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Pattern July '22

More needs to be done for some folks for sure. But this was a significant blow to the drought and will reduce severity and shrink it area wide for many.
I'm not drought expert by any means. But I do know there is way more to erasing one than total rainfall. Wasn't the drought in Eastern NC pushing the severe category? If so that's going to take months to erase. Big rains run off into streams and drainage and doesn't help the groundwater as much as steady soaking rain. It's probably going to take a tropical system or two moving slowly to over that area to reverse it.
I'm not drought expert by any means. But I do know there is way more to erasing one than total rainfall. Wasn't the drought in Eastern NC pushing the severe category? If so that's going to take months to erase. Big rains run off into streams and drainage and doesn't help the groundwater as much as steady soaking rain. It's probably going to take a tropical system or two moving slowly to over that area to reverse it.
That is all very true, however keep in mind that the area that had the most expansive area of severe drought was in a region that is a lot of flatter land so the run off issue is not nearly an issue as it is back further west. Another thing is that I was looking back at last summer and it’s interesting that many areas were running very dry in late May and June and completely reversed that trend the rest of the summer. Some parts of eastern NC went from 10-15” deficits to 10-15” surplus’ within a matter of weeks. It will be interesting to see if things follow a similar look the rest of this summer and if there are more tropical systems to deal with as we get further into the season
Been getting some really good rains for the better part of the afternoon, definitely making up for the storms we missed out on over the week.

Gotta say, the cool rainy weather feels great after last few weeks.
Just out of curiosity… how often is it for DFW to see 80 degree plus lows? It seems like you guys haven’t been below 80 in a couple weeks, and that’s not something I’ve ever noticed before this year

Not sure about the average, but we've had 14 days with a low 80 degree or greater so far. To crack the top 10, we will just need 4 more days.

The greatest number of days ever was 55 in 2011, and the record number of consecutive days (which may be in Jeopardy) was 14 in 1998.

EDIT: The last time DFW had a low below 80°F this streak was 7/2.
One last relevant point about the 80°F+ lows in DFW:

1980 and 2011 are frequently noted as being the 2 hottest summers here in record.The big difference though is that 1980 only had 22 days with lows at/above 80°F, while 2011 had well over double that number.

I'm sure the fact that DFW had more than doubled in size from 1980 to 2011 played a huge factor in that, as the urban heat island greatly expanded.

With DFW posied to surpass Chicago in size and become a megacity in the 2030s, I fully expect the frequency and streaks of 80°F+ lows to increase with time.
Amazing April day . Coldest July high in 21 years . Yippe
Wow. One cool day out of the next 90 or more not to mention what we have already had and still pretty humid out today. Hope we have more cooler days like this down the road this summer. I need to move to some place like Embarrass MN in the winter time and I would if I could really and you need to move to some place like Key West Fl it sounds like and I would never be disappointed in the winter and you would never be disappointed year round but in the winter down there you might have some highs in the upper 60s like today once or twice a winter.
Wow. One cool day out of the next 90 or more not to mention what we have already had and still pretty humid out today. Hope we have more cooler days like this down the road this summer. I need to move to some place like Embarrass MN in the winter time and I would if I could really and you need to move to some place like Key West Fl it sounds like and I would never be disappointed in the winter and you would never be disappointed year round but in the winter down there you might have some highs in the upper 60s like today once or twice a winter.
You think you can handle embarrass ? They get summer time frosts and freezes even at times . Boreal climate . I’m fine here . Bad days happen.
Under this frontal inversion, I've logged a 77.0°F (25.0°C) high at my PWS today...with the light rain and mist, it's looked more like a cloudy fall day than July.
You think you can handle embarrass ? They get summer time frosts and freezes even at times . Boreal climate . I’m fine here . Bad days happen.
I know. That's why I would want to move there. I wear shorts and t shirts around here year round and even in the ❄️ when we get lucky enough to get any around here.