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Political Thread: The Sequel

Wow, the NYT is reporting that yesterday's assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran was via a hidden bomb that had been planted months ago...in a safehouse... guarded by the IRGC. Bruh. That's epic level intelligence and infiltration right there. Iran would be wise to take a pause, and rein in their proxies, unless they wanna risk more hidden surprises.
No, how about personal responsibility. I know the left hates that but that is the answer. Heterosexual sex can potentially lead to pregnancy each and every time; that's its ultimate purpose. Don't want to get pregnant? Can't afford contraception? Have physical risks? Abstenance works 100% of the time. The left would rather operate on emotion and doing what you want without consequences but personal responsibility is much healthier.
That's up to the individual to have responsibility. If their form of responsibility is having an abortion because it happened then that's for them to deal with. On the flipside you get forced full term pregnancies and a child they cannot be responsible for in the event they do get pregnant. Again, it's the responsibility of the woman and the government shouldn't have the final say. All banning it would do would be creating underground abortion clinics and coat hanger abortions would return. It wouldn't stop the action that causes pregnancies. If you take it a step further congratulations, the government now dictates human reproduction and violates human rights.
One question. What right do I or anyone else have to assert our will over your Healthcare? Can I tell you to drink less soda? Eat.less red meat? Take less/more medications?

What aspect of your medical care do you feel it's okay for me to step in and dictate what kind of care is available to you?
I mean if I have a bad liver and you have a perfectly healthy liver do I get to remove and take yours by force? If you say no then you are restricting my helthcare. If there is a law that says I cannot it is restricting my healthcare.
This has already been discussed. What a woman does with her body is absolutely her right and everyone supports that. Abortion is done to a baby's body. The only way to justify this is to dehumanize the baby and say its not a life. Much the same way slavery was justified... "it may be a life but an inferior life." The lengths people will go to to justify their actions is appalling.
It is absolutely absurd. It's an incoherent idea.

Abortion is eliminating a life. Full stop. The ONLY way around that truth is to redefine life. The woman's body argument is pure nonsense, outside of extremely rare exceptions. You can type a whole bunch of sentences if you want, but at the end of the day, you are advocating the murder of an innocent life. You have no way of getting around that.
You have made numerous good points in this thread, and a lot I agree with. The military industrial complex for one, and us being the world police. We take that money and throw it back in infrastructure where it belongs, a lot of good things will happen. The food, another good point.

I could go on with the success stories. Yes lobbyist are out of control, corporations need regulated some, but oil and corporations are not the root of our problems. Oil needs to come from our continent and not from the middle east. Its no mystery why we went entered into the modern era of life and prosperity with oil. The reality is democrats are only virtue signaling when they talk about green energy, they have no real solutions. People like AOC are morons who probably hooked up with someone she met at the bar she was working at, and they decided she was a useful idiot and funded her campaign.

Our problems stem from free trade with countries that have worthless currencies and cheap labor, uncontrolled immigration, expensive wars, and incompetent leadership.
Oil was a stepping stone just as many eras before it, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't innovate. EVs are a halfway point that needs it's energy solution changed. Hydrogen could be more promising.

Oil keeps us in the middle east which is just a hotbed for war currently. The less we are there, the less they'll want to send missiles to us. Reliance on China also hurts us massively but there are some resources we must keep trading because you can't get them here or they're not discovered.

I'm efinitely not on board with end of the world ideas either around climate but we need to be more responsible. The industries have and continue to pollute the world in not only use but also extraction. An oil spill every few decades will impact a region for a lot longer.
That's up to the individual to have responsibility. If their form of responsibility is having an abortion because it happened then that's for them to deal with. On the flipside you get forced full term pregnancies and a child they cannot be responsible for in the event they do get pregnant. Again, it's the responsibility of the woman and the government shouldn't have the final say. All banning it would do would be creating underground abortion clinics and coat hanger abortions would return. It wouldn't stop the action that causes pregnancies. If you take it a step further congratulations, the government now dictates human reproduction and violates human rights.
This is just utter nonsense.
Wow, the NYT is reporting that yesterday's assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran was via a hidden bomb that had been planted months ago...in a safehouse... guarded by the IRGC. Bruh. That's epic level intelligence and infiltration right there. Iran would be wise to take a pause, and rein in their proxies, unless they wanna risk more hidden surprises.
Often times they will do this with what we called a "pig". This is how you can blow up pipelines as well. Just one of several ways!
You're undermining your other argument about giving people the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies.
There's a large difference but I can see where you're coming from. Medical procedure to end pregnancy vs the food industry that you basically can't opt out of due to their reach over almost everything as well as the FDA existing to prevent our people from getting sick is failing to do so.

Yes you can choose always to not buy these products but given the nature of food itself, and other nations being able to do bans on chemicals and still feed their people, it just is about profit margins instead of health here in the US.
That's up to the individual to have responsibility. If their form of responsibility is having an abortion because it happened then that's for them to deal with. On the flipside you get forced full term pregnancies and a child they cannot be responsible for in the event they do get pregnant. Again, it's the responsibility of the woman and the government shouldn't have the final say. All banning it would do would be creating underground abortion clinics and coat hanger abortions would return. It wouldn't stop the action that causes pregnancies. If you take it a step further congratulations, the government now dictates human reproduction and violates human rights.
As long as my tax money pays for killing babies through any grants of planned Parenthood and overseas abortions, We definitely have a say If it is barbaric or not.
Stop getting involved in international affairs like Ukraine and Israel for starters. We should defend our people instead of this concept of oil in the middle east. It's not even just about climate but rather stop being so dependent on the oil industry. We need a different alternative that's superior to lithium battery and gas.

