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March 18-19th Possible Severe Wx Outbreak

SPC wording tomorrow is pretty scary

This doesn't sound good at all.

...North Carolina/South Carolina/Georgia/Virginia/Florida...
A positively-tilted upper-level low will move into the Tennessee
Valley on Thursday as a 75 to 90 kt mid-level jet moves across the
Southeast and Carolinas. At the surface, a low will move eastward
into the central Appalachians. At 12Z, a warm front will be located
from northern Georgia eastward across northern South Carolina. This
boundary will move northward across central and eastern North
Carolina during the morning. To the south of this front, surface
dewpoints across the warm sector will be in the mid to upper 60s F.
As surface temperatures warm, a pocket of moderate instability is
expected to develop to the south of the warm front across eastern
North Carolina by late morning. Convective development will be aided
by the low-level jet. Severe thunderstorms associated with large
hail, wind damage and a tornado threat, is expected during the mid
morning hours.

Further to the west, a band of large-scale ascent associated with
the approaching upper-level system will overspread the central
Appalachians around midday. Thunderstorms are expected to initiate
just ahead of this band of ascent around midday and move eastward
into the Appalachian foothills during the early afternoon. Ahead of
the storms, the environment will consist of MLCAPE in the 2000 to
2500 J/kg range, 0-6 km shear of 50 to 60 kt and storm relative
helicities of 300 to 350 m2/s2. This will support intense supercell
development. Tornadoes, wind damage and large hail will be likely
with the stronger storms. A long-track tornado will be possible
along or in the vicinity of the warm front. The time of maximum
threat is forecast to be in the 18Z to 22Z time window. A regional
outbreak of severe storms, along with several significant tornadoes
are expected from discrete cells that develop across the warm sector
from central North Carolina southward across much of South Carolina.

Further to the southwest into Georgia, a line of strong to severe
thunderstorms is expected to move into the area form the west during
the morning. A corridor of moderate instability is forecast to
develop just ahead of this line by late morning with instability
continuing to increase through the afternoon. This line of storms
will have access to a strong low-level jet, extending northeastward
across south-central and eastern Georgia. the environment should
have MLCAPE of 1500 to 2000 J/kg along with 0-6 Km shear of 60 to 70
kt. This will be favorable for supercell and severe bowing line
segments. Supercells that form in the line may produce tornadoes,
wind damage and large hail. A potential for significant tornadoes
will exist with cells that form at the north end of gaps in the
line. This band of storms is expected to be accompanied by
widespread wind damage, moving across eastern Georgia and South
Carolina during the mid to late afternoon. Wind gusts of greater
than 65 kt will be possible with the more intense bowing line
segments. The southern part of the band may extend as far south as
the Florida Panhandle, where a severe threat will exist in the
morning and early afternoon.
Appears the wedge is trending stronger tomorrow morning on the HRRR, this could help/hurt
Appears the wedge is trending stronger tomorrow morning on the HRRR, this could help/hurt

Tough call for spc. Their wording is ominous and with future updates I could see them going high risk from say Columbia over greenville,sc and along the NC border just based on their wording.

Or the wedge wins and we are low 60s and cloudy with no time to destabalize.
Tough call for spc. Their wording is ominous and with future updates I could see them going high risk from say Columbia over greenville,sc and along the NC border just based on their wording.

Or the wedge wins and we are low 60s and cloudy with no time to destabalize.

If the wedge wins tomorrow, climo favored areas of the south-central coastal plain of NC are probably screwed.
Appears the wedge is trending stronger tomorrow morning on the HRRR, this could help/hurt

It’s going to screw us (in a bad way) in this area. Just based of tornado climatology and the fact that the CLT area is basically on the border- these areas have me the most concerned. Basically, draw a line from the beginning of the metro and continue moving it due east and south.

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Pretty much the same as the one issued overnight. I don't like how close that purple hatch area is to CLT. This is getting to close for comfort, IMO.
Even though it’s on the edge, Union county is now in that purple hatch area and it very worrisome when you have kids in school. As good as it is that the timing is not overnight, it could be very rough for Charlotte metro and east as school is dismissing
It’s going to screw us (in a bad way) in this area. Just based of tornado climatology and the fact that the CLT area is basically on the border- these areas have me the most concerned. Basically, draw a line from the beginning of the metro and continue moving it due east and south.

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Yeah it could mean that the metro gets a double hit tomorrow with the severe weather... first early in the morning as the wedge boundary fires up and then the afternoon as the front comes through
Yeah it could mean that the metro gets a double hit tomorrow with the severe weather... first early in the morning as the wedge boundary fires up and then the afternoon as the front comes through

That’s what I’m most concerned about. Brad P even alluded to this. Do I think CLT will be upgraded to high risk? No. I don’t think it’ll go that far. But with these setups, you never know. This could save areas to our north though. Like the Triad to around the western portions of the Triangle. We shall see.

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If we can ramp up the low-level shear ~25-50% vs what the models show right now, we'll have better parameter space than most big outbreaks around here imo. Slower CAD erosion would be something I'd root against if I was south of the Triangle because that if the wedge hangs around even a few hours longer than forecast, that'll greatly increase the shear + tornado threat