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Tropical Major Hurricane Florence

Based on my quick analysis from Animal Kingdom, 950s seems awfully optimistic (weak) based on how long Florence is going to have under such a favorable setup.
Are you on the ride with the Yeti??
So Euro hits around holdon beach and gets shunted W towards CLT?
Ryan Maue | weathermodels.com‏Verified account @RyanMaue 4m4 minutes ago
Model guidance locked on SE North Carolina as a landfall location for Hurricane #Florence ... b/c of storm's size including a 200-mile margin puts a lot of coastline under threat of major hurricane conditions mainly on Thursday. ECMWF 12z update: (https://weathermodels.com )



Definitely was a shift west. Maybe SC is not of the Game.
I definitely would not let my guard down. Good to see the governor of S.C. is having a press briefing and not taking it lightly. I bet the Euro ensembles will stay south and west. Probably will see globals move to that once they recognize the strength of the ridge.
12Z Euro pounds NC Triad to Triangle with 8-12" of rain! 0Z was concentrated near Triangle and further east.
Max gusts on the Euro, my house gets obliterated by 115 mph + gusts, Raleigh, Greensboro, & Charlotte all experience hurricane force gusts. Widespread power outages if this panned out, areas south & east of Raleigh could be in serious trouble if this occurred.

So, Flo going over the Triad instead of over the Triangle would actually be worse for the Triangle, right?
Good news is this run is much faster once inland vs previous runs where it just sat there for days

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Eric, do you think the Euro may be a bit too strong with the ridging and we see more of a N curl once inland, like the UK and FV3 GFS?
I definitely would not let my guard down. Good to see the governor of S.C. is having a press briefing and not taking it lightly. I bet the Euro ensembles will stay south and west. Probably will see globals move to that once they recognize the strength of the ridge.

Agreed. Gotta keep watching that track, atleast for the next little while, Florence will not strengthen much if at all. Dry air is still causing issues.
Max gusts on the Euro, my house gets obliterated by 115 mph + gusts, Raleigh, Greensboro, & Charlotte all experience hurricane force gusts. Widespread power outages if this panned out, areas south & east of Raleigh could be in serious trouble if this occurred.
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Stay safe ... if this pans out ... you and everyone else stay safe ... and when some old Curmudgeon says "I feel the pain", please understand it's true ... damn I wish y'all were not facing this and maybe, just maybe, it's a blip and won't happen ...
18z best track up to 70kt

AL, 06, 2018090918, , BEST, 0, 244N, 567W, 70, 978, HU

Lat 24.4 means straight west last 3 hours. On NHC track pretty much.