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Political Thread: The Sequel

Just to clarify, you’re not anti-Semitic, are you?
No, I’m a full blown Semite, the most Semitic man in this entire forum. I’m descended from Mary the Virgin herself I’m that damn semitic. I do not hate Jews. I hate that they use their religion to justify their atrocities. I hate that they use their religion to justify their occupation of me and Mary the virgins homeland. I hate that many of the Jews in America who have succeeded in government, media, and the corporate world use their influence to aid Israel. I hate that my identity is questioned. I hate that they have convinced crazy evangelists in the us that to hasten the return of Jesus you must support “ gods chosen people.” I hate that my aunts family was destroyed . I hate that my grandfather lost everything his ancestors worked for. I hate that my grandmother was a three time refugee . I hate that my father was a refugee. I hate that people in power think I’m not a thing, a figment of imagination, a dr Seuss character gone wrong. I hate that I have a front seat ticket to the world’s greatest powers as they destroy what is me. I hate that I can’t fight for what I lost and my identity and justice without being called an anti semite . I could keep going but it’s not important enough to most to bother to read so why bother
But aren’t there also some Christians and some people of other faiths or even of no faith that want homosexuals killed?
Im a christian, been one for while. All because of Jesus.
I associate, spend a ton of time with other Christains. Was just at a big tent revival tonight. Anyway, my point is ive never heard one wish death on a homosexual.
No, I’m a full blown Semite, the most Semitic man in this entire forum. I’m descended from Mary the Virgin herself I’m that damn semitic. I do not hate Jews. I hate that they use their religion to justify their atrocities. I hate that they use their religion to justify their occupation of me and Mary the virgins homeland. I hate that many of the Jews in America who have succeeded in government, media, and the corporate world use their influence to aid Israel. I hate that my identity is questioned. I hate that they have convinced crazy evangelists in the us that to hasten the return of Jesus you must support “ gods chosen people.” I hate that my aunts family was destroyed . I hate that my grandfather lost everything his ancestors worked for. I hate that my grandmother was a three time refugee . I hate that my father was a refugee. I hate that people in power think I’m not a thing, a figment of imagination, a dr Seuss character gone wrong. I hate that I have a front seat ticket to the world’s greatest powers as they destroy what is me. I hate that I can’t fight for what I lost and my identity and justice without being called an anti semite . I could keep going but it’s not important enough to most to bother to read so why bother

Thanks for the detailed reply. Please explain what you mean by what I bolded: "I do not hate Jews. I hate that they use their religion to justify their atrocities."
Im a christian, been one for while. All because of Jesus.
I associate, spend a ton of time with other Christains. Was just at a big tent revival tonight. Anyway, my point is ive never heard one wish death on a homosexual.

My point in asking that was not to imply that being Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or of any other faith would increase the chance that that individual is a homophobe. My point is that there are homophobic individuals of all religions or who don't believe in any religion. They're not homophobic because of their religion. They're hateful for other reasons.
Thanks for the detailed reply. Please explain what you mean by what I bolded: "I do not hate Jews. I hate that they use their religion to justify their atrocities."
Here you go

“The land of Israel is central to the Jewish faith and is mentioned throughout the Bible. In the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, God promises the land of Israel to Abraham, the first Jew, and then reaffirms the promise to Abraham’s son Isaac and grandson Jacob.”

“, it states the Jewish people’s right to self-determination, which it restricts to the Jewish people in Israel.”

This short one is fascinating, a full blown American man taking the home of this woman lol

Unrelated but wtf

Interesting read on a Democrat changing to Republican this election. Sums up everything everybody has been trying to talk about that some of the anti Trumpers don't get. This is written by somebody that worked to get Democrats elected in 2020.

She is a women, she has a natural medical condition that gives her higher testosterone levels etc but she is in no way a man, should that disqualify her from sports?

Yes, unless they allow other woman to take testosterone to supplement their bodies.

It’s a sad special case to not let her box, but I’d imagine people would say the same if a man had an accident, and then wanted to box with a metal prosthetic hand.
Yes, unless they allow other woman to take testosterone to supplement their bodies.

It’s a sad special case to not let her box, but I’d imagine people would say the same if a man had an accident, and then wanted to box with a metal prosthetic hand.

This is dumb and impractical, what about overly tall women playing basketball, should they make all the basketball players the same height to remove any advantage from having a hyperthyroidism etc...
This is dumb and impractical, what about overly tall women playing basketball, should they make all the basketball players the same height to remove any advantage from having a hyperthyroidism etc...
Because it doesn’t always provide a massive advantage in basketball, Caitlin Clark is 6ft and Steph Curry is 6’2”.

Once again, level the playing field by allowing doping and problem solved.
Looks like we might have our first H2H transmission of the H5N1

We might already have a vaccine for it. I imagine the day it does spread to humans however, it will be a less deadly but still dangerous pandemic type of disease. The question is, will people take the vaccine?

We might already have a vaccine for it. I imagine the day it does spread to humans however, it will be a less deadly but still dangerous pandemic type of disease. The question is, will people take the vaccine?

Yep, that's the big question. I'm prolly going to take it because I have pre-existing conditions. Not as healthy as you young people. haha Enjoy your youth.
Yep, that's the big question. I'm prolly going to take it because I have pre-existing conditions. Not as healthy as you young people. haha Enjoy your youth.
I would be more willing to take a vaccine for Bird Flu, its been studied for a while and I trust that the outcomes of it would be better than the COVID vaccine. We already take a flu vaccine each year, so there is some precedent and similarities.
She is a women, she has a natural medical condition that gives her higher testosterone levels etc but she is in no way a man, should that disqualify her from sports?

I think it should. Testosterone gives a clear advantage in muscle development and plenty of other things. Take a poll in here and see how many guys take it and what it does for them. I feel bad for the lady but it does give her a leg up.
I think it should. Testosterone gives a clear advantage in muscle development and plenty of other things. Take a poll in here and see how many guys take it and what it does for them. I feel bad for the lady but it does give her a leg up.
Apparently not as much as people think...

No, I’m a full blown Semite, the most Semitic man in this entire forum. I’m descended from Mary the Virgin herself I’m that damn semitic. I do not hate Jews. I hate that they use their religion to justify their atrocities. I hate that they use their religion to justify their occupation of me and Mary the virgins homeland. I hate that many of the Jews in America who have succeeded in government, media, and the corporate world use their influence to aid Israel. I hate that my identity is questioned. I hate that they have convinced crazy evangelists in the us that to hasten the return of Jesus you must support “ gods chosen people.” I hate that my aunts family was destroyed . I hate that my grandfather lost everything his ancestors worked for. I hate that my grandmother was a three time refugee . I hate that my father was a refugee. I hate that people in power think I’m not a thing, a figment of imagination, a dr Seuss character gone wrong. I hate that I have a front seat ticket to the world’s greatest powers as they destroy what is me. I hate that I can’t fight for what I lost and my identity and justice without being called an anti semite . I could keep going but it’s not important enough to most to bother to read so why bother
Do me a favor and pinch yourself. If you felt the pinch it means you are human and if you are human you have hate in you. Now if you are religious that most likely means you belong to one of the abrahamic religions which all have similar holy books of war. Perhaps you should all meet on an an island in the pacific and fight until one of you is left standing and declared the winner so the rest of us can have some peace!

Not a personal attack just want to make that clear :cool: