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Political Thread: The Sequel

241 AMERICAN Marines got killed and all you can say is how many others got killed. You sir are a special bread of Dbag.
Where is Lebanon on a map? Who are the Lebanese people? When were those marines killed? Where were they when they were killed? What was the geopolitics reality of the world and that region in 1983 that led to that attack? Who killed them? What was the aftermath? Let’s be real, you probably learned of the 1983 attack just now, how about doing some research to form an actual educated opinion . Especially on a matter that involves lives including those of Americans
well the way you said it was very Dbag ish. Go ask the 241 moms and dads who lost a child serving this country which gives you the right to be who you are if they care about others getting killed. You have a lot of growing up to do. Stay in your lane
How did Lebanon threaten American freedom in 1983?
Doesn't look like it's working but I'm sure that'll be fixed once she's in charge right? Border czar got it under control amirite
It's not working because the right always backs isreal and allows isreal to take lands that aren't theirs. Implementing a real 2 state system with borders and rules is the only way out of this.
I think Hitler tried that once.
Hitler was allowed by the world to keep taking land to grow Germany until they overstepped and took Poland. We won't allow Russia to take Ukraine but turn our heads for Israel? We shouldn't have a double standard. We made this mess after WW 2 when we gave them someone else's land and just don't want to admit we screwed up.
Hitler was allowed by the world to keep taking land to grow Germany until they overstepped and took Poland. We won't allow Russia to take Ukraine but turn our heads for Israel? We shouldn't have a double standard. We made this mess after WW 2 when we gave them someone else's land and just don't want to admit we screwed up.
It goes beyond that. They have since colonized outside of that granted land. This especially exploded last year after Netanyahu retook power. He installed settler proponents to his admin and they started taking more and more land away from the Palenstinians.

This article was several months before the October attack.

Wow! Who will take the credit for killing him? Biden should say Mrs. Harris did it! Victory for Islam and USA! 🇺🇸