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Political Thread: The Sequel

I am very big into disclosure! Haven't see that one but will check it out!
You should! Everybody on here should. Especially people that don't know they can be part of another manipulation project. It's wild and super interesting. I was sucked in.
If you use it perfectly, the pill is 99% effective. But people aren't perfect and it's easy to forget or miss pills — so in reality the pill is about 93% effective. So tell your girl to be smart before you do something dumb. simple. Plus now we have Plan B and other options. Your argument is fake news.
Ah yes, the fake news argument because there's no proper answer on protecting womens rights. I wonder how many women can't afford these preventive methods due to industries and our poor Healthcare system too. Let's make it worse and go back to coat hanger abortions.
@Sandbar what are your thoughts?
The world is at a boiling point. NOTHING good will come of this but that region loves war and companies that make weapons love it even more. There are things I want to say but won't for the sake of the board. I hope something good comes out on the other side of it because we are all affected no matter where we stand politically, religiously or spiritually
They are free. next dumb question?
Only under insurance for certain methods but of course certain right wing politicians want to cut that funding too. Regardless it shouldn't be the decision of the government over someone's body. I'm sure if you also checked more into availability and statistics around them you'd realize a lot of the argument against it just comes from evangelicals saying they don't like it so they want everyone to stop it.
Only under insurance for certain methods but of course certain right wing politicians want to cut that funding too. Regardless it shouldn't be the decision of the government over someone's body. I'm sure if you also checked more into availability and statistics around them you'd realize a lot of the argument against it just comes from evangelicals saying they don't like it so they want everyone to stop it.
Any woman can go to her local doctors office or hospital and they will give her free condoms and most women can get on the pill if they are too poor to pay 30$ a month but im sure they can pay the phone bill. without insurance. WOW
One question. What right do I or anyone else have to assert our will over your Healthcare? Can I tell you to drink less soda? Eat.less red meat? Take less/more medications?

What aspect of your medical care do you feel it's okay for me to step in and dictate what kind of care is available to you?
The government has a right to protect the public. That's supposed to be what entities like the FDA are for. If you look at our food standards in the United States it becomes very obvious that those departments have failed. Similarly on the medical side. Things like Puberty blockers being administered to youth. Places like Great Britain have now banned this because of the risks but once again our government is following an agenda. So then the question becomes. Why does our Goverment allow food and medicine to be legal that makes us sick? There's also a very obvious answer to that. $$$
They are free. next dumb question?
Folks act like anybody can't just go to a public hospital without health insurance and get care. Half the country does on a daily basis and the rest of us get higher premiums to subsidize it.

I hear a lot of the same old tiresome complaints from those who complain because they don't have what others have, a lot of whining.

My parents came from nothing, kept building houses by hand until they were paid off in their early 30s. All the while my mom was cleaning houses for $20 per while my father starting his vinyl siding business. Eventually he was a project manager building houses on military bases getting 150k bonuses. All of this happened after I was long gone because my mom was 19 when she had me. My brother graduated college in the peak of the recession in 2008 and after hundreds of applications he finally found a job making 35k at a large trucking company. Now he is a VP making 500k. You work hard and put yourself out there, anyone can do it. People would rathe sit in their garbage apartments complaining they don't make enough money on their worthless degrees posting on social media all day. We live in pathetic times with a bunch of sorry fat ass losers who refuse to put any work in.

Oh, but its the shareholders fault, the oil industry. Good grief.
The world is at a boiling point. NOTHING good will come of this but that region loves war and companies that make weapons love it even more. There are things I want to say but won't for the sake of the board. I hope something good comes out on the other side of it because we are all affected no matter where we stand politically, religiously or spiritually
What's coming to Israel reminds me of this harry potter scene. Armageddon.
The government has a right to protect the public. That's supposed to be what entities like the FDA are for. If you look at our food standards in the United States it becomes very obvious that those departments have failed. Similarly on the medical side. Things like Puberty blockers being administered to youth. Places like Great Britain have now banned this because of the risks but once again our government is following an agenda. So then the question becomes. Why does our Goverment allow food and medicine to be legal that makes us sick? There's also a very obvious answer to that. $$$
Pure corporate greed and lobbyists. We need to ban HFCS and toxic chemicals in our foods. That's why I avoid as many processed foods as possible. The cereal industry is the worst of the worst with how they manipulated the public to buy puffed sugary corn and sell it as "a complete breakfast". We need a serious clean out of corporate lobbyists
Folks act like anybody can't just go to a public hospital without health insurance and get care. Half the country does on a daily basis and the rest of us get higher premiums to subsidize it.

