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Political Thread: The Sequel

Voters want neither. They chose Biden because they didn't want Trump. Now they are facing two of the worst candidates in the last 100 years for president at a time our nation needs a leader that works for the people instead of corporations.
Hogwash. You are voting for agenda,direction. its night verse day different. You want to continue down the socialism/Globalist first agenda you vote Kamala. You want to pivot and put America,the REPUBLIC, first you vote Trump. You choose and be willing to accept the consequences of your vote pro an con.
Everyone didnt think slavery was acceptable. Why its not around in our country today (thanks to the Republican Party). And like a lot if folks thought slavery was wrong and spoke out against it then. The same applies today in speaking out against the woke agenda being forced on all institutions from top down by the leftest/socialist.
It existed for awhile and continued to be perpetuated. Just as you state certain woke agendas are pushed, there are others such as abortion that come directly from an evangelical standpoint that are being pushed from the right wing when a lot of the world, even those religious, see it as a medical procedure and woman's right. That's an example of an opinionated subject being pushed into law. We can name each ridiculous thing on both sides but we as a nation need to wake up and stop blaming one side and hug the other and stop insisting we grow power of corporations over the country. We are gas dependent because of them. Big oil never left the building.
We the people will always be stopped by old age. It's inevitable and guaranteed.

You the people will also be stopped by old age as the dinosaurs and religious right continue to age out. Athiesm (<- spelt incorrect, but not surprised) is exploding and it's all the oppressive evangelicals fault
I'm glad you realize that God's word is coming to fruition as prophesied by Jesus and Paul....

"Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day (Christ's return) will not come, unless the falling away comes first, and the man of lawlessness (antichrist) is revealed, the son of destruction."
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
It existed for awhile and continued to be perpetuated. Just as you state certain woke agendas are pushed, there are others such as abortion that come directly from an evangelical standpoint that are being pushed from the right wing when a lot of the world, even those religious, see it as a medical procedure and woman's right. That's an example of an opinionated subject being pushed into law. We can name each ridiculous thing on both sides but we as a nation need to wake up and stop blaming one side and hug the other and stop insisting we grow power of corporations over the country. We are gas dependent because of them. Big oil never left the building.
Im OK with it being a woman's choice, as long as she, and the doctor, are willing to accept the murder charge.


Scenario 1: A baby is born, mom doesn't want it anymore, asks doctor to choke it to death. He does. They both conspired to eliminate a living human. I think we can all agree that they are both going to prison for a very long time, rightfully so.

Scenario 2: A 37 week old unborn baby is no longer wanted (for whatever reason). The mother decides to abort it. The doctors agrees, and kills the fetus. They both conspired to eliminate a living human. Both should go to prison.

Prove me wrong.
Im OK with it being a woman's choice, as long as she, and the doctor, are willing to accept the murder charge.


Scenario 1: A baby is born, mom doesn't want it anymore, asks doctor to choke it to death. He does. They both conspired to eliminate a living human. I think we can all agree that they are both going to prison for a very long time, rightfully so.

Scenario 2: A 37 week old unborn baby is no longer wanted (for whatever reason). The mother decides to abort it. The doctors agrees, and kills the fetus. They both conspired to eliminate a living human. Both should go to prison.

Prove me wrong.
Scenario 2 is a talking point and is so inconsequential to the real world of how abortions happen.

Make it a law that if a mother dies because she couldn't get an abortion you charge the lawmakers that prevented her from life saving medical care!!!
We the people will always be stopped by old age. It's inevitable and guaranteed.

You the people will also be stopped by old age as the dinosaurs and religious right continue to age out. Athiesm is exploding and it's all the oppressive evangelicals fault
'religious right continue to age out."

I would take out the word "right" here as it's not really needed but people have thought that since the beginning of time. If you are talking about Christianity in particular, people have continually tried to stamp it out, including killing all the disciples of Jesus and persecuting the early church because they didn't like the message and wanted to keep it from spreading to begin with. It didn't work.

"Athiesm is exploding and it's all the oppressive evangelicals fault"

That is a fascinating statement. So you're saying Atheism is growing simply because they don't like what Christians are saying, but not because it has any validity for it's own merits? Wow, I agree completely!
What would your generation do differently to fix the issues our country is facing in the context of increasing globalism and geopolitical instability? And yelling on Tik Tok doesn't count. I'm serious, what would you do differently?
Stop getting involved in international affairs like Ukraine and Israel for starters. We should defend our people instead of this concept of oil in the middle east. It's not even just about climate but rather stop being so dependent on the oil industry. We need a different alternative that's superior to lithium battery and gas.

We should also look for less conflict when possible. Stop alienating our European allies and not be world police. China is screwing itself up and Russia is in a perpetual cycle of failure. We should stand our ground and remain powerful ourselves but not constantly use that power unless necessary.

