rate this is going.