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Tropical Major Hurricane Irma (Part 2)

Gonna have to turn more to the N and fast to stay on path
defiant ... and watch out somewhere ... the problem is, throw a dart ... admittedly, I for one suspected and said that the 11:00 would give some final guidance ... :confused:
Already bright white bands are showing up around the eye. It would surprise me if it stayed below a strong 3 or low 4. Looks like they bring it to a strong 3 near the keys.
Guys sometimes its just hard for these large hurricanes to restrengthen. I've seen it numerous times
I agree 100% with you. I just find it hard to believe it won’t strengthen atleat a little more than that
Given her current path and speed at 5-7 mph she is in some of the best fuel she has seen and i believe she will at least get back to a 4 if not a strong 4
me2...I will eat my words...but I would be super shocked if this only gains 5mph higher until landfall. Recon is already finding a stronger storm it appears.
I'm as clueless as you are. Irma keeps throwing curveball at us, and that forecast only makes people think it's all weakening from here. I swear if they find cat 4 winds again, everyone will panic more. If it verifies, I guess many will be eating crow. :confused:
Trust me guys I’m not bashing, I guess just trying to figure out why they think that
I'm as clueless as you are. Irma keeps throwing curveball at us, and that forecast only makes people think it's all weakening from here. I swear if they find cat 4 winds again, everyone will panic more. If it verifies, I guess many will be eating crow. :confused:

personally I think its a bit stupid to try and downplay... I already know people are gonna say "its only a 3"

just a really weird forecast to me

they also said it had concentric eyewalls reported by recon and used that as evidence it won't strengthen more but recon shows nothing of the sort?
personally I think its a bit stupid to try and downplay... I already know people are gonna say "its only a 3"

just a really weird forecast to me

they also said it had concentric eyewalls reported by recon and used that as evidence it won't strengthen more but recon shows nothing of the sort?

Agree with this. People in Irma's path posting "Hahahahaha? Only a 3?" jokes on Facebook boggles my mind. I hope you still think it's funny at this time tomorrow, but I'm guessing you won't.