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Political Thread: The Sequel

Who makes the decision that the mothers life is more important than the baby's? Maybe the baby lives if its no aborted....no one life is more important than another when choosing who lives or dies.
Yeah. A tough one. That is why with some things the only thing to do is leave it up to the people for what we think is acceptable. Just no round around it and not easy. It's funny though, the things everybody is obsessed with (the left) use to not be what people paid that much attention to. Therefore we know it is agenda.
If only this was done in every state with complete and honest transparency. They should be required to keep voter rolls clean and up to date especially in these corrupt jurisdictions that seem to be the ones deciding elections. The ones with the most issues are all run by corrupt democrats so it isn't a surprise we have issues and will have them again in November

Harris is altering schedules next week due to soon to be #Debby. She is going to Georgia again Friday but chances are she will cancel. 🌴 🌀 💧
I really don't understand why we think we are absolved from all responsibility. If you do things that carry risk, you may get an undesired result. That is LIFE, ladies and gentlemen. It's not the car's fault if you die because you aren't wearing a seatbelt (which is, by the way, a law - the government intruding into your personal space). It's not the gun's fault if you play around with it and shoot somebody. It's not the baby's fault if you have sex and get pregnant. You have a choice. And you should make choices where you feel you can live with whatever outcome they bring.
Don't you know if you blame the others for your problems our politicians will fix it??
Don't you know if you blame the others for your problems our politicians will fix it??
I think some people mistake blaming and being the victim as one thing when it's just pointing where part of the problem lies. Can't fix problems or work on them unless they're called out. That was done in the 1800s to get better regulations in industries that needed it.
I think some people mistake blaming and being the victim as one thing when it's just pointing where part of the problem lies. Can't fix problems or work on them unless they're called out. That was done in the 1800s to get better regulations in industries that needed it.
A very big issue these days is the pay gap between the public and private sectors. You end up with a lot of lets say, not quite so talented and ambitious people in the public sector because all of the talented, driven people go where the money is. So to your point, a lot of the problems are not going to be fixed when our government is full of lazy incompetent people.
I have a question to you fellows. How many woman do you know or know of that have actually ran off to get abortions when their baby is 7 to 9 months?
A very big issue these days is the pay gap between the public and private sectors. You end up with a lot of lets say, not quite so talented and ambitious people in the public sector because all of the talented, driven people go where the money is. So to your point, a lot of the problems are not going to be fixed when our government is full of lazy incompetent people.
It takes a dozen government workers to change a lightbulb for a reason. Government has become a place for people to hide
That's up to the individual to have responsibility. If their form of responsibility is having an abortion because it happened then that's for them to deal with. On the flipside you get forced full term pregnancies and a child they cannot be responsible for in the event they do get pregnant. Again, it's the responsibility of the woman and the government shouldn't have the final say. All banning it would do would be creating underground abortion clinics and coat hanger abortions would return. It wouldn't stop the action that causes pregnancies. If you take it a step further congratulations, the government now dictates human reproduction and violates human rights.
It's absolutely up to the individual to take responsibility. But the left is saying it's ok to make babies pay with their lives when those individuals fail to. It's not ok to fail on responsibility for preventing unwanted pregnancy and the toot the horn of responsibility by making the baby pay. And nobody is trying to "force women through full term pregnancies." They (and the men they are with) are choosing, by way of their decisions and lack of responsibility, to allow this to happen. If they don't want it to happen, then show some control and responsibility (yeah, it comes back to personal responsibility).

By the way, you could be right; it might result in underground abortion clinics. And those would be terrible situations. However, that does not justify legalizing abortion. Just because we know people are going to get shot in inner cities doesn't mean we should legalize places where people can come and shoot each other execution or duel style. Those people would be choosing to go to underground abortion clinics; another bad choice on top of another. Personal responsibility.
You should! Everybody on here should. Especially people that don't know they can be part of another manipulation project. It's wild and super interesting. I was sucked in.
I was just watching this earlier. It's too obvious to not keep an open mind. All this money we are printing and we can't seem to account for where it all goes. 35 trillion isn't even a real number. Something is going on under our feet. I don't know if it's nefarious or not or what exactly it is but people better open their eyes and minds because disclosure is coming at some point. We aren't alone and never have been and I think there is a good side to this just as there is an evil side
