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Pattern November Knock-Out

Euro must have been a real pissah! :(
That's usually a prelude to an arctic outbreak, I'm all in! Ten days after thunder in fall/winter, we get snow! Just ask Brick!


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Didn't make the projected high even though it was sunny all day. I was surprised at how cool it felt even midafternoon.
Understanding that folks hate links and prefer graphics, unfortunately posting a 15 day ensemble with all the members would take up pages. So, here you go: link, load and scroll - the 12Z GFS ensemble isn't giving up on us SE folks (there's always tomorrow for dispair, but for now, still hanging tough) ... (PSU doen't have the 18Z) ...


For example:



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Don't tell TN Storm! He's on that warm train, and it's about to come off the track! GB is the conductor and engineer! :)
your just to funny... lol... we will see.... i hope we have a great winter... whatever it is or going to be... going be a front loaded winter... next rosby wave to come through in the pacific. looks to boost this nina pretty good.... moderate nina looking more likely by january.... just being brutally honest.... hope for the best still
Understanding that folks hate links and prefer graphics, unfortunately posting a 15 day ensemble with all the members would take up pages. So, here you go: link, load and scroll - the 12Z GFS ensemble isn't giving up on us SE folks (there's always tomorrow for dispair, but for now, still hanging tough) ... (PSU doen't have the 18Z) ...


For example:



All I see is lots of blue in the East and South! Keep em coming!!
The only bad thing about the 18z was that it warms up after a while, but it did so in fantasy land so maybe that isn't there in this run haha.
sooner or later one of these cold snaps will verify

the Thanksgiving idea does get credit for being fairly consistent

and its fairly close to my freeze prediction for Dallas ;)