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Tropical Major Hurricane Florence


Yeah much closer in than 12z
Looking back at it, the GFS and Euro are really similar with the stall and the location of the stall. The Euro makes landfall further west but stalls at the same latitude as the GFS. Seems like were getting agreement on a stall.
Looking back at it, the GFS and Euro are really similar with the stall and the location of the stall. The Euro makes landfall further west but stalls at the same latitude as the GFS. Seems like were getting agreement on a stall.

One thing we can hope for is Florence slows down even more and allows the stall to happen sooner, away from the coastline.
Wow, the GFS has it coming back south and then going further inland.
45 inches of rain near Hatteras and its not even done
about the only, and only, thing good about that is there's a big place to run off in to; can you imagine 45" at the top of the Cape Fear? Jeeze, all of coastal NC would be under water and Wilmington would float away ...
Some dropsondes went into the gfs. There will be more to come with the evolution of the ridge not yet determined. 18z was a shift to the left. This may not be the last shift left