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Political Thread: The Sequel

Trump literally questioned Kamala's blackness today, at a conference full of black people.....do you think this is a winning strategy? I am sure it will work well with his core maga folks but it will look terrible with moderates and independents.
Because that's exactly what the nimrods wanted him to talk about. So he did. If I were him after falsely being told I was coming there along with my opponent and she didn't show up (also told he couldn't do zoom) and then being not prepared and making me wait 35 minutes, I would have told them all to F RIGHT OFF! These people were too stupid to even set up the event properly but trying to be sly and soooo cocky to get brownie points from their networks. Even not being able to hear Harris and her not being able to hear him, I would have double told them to F RIGHT OFF! The sound was terrible to me as well. But no, he still sat there like the boss that he is in many of negotiations with people that are so NOT stupid like these feckless hacks. Then off to the rally with THOUSANDS of people like earlier never even happened with more energy and work ethic than a 30 year old.
Yikes on Fox news at the midnight hour. I dont think Trump will like this. The news reader said trump lied saying Harris just decided to be black. They went on to say she had enrolled in a black college and pledged a black sorority. This wasnt commentary, it was the news.
I think people are people and most people black or white are more concerned about their employment, wage numbers than they are anything else, but the moderators sure don’t want to go there…instead they focus on divisive social crap.
This is exactly right. They can't talk about policy because that is a losing strategy. Out of the 115 pages of this topic we have gotten zero policy substance from the left, nothing. All we get are nonsensical Trump derangement posts about how Trump is terrible, far right, rapist, racist, dictator, etc. I mean if he was actually a dictator he would still be in the White House. Instead the party of democracy orchestrated a coup to get their man out who had the most votes in electoral history just to install a Marxist candidate who couldn't get more then 1% of her parties vote. Clown emoji that ----.
This is exactly right. They can't talk about policy because that is a losing strategy. Out of the 115 pages of this topic we have gotten zero policy substance from the left, nothing. All we get are nonsensical Trump derangement posts about how Trump is terrible, far right, rapist, racist, dictator, etc. I mean if he was actually a dictator he would still be in the White House. Instead the party of democracy orchestrated a coup to get their man out who had the most votes in electoral history just to install a Marxist candidate who couldn't get more then 1% of her parties vote. Clown emoji that ----.

He really really tried to stay in the White House...the lengths Trump and his team went to try and keep Trump in office even though he lost should bother everyone.

The mood of the Dems is pretty obvious they are rallying around Harris and there is a palpable change in the mood and energy in this election. All of you guys insisted Biden was to old and senile to run for president but then when he steps aside yall get upset about it lol.
Yikes on Fox news at the midnight hour. I dont think Trump will like this. The news reader said trump lied saying Harris just decided to be black. They went on to say she had enrolled in a black college and pledged a black sorority. This wasnt commentary, it was the news.
When i hang out in my 2 car garage. It doesnt make me a car. Think about it!
When i hang out in my 2 car garage. It doesnt make me a car. Think about it!
But when Fox comes right out and says he is a liar he is in big trouble. I dont think i have ever heard the FOX news division directly call any democrat a liar like they did.
The Woke Democrat,Kamala and her followers slap in the face to females. Is spreading Globally. Has set up shop in the olympics that many dont watch anymore.

But when Fox comes right out and says he is a liar he is in big trouble. I dont think i have ever heard the FOX news division directly call any democrat a liar like they did.
Fox news is run by Murdoch and his wife # 5. She is a big contributor to Joe Biden. Im assuming Kamala now, not sure. Also he has Paul Ryan, the chiefiest Rhino and anti Trumper of all time managing everything. Reason Glenn Beck,Tucker and several others arent on there anymore. I havent watched fox in years. They are old GOP, establishment first . Aka, Hypocrites to the true conservative movement. Sold out to the audience who made them what they are. This isnt assumption, came straight from several mouths , Meghan Kelly,Bongino,Tucker,Beck just to name a few.
If this is the hill the republican party has chosen to die on then they are indeed going to be slaughtered in Nov

When your whole campaign strategy is on identity politics, and you cant even tote the lunch pale for what you claim falsely to represent. Expect the truth darts. On top of the Agenda that common sense folks crave. Lower taxes,inflation,closed and secure borders,peace through strength. Not alphabet soup lollapalooza being shoved down their throats .
No, We the People are not going to be stopped by old age.
We the people will always be stopped by old age. It's inevitable and guaranteed.

You the people will also be stopped by old age as the dinosaurs and religious right continue to age out. Athiesm is exploding and it's all the oppressive evangelicals fault
No, We the People are not going to be stopped by old age.
Ideas change and die out all the time. The younger generations have different ideas on how this country should be run and let's just say they don't align with either candidate's parties extreme ends. We will clean the mess being made currently up as soon as our generation reaches power.