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Tropical Major Hurricane Florence

Did I mistakenly eat a strange mushroom, or is this in reverse?
I guess I shouldn't ask
Haha sorry. Joking aside it's not an ideal setup to bring cooler weather to the SE. To really an enhance cooler weather in the eastern and southern US we would need a trough picking the system up. In this case we have a ridge building over top. Down the road in 10+ days florence might get captured by a trough and cooler weather be enhanced in the lakes, northeast and maybe mid atlantic

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Haha sorry. Joking aside it's not an ideal setup to bring cooler weather to the SE. To really an enhance cooler weather in the eastern and southern US we would need a trough picking the system up. In this case we have a ridge building over top. Down the road in 10+ days florence might get captured by a trough and cooler weather be enhanced in the lakes, northeast and maybe mid atlantic

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Thanks man, I'm just ready for some cooler weather. Aren't we all lol.
GFS still gonna miss most of the coast it seems, maybe New England?
Yep. Gfs got really excited about the trough with the Gordon remnants and dampened the ridge off of the EC and forced it a bit SE this allowed for a recurve even in the face of rapidly rising heights in the eastern US

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GFS actually east of the 12z now lol, misses the coast entirely maybe?
It may be far enough north on the gfs at 174 to get kicked out. If not this run is a slow loop with possibly a second run at the EC

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Gfs is about to go bombs away in the north atlantic. Strong jet incoming and florence just sitting there

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Gfs is about to go bombs away in the north atlantic. Strong jet incoming and florence just sitting there

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Like 1991 “perfect storm” boom?
Like 1991 “perfect storm” boom?
It actually tied the system up into a front and strings it out. Still a strong system getting into the Canadian maritimes but nothing excessive. The net result of the whole construct and interaction is an omega block over the north Atlantic and a pseudo -nao.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
It actually tied the system up into a front and strings it out. Still a strong system getting into the Canadian maritimes but nothing excessive. The net result of the whole construct and interaction is an omega block over the north Atlantic and a pseudo -nao.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Need that pseudo -NAO to stay put til mid March :cool:
94EB54A1-8CF7-4EAC-ACC6-9E72336F180B.png Anybody know this guy?? I hope the effects of his tweets, don’t affect the outcome!:D