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Political Thread: The Sequel

What would your generation do differently to fix the issues our country is facing in the context of increasing globalism and geopolitical instability? And yelling on Tik Tok doesn't count. I'm serious, what would you do differently?
Everything in that generations life comes too easy for them until the responsibility becomes their own. Is it all their fault no, they have been raised in a sheltered environment. The younger generation won't own anything and they can owe that to the establishment they vote for. They chose social justice over common sense, just MY 2 cents......
Sandbar-I was just about to ask where did you go! You said something about worrying about your son earlier and I was going to say I hope he is ok!
Actually Roe vs Wade was forcing law on to people. Abolishing Roe vs Wade actually lets people vote in their respective states, its actually the will of the people, democracy.

That CNN article is a pure propaganda piece, and only the intellectually deficient would fall for this. They probably had this article written before any of this supposedly happened, they were just searching for the right examples to use.

"Texas law allows for abortion if the mother “has a life-threatening physical condition aggravated, caused by, or arising from a pregnancy that places the female at risk of death or poses a serious risk of substantial impairment of a major bodily function.”

But Texas lawmakers haven’t spelled out exactly what that means, and a doctor found to be in violation of the law can face loss of their medical license and a possible life sentence in prison.

“They’re extremely vague,” said Katie Keith, director of the Health Policy and Law Initiative at Georgetown University Law Center. “They don’t spell out exactly the situations when an abortion can be provided
Sandbar-I was just about to ask where did you go! You said something about worrying about your son earlier and I was going to say I hope he is ok!
I got a week ban for a personal attack that I don't remember but if someone said I did then I guess I did. It's on me to choose wisely who I respond to and from what I am seeing of this thread I had better stick to my plan of keep scrolling and staying in my lane

My kid is on alert and probably will be for 6 months. His AOR is Asia.......
Actually Roe vs Wade was forcing law on to people. Abolishing Roe vs Wade actually lets people vote in their respective states, its actually the will of the people, democracy.

That CNN article is a pure propaganda piece, and only the intellectually deficient would fall for this. They probably had this article written before any of this supposedly happened, they were just searching for the right examples to use.

"Texas law allows for abortion if the mother “has a life-threatening physical condition aggravated, caused by, or arising from a pregnancy that places the female at risk of death or poses a serious risk of substantial impairment of a major bodily function.”

But Texas lawmakers haven’t spelled out exactly what that means, and a doctor found to be in violation of the law can face loss of their medical license and a possible life sentence in prison.

“They’re extremely vague,” said Katie Keith, director of the Health Policy and Law Initiative at Georgetown University Law Center. “They don’t spell out exactly the situations when an abortion can be provided
Some things aren't left up to states for very good reasons. A woman's right to do with her body as she pleases is one of those that doesn't belong to the states
Some things aren't left up to states for very good reasons. A woman's right to do with her body as she pleases is one of those that doesn't belong to the states
Shaggy, aren't you the one that likes UFO stuff? I know it's somebody on here. Did you ever see the documentary Mirage Men? You probably have but if not watch it. It's so interesting. Everybody needs to watch it.
Some things aren't left up to states for very good reasons. A woman's right to do with her body as she pleases is one of those that doesn't belong to the states
you keep saying it is about the mother's right with her body. In over 99 percent of the cases of abortion the mother has a right to say no to sexual promiscuity. If we remove those cases we wouldn't have a discussion. If you think that abortion should be used for birth control you are totally warped and perverted!
you keep saying it is about the mother's right with her body. In over 99 percent of the cases of abortion the mother has a right to say no to sexual promiscuity. If we remove those cases we wouldn't have a discussion. If you think that abortion should be used for birth control you are totally warped and perverted!
Made up statistic. Get the real numbers then try to make the argument again.

Keep in mind many cases also come from birth control failing to be effective so it's ultimately the woman's choice if she doesn't want a pregnancy.
Made up statistic. Get the real numbers then try to make the argument again.

Keep in mind many cases also come from birth control failing to be effective so it's ultimately the woman's choice if she doesn't want a pregnancy.
If you use it perfectly, the pill is 99% effective. But people aren't perfect and it's easy to forget or miss pills — so in reality the pill is about 93% effective. So tell your girl to be smart before you do something dumb. simple. Plus now we have Plan B and other options. Your argument is fake news.
Shaggy, aren't you the one that likes UFO stuff? I know it's somebody on here. Did you ever see the documentary Mirage Men? You probably have but if not watch it. It's so interesting. Everybody needs to watch it.
I am very big into disclosure! Haven't see that one but will check it out!
you keep saying it is about the mother's right with her body. In over 99 percent of the cases of abortion the mother has a right to say no to sexual promiscuity. If we remove those cases we wouldn't have a discussion. If you think that abortion should be used for birth control you are totally warped and perverted!
One question. What right do I or anyone else have to assert our will over your Healthcare? Can I tell you to drink less soda? Eat.less red meat? Take less/more medications?

What aspect of your medical care do you feel it's okay for me to step in and dictate what kind of care is available to you?
If you use it perfectly, the pill is 99% effective. But people aren't perfect and it's easy to forget or miss pills — so in reality the pill is about 93% effective. So tell your girl to be smart before you do something dumb. simple. Plus now we have Plan B and other options. Your argument is fake news.
Right but your side is threatening to ban Plan B
One question. What right do I or anyone else have to assert our will over your Healthcare? Can I tell you to drink less soda? Eat.less red meat? Take less/more medications?

What aspect of your medical care do you feel it's okay for me to step in and dictate what kind of care is available to you?
The left actually does all those things. The new radical left. Not the normal world we use to be in. Just heard Kammy agree about the red meat actually.
The left is always making rules and infringing on daily life. Busy body BS. It's true. Rules for thee but not for me.