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Pattern June 2024

Nice HEAVY Shower(s) in the AO from 11:30~12PM today.. Moving Inland..

Famers just Inland are getting a reprieve.. (Hampstead)..

Though now, It's a steam bath outside..
84F w/a dew of,, 72 Humidity.. 65%..

Sauna outside..
too Add.. @Shaggy..

Despite those showers, yesterday AND Today..
Dig into the soil, or leaf Piles/ or pine Straw the "Surface is damp down too a few 8's of a inch, , though, underneath, is dry,, dry,, dry.
Yeah the showers aren't moving too much today it seems. Most of it is NE of my house
The tale of two regions

Woke up to upper 70s temps with a dp of 75 in Wilmington. Walked outside at 7:45 and it was air you could wear. Disgusting to say the least. It's dry and crunchy here for sure.

Left and started my way to Greenville and somewhere around Wallace to buelaville it got way worse drought wise. Corn was much more stunted and dead. Everything is brown and dying. The temp was higher but DP was lower. Literally like being in an hot dry oven.

Everyone says a dry heat is better but we get a great Seabreeze in the afternoons and even if the temps don't cool down much we get that wind relief. It was just straight oven baking hot in @Downeastnc And @WeatherNC neck of the woods today.
The air is just so dry here still at 62.2F and 39%. Dewpoints to the north are well into the 70s, to the south and east they are in the 70s and 80s.