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Natural and World events ( non political stuff )

Papua new Guinea has now increased the potential number of victims in the massive landslide from 300 to 2k which is a big jump
Happy Roman Reigns GIF by WWE
Since the conspiracy thread is locked and if this ever proven this is world changing stuff.

Yes! The evidence for interdimensional beings is overwhelming. You should check out the Chris Bledsoe story. He is from Hope Mills and his story is amazing. His son sets up skywatches on Wrightsville Beach so people can witness the orbs he attracts. It is beyond mind blowing. This same Las Vegas sighting is what happened at the mall in Miami recently
Sandbar... are you familiar with this?

Yes. MDMA works but isn't the best psychedelic for PTSD in my opinion. The future is in Psylocibin and DMT especially 5-MEO DMT. These medicines are working miracles for people with PTSD, addiction, anxiety and depression. We build up blockages in our neural paths that these medicines unblock and put your neural pathways back in place. Think of it as a reboot that makes your phone or computer run better. Same thing at play here. Of course BIG PHARMA doesn't like you solving your issues with something that grows naturally because they want you hooked on there $%#$ poison. It's going to take millions of people educated about these miracles from earth to defeat them. Psylocibin will probably follow the path of cannabis as far as legality. If/when it does this country will actually have a massive awakening which the powers that be don't want. They want you controlled for eternity
Here is an interesting read from space weather .com Friday July 12,2024

SUPERSTORM TRIGGERED A MASS MIGRATION OF SATELLITES: Earth just experienced the biggest mass migration of satellites in history. On May 10, 2024, approximately 5000 spacecraft had to maneuver to maintain altitude, resisting a geomagnetic storm that was trying to pull them down. The event is described in a research paper just accepted by the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets.

Above: Black--number of maneuvering satellites; Blue--intensity of the storm​

"Most were SpaceX Starlink satellites," says William Parker of MIT, the paper's lead author. "Each satellite has a GNSS receiver as well as autonomous station-keeping and collision-avoidance capabilities. When they sensed the effects of the storm, thousands of the satellites made the decision to maneuver."

The need to migrate upward was caused by a sudden increase in satellite drag. Earth's atmosphere absorbed a huge amount of energy from the solar storm, causing it to puff up like a marshmallow held over a campfire. Tendrils of heated air reached into space and started dragging the satellites down.

"The superstorm's peak power was 2.63 TeraWatts," says Martin Mlynczak, who retired from NASA's Langley Research Center a month after the storm. Before he left, he used infrared data from NASA's TIMED spacecraft to estimate the amount of thermal energy dumped into the upper atmosphere. "It deposited enough energy to run my house for 10 million years (I average about 510 kWh per month)," he says.

Earth's atmosphere has been heated this much before, most recently during the Halloween storms of 2003. In those days, however, the satellite population was relatively low (fewer than 1000) and there was no mass migration.

Above: Number of payloads launched to Earth orbit per year.​

"The May 2024 geomagnetic storm was the first major storm to occur during a new paradigm in low Earth orbit satellite operations dominated by commercial small satellites," the authors wrote in their paper.

Thanks mainly to the advent of Starlink in 2019, Earth now has almost 10,000 active satellites--ten times the number in 2003. When a fraction of them unexpectedly decide to change course all at once, satellite operators must scramble to track them, making sure they don't collide. This creates a new and unprecedented risk for all satellites, even ones that don't move.

It's a problem that will only get worse in the years ahead. "Major storms are more likely throughout 2024-2025 during the peak of Solar Cycle 25," says Parker, "and the satellite population continues to grow."
Something earth shattering is going to happen to this planet in 2025 or 2026. Why and what don't know but I feel it. The earth is like a farm dog that has fleas. He drowns them in water or rolls in the dirt before he shakes them off. We have too many people on this planet......
Hope this doesn't get removed but I'm ok if it does. I was a sniper for 16 years of my military career. I have the best training in the world. There is absolutely NO WAY our secret service counter snipers didn't see him the minute he stepped on that roof. Something is terribly wrong here and the facts had better come out.
We need to hear from the sniper who took the kill shot and he had better be able to speak. If you notice the time between the last shot and the kill shot it's several seconds based on what I have seen. Multiple people in the crowd were screaming there was a shooter on the roof. If they saw him the sniper damn sure did. I don't know the secret service protocols fully but what prohibited that sniper from taking him out. That needs to be addressed NOW
This is incredible! No matter where you stand on this you can't deny it if you are being truthful with yourself. We aren't alone and never have been and they are closer to proving it is we can get. August will be huge for disclosure with Luis Elizondo's book imminent coming out and the James Fox documentary that is going to rock the disclosure world. At some point in the next 2 years (in my opinion) our government, another government or perhaps the Vatican or a private entity is going to break this open. These beings have already shown they can cut off our nuclear missile sites and won't allow us to destroy ourselves. Brush it off if you want to but at some point you have to face it and accept it. We have records of our ancient ancestors seeing these same things so it isn't our technology


It's time to accept it folks even if it bothers you to. Disclosure at any level will be the biggest event in our planets long history. If you noticed things just getting weirder and weirder there is a perfectly good explanation

If you are into the UAP phenomenon and have spotify premium go listen to Immenent: Inside the pentagons hunt for UFO's by Luis Elizondo. This is another huge step towards disclosure. I finished it this morning and it blew me away

We aren't alone........
You look at this entire video and tell me we are alone. We aren't. Are all these real? I don't know but you have to accept this at some point. That isn't our tech
