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Pattern July

Holy Moly, 98 with 104 HI at 4 PM at Hunter Field, near SAV, which are both just about the highest in the entire SE. Not quite as hot as the hottest of the May heatwave yet but higher dewpoints bringing the HI a few degrees higher than May for the most part. Walking must be inside. Thank goodness for AC!
Holy Moly, 98 with 104 HI at 4 PM at Hunter Field, near SAV, which are both just about the highest in the entire SE. Not quite as hot as the hottest of the May heatwave yet but higher dewpoints bringing the HI a few degrees higher than May for the most part. Walking must be inside. Thank goodness for AC!


Currently: pouring rain!! ?????????????????
Liking this only for the map, not the high HI. Thanks for posting that. A pic is worth a thousand words.
I just checked my home therm at 4:30 PM and sure enough it was 97.5 with no cooling seabreeze yet and mainly sunny with only a few cumulus.
I'm liking it for the like ... :eek:
RaIn ChAnCeS
The setup is looking nice from as early as late Wednesday through Sunday with the area on the northern expanse of the ridge early then on the southern edge of the trough late. Plenty of disturbances to move through if I miss out on this then I just give up

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
The setup is looking nice from as early as late Wednesday through Sunday with the area on the northern expanse of the ridge early then on the southern edge of the trough late. Plenty of disturbances to move through if I miss out on this then I just give up

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

Hopefully you can get a good soaking rain, good luck ?? Those setups could favor some strong afternoon storms aswell
The setup is looking nice from as early as late Wednesday through Sunday with the area on the northern expanse of the ridge early then on the southern edge of the trough late. Plenty of disturbances to move through if I miss out on this then I just give up

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

Yeah business looks like it'll pick up again in 2-3 days.
download - 2019-07-01T100912.911.png
Yeah business looks like it'll pick up again in 2-3 days.
View attachment 20719

We might get lucky here in western NC tomorrow with a weak lee trough, while NAM is likely overdoing instability, I don’t see how storms would die off in this environment, nam/hrrr did the same thing yesterday were they killed of storms to soon), but 500mb temps are definitely warmer, as for severe wx, ofc with large Dcape/mid level drying some isolated downbursts could occur 1D7B115A-7FD5-4687-B96A-D1BDACF96C66.jpeg34CF9198-DCFA-475E-A89E-5A2C97017F6A.pngEC1B1D5D-5734-4902-B749-41D2150BB04D.jpeg
The setup is looking nice from as early as late Wednesday through Sunday with the area on the northern expanse of the ridge early then on the southern edge of the trough late. Plenty of disturbances to move through if I miss out on this then I just give up

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
If nothing else you'll probably have a good light show at times each night
We might get lucky here in western NC tomorrow with a weak lee trough, while NAM is likely overdoing instability, I don’t see how storms would die off in this environment, nam/hrrr did the same thing yesterday were they killed of storms to soon), but 500mb temps are definitely warmer, as for severe wx, ofc with large Dcape/mid level drying some isolated downbursts could occur View attachment 20720View attachment 20721View attachment 20722

Synoptic-scale descent & lack of large-scale forcing, low background relative humidities, fairly meh mid-level lapse rates, and weak deep layer shear will be impediments to getting long-lasting t'storms.
Synoptic-scale descent & lack of large-scale forcing, low background relative humidities, fairly meh mid-level lapse rates, and weak deep layer shear will be impediments to getting long-lasting t'storms.

Yep, unfortunately they will be very pulse like, probably gonna be that one isolated storm that looks like it’s gonna hit you, then collapses just after it develops, but yeah that those not so good lapses between 500-700mb will be a issue and the nam typically has dew points to high, so the boundary layer will likely be more mixed out then it shows
Storms will probably be very isolated in nature around here like they have been 99% of the time the past few years.
I just realized I caught the “life cycle” of lightning
1. Leader bout to hit the ground BA407E31-F559-440C-BC61-A173954BC5C6.jpeg
2. Leader hits the ground (CTG lightning)
2 return strokes of lightning A27B1A0C-5CB5-4E6A-8598-B0927B984BEA.jpeg0587A867-EF53-4AEB-A69D-5BB5051976FA.jpeg
Conclusion - i wouldn’t want to get hit by that, leader then return strokes would electrify you, many people think it’s one strike then boom, but there’s more to it, note this was from the storm anvil, which can often have positive lightning, which is even more stronger