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Tropical Major Hurricane Irma (Part 2)

so I guess we are going to bash the model that has smashed every other model so far? Yes it was off a bit, but it may not matter.
I'm not bashing any of the main models. They've all done great job with Irma. People need to keep in mind that models aren't a forecast. They are there for guidance for a forecaster to come up with a forecast. Model's won't be perfect.

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While we've been sitting here watching loops and models and planes and radars looking for the smallest inkling of movement the folks around Cardenas and Mantanzas Cuba have been getting absolutely hammered by this thing.
and some folks wanna know what's for IMBY as though it's upcoming orgasmic fun ... o_O
Out of Atlanta

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and some folks wanna know what's for IMBY as though it's upcoming orgasmic fun ... o_O
I agree. Sure all us weather nerds will track it all the way to my house in west Tn. but all that matters is Florida.
they found 115 mph surface winds already on recon I don't buy it won't strengthen
NHC is
they found 115 mph surface winds already on recon I don't buy it won't strengthen
NHC is super confusing me...So we just ignore ALL models deepening this...I honestly think it should get shoved a bit further east. I still favor a GFS/EURO blend.

NHC is

NHC is super confusing me...So we just ignore ALL models deepening this...I honestly think it should get shoved a bit further east. I still favor a GFS/EURO blend.

I'm not one to bash the NHC usually(they've been stellar here for this) but frankly this is the most bizarre forecast I've ever seen
I'm not one to bash the NHC but frankly this is the most bizarre forecast I've ever seen
me2...I will eat my words...but I would be super shocked if this only gains 5mph higher until landfall. Recon is already finding a stronger storm it appears.

NHC is

NHC is super confusing me...So we just ignore ALL models deepening this...I honestly think it should get shoved a bit further east. I still favor a GFS/EURO blend.
Ditto, and for my2¢ - this is too early to write off places that are now looking "safe" ... seen it too many times (Punta Gorda ring a bell a while back?)
so sat presentation is improving for sure, recon says about 2-3mb lower so far. I think if she can start to really improve then recon will be fun this go around.