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Pattern March Thread

GEFS really starting to blow up the phase 5-6/MC forcing idea again, pretty strong forcing signal on the VP maps E43407D1-CF9F-44D0-BFE0-5080D0B92FFE.png
DFW made it to an intra-hour high of 80*F again today. It was overcast through early afternoon before the clouds scattered out with the passage of the dry front
I put my boat in the water today. TVA was still spilling pretty good at Wilson Dam so the current was crazy and the wind was up so we couldn’t stay in the main lake but the creek was good. Just wish I could have caught a few fish but it was a nice day to be out.
Call me crazy but I'm looking forward to the wedge, clouds, rain this week then the big cool off. It may be our last round of winter type weather until next fall
I’d say next Sunday looks the most wintry day . 52/27 on the 10 day. Very wintry .