At home, we need to invest in better infrastructure and land use must be rethought to prevent suburban hellscapes for 100s of miles. Build better suburbs and vetical housing while allowing suburbs as well. Investing in safer cities and public transit in those as well to reduce traffic nightmares and high speed rail would be ideal as well for long distances. We made a rail across the country in the 1800s, we can do it today too and would definitely create competition for airlines too. Cost for transportation types would decline as efficiency and time saved increases. This would reduce our dependency on international oil and the middle east, as well as our need for lithium from China.

We create a lot of instability with our need for resources elsewhere, especially the middle east. Remove oil and we remove a lot of our need to be there.
Ideas change and die out all the time. The younger generations have different ideas on how this country should be run and let's just say they don't align with either candidate's parties extreme ends. We will clean the mess being made currently up as soon as our generation reaches power.
I truly wish you luck in that endeavor. Every generation has thought or said that exact same thing. "All the problems are because of them but we are going to solve them." Heck, that's what politicians do as well. Unfortunately, due to human nature, each generation just ends up adding their own set of problems. Your generation; whichever one it is, will be no different.
Scenario 2 is a talking point and is so inconsequential to the real world of how abortions happen.

Make it a law that if a mother dies because she couldn't get an abortion you charge the lawmakers that prevented her from life saving medical care!!!
Who said that a mother couldn't get an abortion if she was in a situation that not aborting it would kill her? I'm not real up on some things but what situations would that be? Like what kind of medical situations is a woman having that requires aborting to live? I know there are probably some but I'm not sure what and how prevalent they are. I've heard nobody say that it is not something to consider and would not be acceptable.
Stop getting involved in international affairs like Ukraine and Israel for starters. We should defend our people instead of this concept of oil in the middle east. It's not even just about climate but rather stop being so dependent on the oil industry. We need a different alternative that's superior to lithium battery and gas.

We should also look for less conflict when possible. Stop alienating our European allies and not be world police. China is screwing itself up and Russia is in a perpetual cycle of failure. We should stand our ground and remain powerful ourselves but not constantly use that power unless necessary.

At home, we need to invest in better infrastructure and land use must be rethought to prevent suburban hellscapes for 100s of miles. Build better suburbs and vetical housing while allowing suburbs as well. Investing in safer cities and public transit in those as well to reduce traffic nightmares and high speed rail would be ideal as well for long distances. We made a rail across the country in the 1800s, we can do it today too and would definitely create competition for airlines too. Cost for transportation types would decline as efficiency and time saved increases. This would reduce our dependency on international oil and the middle east, as well as our need for lithium from China.

We create a lot of instability with our need for resources elsewhere, especially the middle east. Remove oil and we remove a lot of our need to be there.
Sometimes you sound like you really do like Trump's policy.
Truth and common sense will always prevail.
Man if only that were true. Both sides of the political aisle certainly have their shorcomings in this area. However, the left cannot not even decide what truth is; to them it's all relative or seen through the lens of victimization, and there is simply no common sense in the issues they promote. You cannot get the left to tell you what a woman is, admit that generational social programming is harmful, see that expecting immigrants to come in legally is essential for a healthy society, that killing babies is wrong, that people cannot change genders, or that not everone who disagrees with them is an "ist" or a "hater" ... just to cover a few. If only the left would employ truth and common sense.
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Who said that a mother couldn't get an abortion if she was in a situation that not aborting it would kill her? I'm not real up on some things but what situations would that be? Like what kind of medical situations is a woman having that requires aborting to live? I know there are probably some but I'm not sure what and how prevalent they are. I've heard nobody say that it is not something to consider and would not be acceptable.
Then you should open your eyes to what your party is doing in some states
'religious right continue to age out."

I would take out the word "right" here as it's not really needed but people have thought that since the beginning of time. If you are talking about Christianity in particular, people have continually tried to stamp it out, including killing all the disciples of Jesus and persecuting the early church because they didn't like the message and wanted to keep it from spreading to begin with. It didn't work.

"Athiesm is exploding and it's all the oppressive evangelicals fault"

That is a fascinating statement. So you're saying Atheism is growing simply because they don't like what Christians are saying, but not because it has any validity for it's own merits? Wow, I agree completely!
Not what they are saying but what laws they are forcing on people
I truly wish you luck in that endeavor. Every generation has thought or said that exact same thing. "All the problems are because of them but we are going to solve them." Heck, that's what politicians do as well. Unfortunately, due to human nature, each generation just ends up adding their own set of problems. Your generation; whichever one it is, will be no different.
This doesn't mean we will struggle to address them. Each generation should at least progress some and work with advancements in technology to make the world a better place, but with how big America is we must focus on ourselves and improving our nation after spending so long doing other people's bidding. We must be united instead of one side vs the other. Both parties currently are on a downward path of trash the other instead of cooperation.