We should also look for less conflict when possible. Stop alienating our European allies and not be world police. China is screwing itself up and Russia is in a perpetual cycle of failure. We should stand our ground and remain powerful ourselves but not constantly use that power unless necessary.

At home, we need to invest in better infrastructure and land use must be rethought to prevent suburban hellscapes for 100s of miles. Build better suburbs and vetical housing while allowing suburbs as well. Investing in safer cities and public transit in those as well to reduce traffic nightmares and high speed rail would be ideal as well for long distances. We made a rail across the country in the 1800s, we can do it today too and would definitely create competition for airlines too. Cost for transportation types would decline as efficiency and time saved increases. This would reduce our dependency on international oil and the middle east, as well as our need for lithium from China.

We create a lot of instability with our need for resources elsewhere, especially the middle east. Remove oil and we remove a lot of our need to be there.
A lot of this aligns nicely with a Trump agenda. Maybe not so much the oil thing. And I also don't think an interconnected public transit system is at the top of peoples' hierarchy of wants and needs.

I would love to see us move off of oil. My suspicion is that governments and big energy companies have suppressed better alternatives. That said, we can't just declare that we're no longer using fossil fuels. That would be the mother of all economic disasters. We have enough FF here at home that we could be energy independent. But it is a very complicated situation. The petro dolloar has allowed us to enjoy the economic status that we have had for many years. You can't just snap your fingers and move to something else, like the left always talks about doing.

Infrastructure is definitely a good investment. So is less war, militarism, and nation-building. So is national security. So is not pursuing DEI policies. So is border security. So is creating an economy where opportunity exists for everyone and encouraging everyone to work toward achieving the American dream instead of self-worship, self-focus, and playing the victim. Almost all of those things are not what you will get with a leftist platform.

The thing that puzzles me about your generation is that there are far too many people with ADD, lack of motivation, and mental health issues precipitated by a worldview that everything should be easy -- a sense of entitlement. Always being a victim allows you to be taken advantage of by those in power, and they are taking advantage of the weak-mindedness of your generation. I'm casting a wide net, and certainly there are those that don't fall into that bucket.

You're so much more concerned about how many abortions you can have, how many times you can change your sex, how many drugs you can legalize, and stamping out the boogyman of institutional racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., This allows things like liberty, freedom, and safety to be taken from you bit by bit, because you're not focusing on the things that allow you to keep them. How are you guys going to "fix the country" when you're most concerned about the things that undermine the principles that the country was founded on? That's what puzzles me.
As long as my tax money pays for killing babies through any grants of planned Parenthood and overseas abortions, We definitely have a say If it is barbaric or not.
We are providing rather large and explosive late term abortion pills to the middle east and yet the other side applauds it and gets angry at protesters who want it to stop.
There's a large difference but I can see where you're coming from. Medical procedure to end pregnancy vs the food industry that you basically can't opt out of due to their reach over almost everything as well as the FDA existing to prevent our people from getting sick is failing to do so.

Yes you can choose always to not buy these products but given the nature of food itself, and other nations being able to do bans on chemicals and still feed their people, it just is about profit margins instead of health here in the US.
I guess the point is, you're for some intrusion by the government into personal freedoms, but only the ones you "feel" are appropriate. We could sit here and list a ton of ways the government intrudes into our lives, and I'm sure some of those you'd be fine with. And that's the issue. When it comes to abortion, it's the exact same principle. It's just that one side invokes the "government shouldn't intrude" clause when it suits their position but then turns the other way when the government intrudes in a way that they "feel" ok about.

The government and the laws they pass are representative OF the people BY the people FOR the people. And by and large, the PEOPLE have said that unlimited abortion is not only not ok, it is wrong. I'm sorry if some baby haters don't like it. But that's just the way that goes.
There's a large difference but I can see where you're coming from. Medical procedure to end pregnancy vs the food industry that you basically can't opt out of due to their reach over almost everything as well as the FDA existing to prevent our people from getting sick is failing to do so.

Yes you can choose always to not buy these products but given the nature of food itself, and other nations being able to do bans on chemicals and still feed their people, it just is about profit margins instead of health here in the US.
Cleaning up the agencies. Isn't that what the Project 2025 is about? Even if not, that is what the purpose is in general. Who wouldn't want that?
Scenario 2 is a talking point and is so inconsequential to the real world of how abortions happen.

Make it a law that if a mother dies because she couldn't get an abortion you charge the lawmakers that prevented her from life saving medical care!!!
Who makes the decision that the mothers life is more important than the baby's? Maybe the baby lives if its no aborted....no one life is more important than another when choosing who lives or dies.
another historical day I see. Thank you Russia. Didn’t see this coming. Glad Fox News and nbc both are covering it on the front page. Big thanks to Harris working with Biden on this. She will make a statement soon
I really don't understand why we think we are absolved from all responsibility. If you do things that carry risk, you may get an undesired result. That is LIFE, ladies and gentlemen. It's not the car's fault if you die because you aren't wearing a seatbelt (which is, by the way, a law - the government intruding into your personal space). It's not the gun's fault if you play around with it and shoot somebody. It's not the baby's fault if you have sex and get pregnant. You have a choice. And you should make choices where you feel you can live with whatever outcome they bring.