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May be?

Past couple days which were essentially supposed to be the start of the long well below normal stretch of weather ( at least for Raleigh) have turned out only seasonably below avg and much warmer than forecast.

Today was shown to be around 65-67 for high temps on models like the GFS as recently as yesterday, ended up being 72. While yesterday was shown at times to not even break 60! Ended up getting up to 73. Hopefully thats a sign that this is all way overdone. Fingers crossed here yall!
January in May? Who would have ever thought in a million years that it was possible to see Janaury weather in the middle of May at a time of year when sun angles are over 70 degrees at peak. A part of me just doesnt believe it will be that cold. Yall remember april 2007? This is 300 times worse .

Im sorry I just dont think its possible for Asheville to be 42 degrees at noon in middle of may with sun angles over 70 under 110% clear skies.

2020 just has a mind of its own.
Some last minute freeze warnings for NC tonight. You would have think a Watch would have been issued this afternoon during the snow.
Instead of bothering with something that's useless, I decided to start looking at KAGS weather history. May 2013 managed to have an average high of only 80ish. The summer that followed turned out to be not that brutal at all (especially compared to recent years).

Wonder if we can pull something like that again potentially, but lets see what happens during this cooler period. If it actually happens, only hitting 70 with full sun beating down sometime on the weekend will be very odd.
37F at KSPA for a morning low! That was only 2 degrees off the record, set in 1989
Over 50 wildfires in Florida now. They need a tropical system. Cat1 soaker.
Look at it this way if it’s cold. There is no severe weather. So I’d rather cold and stable weather then have hot unstable and Tornadoes!

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Look at it this way if it’s cold. There is no severe weather. So I’d rather cold and stable weather then have hot unstable and Tornadoes!

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Except that its May and its not like it can remain cold forever, plus as was mentioned by SD if I am not mistaken the existence of this cold protends a risk for severe weather around the time of pattern transition as cold/ warm air duke it out. To avoid severe weather you would want the warmer air to have been established with a summer pattern by now. Existence of this cold only delays the inevitable transition and severe risk it could bring with it.