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Tropical Major Hurricane Michael

Taken verbatim, this would be a huge problem for the Florida panhandle.
18z ICON, has practically the same path as 12z Euro, but...landfall about 18 hours sooner than Euro and weaker at 969.

Whatever ... somebody's not gonna be happy ...
... and there's a funny feelin' about who that might could be ... :oops:

I’m thinking the death ridge will keep it far enough west of your area.

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Just checking back in and Michael looks to be getting closer to hurricane status. It looks like a faster forward motion for this storm would bring him closer to the a north central Gulf coast landfall vs a slower motion getting picked up by the trough moving down. Interestingly, Michael looks to be our catalyst for the overdue fall weather.
Michael is in the process of organizing an inner core and building an upper level outflow pattern. As the shear relaxes further it will be off to the races. Unfortunately intensity models are ramping up even more tonight. Some are bringing this near cat 4 for landfall with good agreement on cat 2.
Michael is in the process of organizing an inner core and building an upper level outflow pattern. As the shear relaxes further it will be off to the races. Unfortunately intensity models are ramping up even more tonight. Some are bringing this near cat 4 for landfall with good agreement on cat 2.
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At the moment, I believe a cat 3 is a reasonable strength to predict for landfall due to the situation. Only exception is if the shear decides to rip the west side apart more than expected. I'm sure there will be a lot of "That's the ugliest category 2 I've seen" comments from this storm if it stays slow.