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Political Thread: The Sequel

Ideas change and die out all the time. The younger generations have different ideas on how this country should be run and let's just say they don't align with either candidate's parties extreme ends. We will clean the mess being made currently up as soon as our generation reaches power.
When your whole campaign strategy is on identity politics, and you cant even tote the lunch pale for what you claim falsely to represent. Expect the truth darts. On top of the Agenda that common sense folks crave. Lower taxes,inflation,closed and secure borders,peace through strength. Not alphabet soup lollapalooza being shoved down their throats .
Too bad trump cant focus on those issues. By the way the rep party beat the inflation issue to death in 2022 when inflation was sky high and it still didnt register with voters.
That's how we feel about your generations ideas on how the world should be run. Just another day in the circus that we've turned our country into.
Most people in the country are moderate and not aligned with the extremes of the 2 parties. There's very real common sense ideas out there that just get glossed over by the extremes and it's disheartening
Just remember America is a free country and people can do as they please whether it hurts your feelings or not. The more unlikable a group or idea becomes and obnoxious they become the less people want to defend or associate with them and their ideas. It applies to both sides and the nation is seeing first hand how much they don't want either side.
Just remember America is a free country and people can do as they please whether it hurts your feelings or not. The more unlikable a group or idea becomes and obnoxious they become the less people want to defend or associate with them and their ideas. It applies to both sides and the nation is seeing first hand how much they don't want either side.
Just remember America is a free country and people can do as they please whether it hurts your feelings or not. The more unlikable a group or idea becomes and obnoxious they become the less people want to defend or associate with them and their ideas. It applies to both sides and the nation is seeing first hand how much they don't want either side.
Truth and common sense will always prevail.
Too bad trump cant focus on those issues. By the way the rep party beat the inflation issue to death in 2022 when inflation was sky high and it still didnt register with voters.
If voters want more of the same, let em have it. Hes always on the issues and it gnaws you , cause he doesnt sit there and take accusations,roll over an play dead, while at the same time speaking to the issues.
You gotta find some new angles Lex.
One thing that is not common sense is having Male boxers beat up on female boxers in the Olympics. Absolutely disgusting.
That's how Democrats roll brother. They get all up in arms when a man says something gross about a woman (in private), but it's perfect ethical for a man to beat a womans face in on a world stage. You can't make that kind of idiocy up.
If voters want more of the same, let em have it. Hes always on the issues and it gnaws you , cause he doesnt sit there and take accusations,roll over an play dead, while at the same time speaking to the issues.
You gotta find some new angles Lex.
Voters want neither. They chose Biden because they didn't want Trump. Now they are facing two of the worst candidates in the last 100 years for president at a time our nation needs a leader that works for the people instead of corporations.
What truth and common sense is will always depend and vary especially on opinionated subjects. Remember there was a point in history we thought slavery was acceptable and we were doing them a favor but now we see what we did as completely unethical.
Everyone didnt think slavery was acceptable. Why its not around in our country today (thanks to the Republican Party). And like a lot if folks thought slavery was wrong and spoke out against it then. The same applies today in speaking out against the woke agenda being forced on all institutions from top down by the leftest/socialist.
Voters want neither. They chose Biden because they didn't want Trump. Now they are facing two of the worst candidates in the last 100 years for president at a time our nation needs a leader that works for the people instead of corporations.
What would your generation do differently to fix the issues our country is facing in the context of increasing globalism and geopolitical instability? And yelling on Tik Tok doesn't count. I'm serious, what would you do differently?