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Pattern November Knock-Out

My little Gainesville mini-wedge ... LOL so hard ...

Being from Ohio, and have worked in -15+ degree (that's without windchill) enviroments. A below 32 month just doesn't sound fun. At all. I am all for the snow down here, good times are had by all.
Yeah, I mostly hope for the impossible, lol. We had a Feb a few years back where it didn't get above 32 for something 10 days in 14, and that was Cold! A whole month would make you sit up and pay attention. Hard times ahead, lol. T
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I'm beginning to dislike summer as well. It's fun until about July 4th then it's just misery.

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They like it because they are kids and can run around half naked. When you get my age you get arrested for stuff that looks great when you are 20, lol. The older I get the less I can take summer too, but then cold feels colder too, so I don't know what's going on, lol, T
Seriously.... How did you survive before A/C ?
I remember when I was a kid, dying in the heat, laying right next to an open window, with no breeze, and no window fans...don't even know if they were invented. My grandmother had a small electric table fan from the 30's, but the rest of us did what my mother told me to do....think cool thoughts, lol. Didn't work for shi*, lol. T
Ended up not really getting that cold last night because it got cloudy and was windy. Still, high 40s and wind late in the morning made it nippy (the low was just 43).
AO trending - , PNA trending +, NAO trending -, this would suggest a stormy east coast with some snow after cold front passages across the Appalachian mtns and some snow across the northeastern US.

Even though the 8-14 outlook is suggesting drier than normal conditions across the majority of the east. I'd expect that to change on future outlooks from NOAA.

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