I hear a lot of the same old tiresome complaints from those who complain because they don't have what others have, a lot of whining.

My parents came from nothing, kept building houses by hand until they were paid off in their early 30s. All the while my mom was cleaning houses for $20 per while my father starting his vinyl siding business. Eventually he was a project manager building houses on military bases getting 150k bonuses. All of this happened after I was long gone because my mom was 19 when she had me. My brother graduated college in the peak of the recession in 2008 and after hundreds of applications he finally found a job making 35k at a large trucking company. Now he is a VP making 500k. You work hard and put yourself out there, anyone can do it. People would rathe sit in their garbage apartments complaining they don't make enough money on their worthless degrees posting on social media all day. We live in pathetic times with a bunch of sorry fat ass losers who refuse to put any work in.

Oh, but its the shareholders fault, the oil industry. Good grief.
Not saying I and others of my generation aren't working our asses off either. I barely know or knew anyone with a useless degree. Colleges may offer them but who actually is nonsensical enough to do them? Not everyone has the same success stories either though and you need to look at the facts of where the money is actually going and that we can and should do better.
Ah yes, the fake news argument because there's no proper answer on protecting womens rights. I wonder how many women can't afford these preventive methods due to industries and our poor Healthcare system too. Let's make it worse and go back to coat hanger abortions.
No, how about personal responsibility. I know the left hates that but that is the answer. Heterosexual sex can potentially lead to pregnancy each and every time; that's its ultimate purpose. Don't want to get pregnant? Can't afford contraception? Have physical risks? Abstenance works 100% of the time. The left would rather operate on emotion and doing what you want without consequences but personal responsibility is much healthier.
Some things aren't left up to states for very good reasons. A woman's right to do with her body as she pleases is one of those that doesn't belong to the states
This has already been discussed. What a woman does with her body is absolutely her right and everyone supports that. Abortion is done to a baby's body. The only way to justify this is to dehumanize the baby and say its not a life. Much the same way slavery was justified... "it may be a life but an inferior life." The lengths people will go to to justify their actions is appalling.
Not saying I and others of my generation aren't working our asses off either. I barely know or knew anyone with a useless degree. Colleges may offer them but who actually is nonsensical enough to do them? Not everyone has the same success stories either though and you need to look at the facts of where the money is actually going and that we can and should do better.

You have made numerous good points in this thread, and a lot I agree with. The military industrial complex for one, and us being the world police. We take that money and throw it back in infrastructure where it belongs, a lot of good things will happen. The food, another good point.

I could go on with the success stories. Yes lobbyist are out of control, corporations need regulated some, but oil and corporations are not the root of our problems. Oil needs to come from our continent and not from the middle east. Its no mystery why we went entered into the modern era of life and prosperity with oil. The reality is democrats are only virtue signaling when they talk about green energy, they have no real solutions. People like AOC are morons who probably hooked up with someone she met at the bar she was working at, and they decided she was a useful idiot and funded her campaign.

Our problems stem from free trade with countries that have worthless currencies and cheap labor, uncontrolled immigration, expensive wars, and incompetent leadership.
Pure corporate greed and lobbyists. We need to ban HFCS and toxic chemicals in our foods. That's why I avoid as many processed foods as possible. The cereal industry is the worst of the worst with how they manipulated the public to buy puffed sugary corn and sell it as "a complete breakfast". We need a serious clean out of corporate lobbyists
You're undermining your other argument about giving people the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies.