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Tropical Major Hurricane Michael

not EPS...maybe regular NAM?

I was just going based off that 06z EPS map above. I didn't know that product was available yet either. The 32KM NAM just ends up here at hour 84:

Is it too much to ask the NHC to plot additional points when a system is moving this fast? Their plots have it around Macon, Ga Wed am to over 600 miles NE off the Delmarva coast the next 24 hours....
EPS shifts West, 32KM NAM more East, lol.

Middle ground seems best, NHC has been okay with track forecast this season.. when it mattered for impacts at least.
The euro and Gfs will both be bad for Columbia and maybe even Charleston area? What’s anyone thoughts on these areas?
12z Nam follows Euro stay on further east and south track rides coastal Carolinas.
Newest Euro data suggest a westward shift, seems to be the trend today and seems reasonable considering strength of the atlantic ridge.
They only run the ensembles at 6 and 18z? I've never seen them before, that's great to know.
From what I can see, it looks like Michael is about to bomb out and RI quickly. Those clouds near the center already have cat 2 FL winds in them per recon, and I'm sure we will see an eye later today. The HWRF seemed to do a good job picking this up.

Yeah this convective burst should wrap around the eye the next few hours and then we probably will see it start clearing out after that. Probably tonight I'm thinking we start seeing a nice eye form.
NHC has it becoming a major now

Newest Euro data suggest a westward shift, seems to be the trend today and seems reasonable considering strength of the atlantic ridge.

What I was thinking but I always thought stronger hurricanes tend to track a little slower.

What's interesting is NHC has Michael at 84.9W. The GFS was west of 85W, about the closest model was UK.
I think the NAM is either drunk, or maybe well drunk...lol. NAM is now the furthers south/east model run so far. EURO is not quite that far. and by the looks of the EPS, 6z run (awesome!) it came back west a bit.
They only run the ensembles at 6 and 18z? I've never seen them before, that's great to know.

weathermodels has it just for tracking Michael it appears but doesn't have the Op yet. Stormvista is the only site I know of it that has it available.

Updated 6z EPS run. The UKmet is almost on top of the mean.

eps_michael (1).png
What I was thinking but I always thought stronger hurricanes tend to track a little slower.

What's interesting is NHC has Michael at 84.9W. The GFS was west of 85W, about the closest model was UK.
Unless squeezed between a ridge and digging trough?
Something that models may not pick up on yet but that I've noticed in the past... with an approaching trough in October it's been my experience that Gulf storms typically make the turn to the NE a little quicker than is forecast. I would give more weight to the east side of the track for now. Also FWIW the 12z ICON is coming in east some.
12z Icon shifted east also more inline with Nam, Euro. I don’t know something tells me not to give up the eastern idea just yet.
Anyone else notice the convection blob to the east of the storm? Pretty much feeding Michael moisture. Remind anyone of the other storms that had blobs? :confused: Also there is some nice outflow in the new cloud tops you can see on the northern end.
It's going to come down to speed of Michael .Faster, more influence of the ridge and slower it's going to push NE quicker because of incoming trof .today's model runs will be telling for sure