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Tropical Major Hurricane Irma (Part 2)

Damn nasty run for Atlanta

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0z little farther W with the track than 12z so far

personally I think its a bit stupid to try and downplay... I already know people are gonna say "its only a 3"

just a really weird forecast to me

Always hoping and praying no one gets hurt - but if this plays out then the next time it is going to be a massacre, since no one on the peninsula will pay attention ... have evacuees around here already bitchin' about "Why?"
Always hoping and praying no one gets hurt - but if this plays out then the next time it is going to be a massacre, since no one on the peninsula will pay attention ... have evacuees around here already bitchin' about "Why?"
As far as I'm concerned they can shut their pie holes. Don't like it move back to Michigan or wherever. You live in freakin Florida, deal with it!:mad:
As far as I'm concerned they can shut their pie holes. Don't like it move back to Michigan or wherever. You live in freakin Florida, deal with it!:mad:
Including the Michigan folks? Oh well ... well maybe I can teach 'em collards ...
Seems to be some confusion on where the tropical storm watch is for ATL. Local news showed it included Cobb paulding Douglas but NWS site doesn't show that

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From the nws

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Agree with this. People in Irma's path posting "Hahahahaha? Only a 3?" jokes on Facebook boggles my mind. I hope you still think it's funny at this time tomorrow, but I'm guessing you won't.
Shuts people down very quickly when you tell them that Katrina "was only a 3" when it made landfall.
personally I think its a bit stupid to try and downplay... I already know people are gonna say "its only a 3"

just a really weird forecast to me

they also said it had concentric eyewalls reported by recon and used that as evidence it won't strengthen more but recon shows nothing of the sort?
agreed....recon showing a strengthening storm. or atleast lowering pressures so far.
Shuts people down very quickly when you tell them that Katrina "was only a 3" when it made landfall.

so true

I mean the water is probably gonna be the big story here anyway(when isn't it?) but I just feel like saying it will only be a 3 isn't going to help get people concerned about the potential of this. If this takes the right track and its really close to forecast to, Tampa's surge will be historic
I fully expect more of NGA to be under one tomorrow morning. It's just being issued phase by phase. They increased my winds to peak sustained at 40 and gusts to 60.

This feels unprecedented for my lifetime. Can't remember this any other time in my 27 years.

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Can someone post a wind map for north Georgia from the gfs?

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