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Political Thread: The Sequel

Georgia’s Stacey Abram’s confirmed as Mrs. Harris’s Vice President. Who the hell??
Meanwhile, as Trump was answering questions about our current issues, Kamala is enjoying some twerking from Megan the Stallion. Trump is willing to go into “enemy territory” while Harris likely won’t address anyone not in support of her. Hell they can’t even debate without a handpicked moderator.
I'm sure that goes as well as the many times you said he was going to jail.
I said he should be going to jail for his many crimes some of which he has been convicted of. In fact I am pretty sure I am on record stating I don't think he will actually spend a single night on prison.
Meanwhile, as Trump was answering questions about our current issues, Kamala is enjoying some teething from Megan the Stallion. Trump is willing to go into “enemy territory” while Harris likely won’t address anyone not in support of her. Hell they can’t even debate without a handpicked moderator.
The problem is answering current issues wrongly. Police immunity for two cops shooting a black woman with a pot of water? We all knew that question was going to be asked. Trump was even aware of the video. That’s when his team said we just gotta go. In Trumps defense, his team has planned to debate and run ads against Biden over the past four years. A lot of money and time wasted. The polls are still dated but can’t deny it’s shifting a ton. Biden was gonna lose. Even I knew that. The (AVG) polls have swung hard and some of those haven’t ran since Biden dropped out. The average is key and these typical non-voters are gonna decide the election if Stacey Abram has another say.
I find it odd someone criticizes questions about a candidates race when they’ve ran the race as two different races.
She is two races, and she has embraced both sides of her heritage. I mean I can understand attacking her on her policy and record but going after her race is exactly what folks expect from the new maga GOP. There is a reason a lot of people think the party embraces racist...stuff like this plays right into that perception. Trump gains nothing from trying to make it out that Kamala is only "acting" black to get votes.
She is two races, and she has embraced both sides of her heritage. I mean I can understand attacking her on her policy and record but going after her race is exactly what folks expect from the new maga GOP. There is a reason a lot of people think the party embraces racist...stuff like this plays right into that perception. Trump gains nothing from trying to make it out that Kamala is only "acting" black to get votes.
You like it when people speak southern to country folk and jive to people of color, don't you?
She is two races, and she has embraced both sides of her heritage. I mean I can understand attacking her on her policy and record but going after her race is exactly what folks expect from the new maga GOP. There is a reason a lot of people think the party embraces racist...stuff like this plays right into that perception. Trump gains nothing from trying to make it out that Kamala is only "acting" black to get votes.
I will give it to Harris Faulkner who doesn’t ask race baiting social questions and focuses on policy instead. However most others want to limit questions to racial social issues. I agree he should go around it, but if he doesn’t take the bait he’ll be criticized for that and you know this. So if his interview is solely on folks wanting to play then race card, then by all means discuss it as you see it.
You like it when people speak southern to country folk and jive to people of color, don't you?
Kamala's just being smart and Biblical like the good Baptist that she is.. the Apostle Paul did it.

20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.

I Cor 9:20-22 or as Donald would say "One Corinthians"